Personal Message
the daily prophet
made by 線軸
made in
kalispell, montana, u.s.a
ilvermorny + hogwarts
born in
february 3rd, 1998 (26)
alec green*
the daily prophet
page one
basic info
back ground
by: alec greenwood

Originally born to the noble House of Briar in Yorkshire, Alec was meant for excellence, to be the creme of the crop. Maybe even master of death or supreme mugwump level. His mother and father were prolific wizards in the art of casting curses, as well as being cursebreakers. However, he didn’t recall spending much time with them.

In fact, the most time he spent was wrapped up in a swaddle, held close to his mother’s as she narrowly evaded the storm brewing in their household. Before his imprisonment in Azkaban (on three counts of murder towards two other wizards and a muggle), his father showed erratic behavior, verbally abusing his mother as they engaged in spats regarding his involvement with the Death Eaters.

For their own safety, his mother took her children away from him, and gave them up for adoption surreptitiously. Before he turned a year old, he was taken in by the Greenwoods, a No-Maj family who descended from scourers, and taken into their house in Kalispell, Montana. docile and warm-hearted on the outside, they appeared to be harmless outsiders who just wanted an abandoned child under their care.

Unbeknownst to his knowledge, they sniffed out the pure blood magic coursing through his veins, and planned to use him as a key to the world of magic. Compared to Muggles in Britain, No-Maj’s showed more suspicion and attunement to the existence of magic, despite the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. As shrewd as his adoptive parents were, they cultivated a healthy environment to practice his magic, in the open fields stretching for miles, overseen by the high peaks of the mountains.


A city in northwest Montana, and a gateway to Glacier National Park. It is encompassed by 2.3 million acres of federally protected land. The town is the ultimate outdoor adventure mecca.

Despite only living there for the first seven years of his life, he vividly remembered biking and going sledding on the vast land, as well as tending to the ranches his adoptive family owned. Truly enriched by the scenery.

the daily prophet
page three

Moving to Nashville then to Boston, he enrolled at Ilvermorny at the young age of 10 under the horned serpent house. however, he was expelled for his extreme experiments, even receiving comments that he was “Durmstrang’s leftover trash” rotting the school.

Despite his history, however, he managed to transfer to Hogwarts at 14 and sorted in the house of Slytherin, even playing as a seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team. He eventually continued to play professionally in the British National Quidditch Team.

As skilled as he was, Greenwood also received some criticism for not being a team player, from both managers and watchers alike. In 2021, the murder of Jean Whitby was falsely blamed on their house elf, through a lethal poison infused in his breakfast. Consequently, another person (unnamed woman) was found dead in an unnamed alley. Authorities discovered a pearl necklace worn around her neck, suspiciously “charmed”. Moments before her death, she suffered excruciating pain.

Through his dark art experiments, these were considered a success, inspired by the dark lords preceding his time. But as suspicion arose within the public, he eventually left the team in 2022, citing a life threatening injury preventing him from the sport, a completely honest excuse. Instead of taking steep steps for his plan, he decided to infiltrate the British Ministry of Magic through the Department of Mysteries at level 9.

the daily prophet
page four
basic info
person ality
by: alec's mom

INTJ – The Architect Like other INTJs, Alec is a perfectionist. Skeptical, decisive, and discerning, it is hard to fool him. Not that he was one to excessively beat himself up for minor mistakes, but he was goal oriented and focused on securing wealth and prestige for the long run. While he had a number of friends, he was self-sufficient and rarely sought validation from others.

Enneagram 5w4 – The Iconoclast Alert, insightful, and curious about the world around him. Withdrawn, he often steps back and assesses not only the world around him but his own self and his relation to it. He is often motivated by his thoughts when making decisions, and despite his self-centredness, he is rather cerebral in this thought process. Along with his rationality, is the eccentricity in his interests and hobbies. Alec deeply studies various texts, and aims for a deep understanding in subjects when he desires to.

Moral Alignment: Neutral evil.

the daily prophet
page five
about author*

He currently works as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries (in which office? he is not allowed to disclose), while pursuing Dark Arts. Alec was also an ex-professional Quidditch player for the British National Quidditch Team.


WAND: 11” 3/4 long, made of acacia wood, dragon heartstring core The length of a wand reflects not only his stature but his great power and potential. Acacia is very unusual but subservient in its relationship to its owners, refusing to produce any magic from those not their wielder. It is more subtle in its quality of magic, the flashier effects intended for other types of wood.

PATRONUS: Lynx. Learned to cast his Patronus at the young age of eleven. Shares the same reflective eyes as Alec, and can remain cool, calm, and collected even in the most stressful of times.

TRIVIA: He has a low tolerance for butterbeer, prefers the taste of Negroni and vodka. Common scents he used are Tam Dao and Black Orchid. Style: business-casual at work, relaxed and laidback. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Cowboy style for Montana. Also sports a blood oath pendant hanging around his neck. Wizarding supremacy > pureblood elitism. (tw here) Had a pet pig named Squealer, then it passed away due to natural causes. At the age of 8, he attempted necromancy to revive it but things went awry.

FAMILY LORE: House of Briar is a noble house for pureblood wizards, specializing in dealing with curses, breaking or casting them, originated in Yorkshire. Down the line, they began to conceal their venures in more covert places, such as quaint jewelry shops and pattisseries, as fronts for meetings with other dark wizards. The Greenwoods descended from the Scourers in New England, who were originally bounty-hunters. They moved westward each succeeding generation, and don't hold the same fear for magic compared to other Scourer descendants. In Montana and Wyoming, they own ranches and home and ranch supply stores (from clothing, tools, and boots).

the daily prophet
page six
astra pendrich
the right one

status: negative
relation: romantic
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

henri la lune
the goon

status: positive
relation: platonic
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

bella arcana
the guidance

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
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name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

name here

status: tbd
relation: tbd
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vol elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

the daily prophet
page seven
about user

If you scrolled down this far, hi! Strong angst lover here, though I’m not too keen on being picky towards genres. You can just address me by my username or character name. Associated with Nimbus RP, not affiliated with KQ or Choi San irl.


1. Do not poke me, ever. My replies are forever sporadic, and if that’s not your style, we don’t have to RP. 2. I strictly write in 3rd, first or script feels limiting to me. 3. My character in chat rooms will diverge from their personality in threads. 4. Don't force endgames, past romantic connections are fine however. 

gmt -8 // 3rd pov // 21+