Personal Message

Full name. Lee Soohyuk

Timezone. GMT -6

Hobbies: You can find him with his nose in a book, ignoring any and everyone. He also enjoys expensive things and sneaking away from the mansion to stalk prey especially.

Traits: Moody individual with nothing but attitude. He tends to want things when he wants them and disregards any orders given to him in preference of defiance. His wolf genetics tend to create a sense of entitlement as he considers himself a certified pack leader

Flaws: Problems with authority, hot tempered, reclusive at times, likes to be difficult. He can also be possessive and jealous when provoked.

Species: Wolf

uality. Biual

Position. Dom & Top

Either Mono or Poly

Available for: ALL

★ jessica jung Feb 28, 2024 21:53:04 Reply History 

and you have a big nose.