lucy hwang.
hwang yeji is also known as lucy hwang by her english name, she's itzy's leader, main dancer, lead vocalist and sub rapper. her mbti is esfj with her representative animal being a cat, her personality is quite like one as well.
yeji 's hometown is wansan, jeonju, south Korea. she has an older sister. she became a trainee in 2016 and trained for 3 years before debuting. she has a sweet tooth, so she loves snacks and chocolates a lot. her favorite color is black and she thinks she pulls it off pretty well. she's the second tallest member of her group. yeji has a puppy name hongsam which she posts regularly on social media. yeji loves how the guitar sounds when being played and would love to learn how to play in the near future.
in between busy schedules with itzy's popularity rising and their world tour and the likes - yeji tends to volunteer in her free time, teaching special needs children how to dance, working with the kids who have adhd and autism. it's a trying task, since their level of understanding are different from hers when she was a kid their age, but it's such a beautiful, learning experience, something she surely hopes would bring her pure happiness as it brings to the kids in the long run. she loves helping people and animals and the kids she work with are part of her lifeline.
coming to this place was needed for a breath of fresh air and she wishes to meet others who are like her, find out what other secrets her idol friends may have under their sleeve as well. she's hoping to have a fun, carefree time, away from the cameras and action.
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