
   Jiang Fenhua (Gelato)

Age : 21
December 15 2001
sign :Sagittarus 
Status : Trainee ( 8 years)
Personaitly : Sweet, and caring, blunt 
Nicknames: Gelato, Ice cream, Fen , Fennie, lion
Family : Kamrin (Cousin)

Since he was a young kid his family always wanted him to follow his dream within reason, so when he said at the age of six he wanted to become a preformer his parents signed him up for singing and dancing lessons, along with korean launguage class as well. The only thing his family as for in return was for him to take the classes seriously and to not goof or slack in his regular classes. Having fun in his music lessons and Korean classes he knew he was on the right path.  He did as his parents asked making friends and even finding himself having a pen pal from korea to help him pratice writing and reading.  He wanted to prove to his parents they were not making a mistake pouring what little money his family had to his dreams. By the time he turned thirtheen years old he audtioned for lotus entertaiment where he is to this day, having moved from China to Korea. He hopes to one day debut and show his family how far he has come and hopefully send some of the money back to them. 
He recently got a call from his cousin saying he was landing in Korea in two hours as he scrambles to find a way to pick him up.

Hello~ I am fairly active here at the moment but it is subject to change at any moment so feel free to hit me up to rp whenever :D

Rules :
Do not poke unless three days have passed 
Please warn me ahead of time if we are doing anything triggering please