Personal Message

cassian lee - shops - pending.
jia shin - classroom - replied.
nari boo - private messages - replied.

❛ ✿ — basic information.
﹥D.O.B : August 13, 2000
﹥Zodiac Sign : Leo
﹥Place of Birth : Seoul, South Korea
﹥Current Residence : Lavande, France
﹥Known Languages : Korean, French, English
﹥Moral Alignment : Neutral Good
﹥SNS : @hanfarms (business)
﹥SNS : @h.yujin (personal)

﹥Faceclaim : NCT Na Jaemin
﹥Height : 5'10" (177cm)
﹥Hair Color : Dark Brown
﹥Eye Color : Brown
﹥Body Modifications : [tbd]
﹥Notable Characteristics : [tbd]
﹥Dress Style : [tbd]
❛ ✿ — history.
childhood : fresh fruit summers
coming soon...

- born in south korea but moved to lavande, france when he was four years old
- his grandparents are both fully korean and moved to france in their late teens/early 20s to farm. his father was born in france, but lived in south korea for several years to work and met yujin's mother. they stayed in south korea initially before deciding to move to lavande to be closer to yujin's grandparents.
- has always been a grandmother's boy since he was very young. his parents were often busy so he would stay at his grandparents' house a lot, leading to him developing a close relationship with his grandmother.
- yujin would dream big as a child at the encouragement of his grandparents. he wanted to be a surgeon, a teacher, an astronaut, etc. before he finally realized his true dream in late middle school: he wanted to act.
- he would participate in school plays and practice acting in his free time, hoping to get into a performing arts college one he graduated high school.
- when he wasn't at school or practicing his acting yujin was helping around on the farm. he learned a lot from his grandparents and the other farmhands that worked for them, and developed an appreciation for farming. it also lead to him being a bit snobbish about ingredients used for cooking: fresh is best! (most of the time)
adulthood : wishes to stop growing
coming soon...

[ tw: mentioned death of a family member ]

- his grandmother's health began to deteriorate when he was in late high school, and for a couple years it went up and down. yujin was ready to put his dreams aside to stay with his grandparents and take care of her, but she was healthy enough at the time and convinced him to attend the performing arts college he had been accepted to. for three years yujin went to school part-time, making the long commute between the city and lavande to help out on his grandparents' farm.
- when he was 21 his grandmother died. he didn't know about this until a week later, because his family chose not to tell him since he was going through exams at the time. he still has yet to fully forgive them over this.
- his grandmother's death broke him. he couldn't bring himself to go to class anymore or take care of himself. his family had to come and take him home when his roommate contacted them about how terrible he was faring. for a year yujin walked around like a ghost, questioning all the choices he had made, what he could have done differently, why she had to die so soon, etc.
now : home is you
coming soon...

- eventually, yujin was able to heal (though not completely) and get himself back on his feet.
- however, he refused to go back to his performing arts school in the city. instead, he moved in with his grandfather and decided he would stay to help on the farm. his grandfather tries to convince him every month to finish his degree, but yujin firmly (but gently) tells him that he's made up his mind.
- in reality, yujin still dreams of becoming an actor. he knows it's what his grandmother would have wanted. she was always so delighted to see him on stage, to see him doing the thing he loved. but each time he thinks about going back his throat tightens and his heart seizes, because the last time he was gone, she died, and he didn't know about it.
- yujin will make one or two deliveries to the university each week on behalf several farmers in lavande. sometimes he'll stay at the university for a few more hours, practicing lines from auditions he's signed up for. (he won't return to school, at least not yet, but he's still trying to become an actor in his own way. but perhaps he's not trying too hard since he doesn't want to leave his grandfather alone.)
❛ ✿ — personality & details.
Sunny days, rainy days, peaches, chocolate mousse, kimchi jeon, movies (the more obscure the better), his family, his friends, physical labor, smiling, cooking, loose T-shirts.
Strawberries, vanilla-scented chapstick, papercuts, lying (includes omission), reality television, white light, not getting enough sleep, when people bring up the topic of him going back to school.
He reads the old romance/ novels that were part of his grandmother's collection (first it was to connect with her, but now he actually has favorites that he likes to reread). He had a significant other when he was going to college, but kept it from his family because the relationship was so new at the time; and then when his grandmother died their relationship faded as Yujin didn't even say goodbye when his family took him back home.
He likes to pinch people's cheeks when he finds them cute. There are times when he struggles with character bleed if he becomes too attached/obsessed with a character he is trying to portray. When he eats sandwiches he doesn't bite into them and eat everything all at once; he picks off each individual item and eats them separately, then finishes off with the bread.
Become a successful actor (he really wants to star in a thriller as the villain, and in a romantic comedy). Find someone to taste test his cooking outside of his family and friends. Spend as much time with the people he loves as he can, even if it means chaining himself down to Lavande for the rest of his life.
coming soon...!
❛ ✿ — connections.
best friend
Someone that Yujin grew up alongside with in Lavande and also one of the few people that truly understands him.
❛ ✿。 OPEN
Someone that Yujin dated for a brief period when he was 21 and still going to college. He essentially ghosted them after his grandmother died.
❛ ✿。 OPEN
Someone that Yujin is friends with and views as a younger sibling, always pinching their cheeks and calling them cute. However, this person actually has a crush on him, and hasn't said a word about it to Yujin, fearing that confessing will compromise their friendship.

- preferably younger (between 21-23)
- preferably male bc yujin, while omniual, has a preference for men
❛ ✿。 name here
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
❛ ✿ — scenarios.
mistaken identity
*jia shin
"Did you think I would forget our little game?" he asks, cold laughter bouncing off the walls.
humor, misunderstandings
student or staff preferred
Whenever Yujin has a little bit of extra time after making deliveries to the université he'll practice lines from his scripts in one of the empty rooms available. It helps him focus more than if he was at home, and he also wants to keep it a secret from his grandfather a little while longer. You happen to be passing by and hear Yujin on the phone as he's threatening someone, playing the part of a "psycho stalker" - you think it's real, and now you worry that Lavande has a potential dangerous criminal/killer on the loose.

*Ideally, your character tries to investigate on their own before possibly going to the police. Yujin doesn't know why they're being so weird whenever he happens to notice them. Just some silly shenanigans as your character tries to get him to confess, and Yujin doesn't find out until later that they thought he was a genuine stalker/killer.
dirt cakes
"No, that doesn't-" Yujin watches on in fascinated horror. "You're doing it wrong!"
humor, trying new things, slice of life
student only
As part of one of your classes at the université you must visit a nearby farm for several sessions to learn about planting and farming. The Han Family Farm has been part of the université's program of farms willing to host for years. Yujin's grandfather or one of the other farmhands used to assist any students, but now that Yujin is here he's decided to help. He might start regretting that when he realizes you have the opposite of a green thumb.
bad break
"!" The sharp, white-hot pain in his arm has Yujin doubling over and panting harshly.
serious injury, hurt/comfort, friendship(?)
TRIGGER WARNING: description of broken bone, blood mention, heavy injury

There are times when Yujin pushes himself a little too hard. He doesn't want to bother the other farmhands if he can help it, and he always jumps at the chance to take care of something for his grandfather if the man can't do it himself (either due to old age or Yujin not wanting the man to potentially get hurt). This is, of course, at risk of Yujin himself getting hurt. One day while most of the farm is empty Yujin is working on a piece of machinery in the barn when it slips and falls, and crushes his left arm. You happen to either be a) near the area when this occurs and hear him yelling, or b) nearby the farm and find him after Yujin has managed to wrench himself free, trying to get to the hospital with blood dripping down his arm and a bone sticking out from his skin.
"Quote goes here."
genres & requirements
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
❛ ✿ — out of character.
part one : introduction
Hi! My name is Melo; you can call me by that or by my character(s) names. I live in GMT-5/EST and you'll mostly see me at random times throughout the day. I do work part-time (hoping to get a full-time job soon), so I'm not always available.

If you're interested in plotting or making a connection between our characters, please read the rest of this section!
part two : preferences
POV & Length: I only use 3rdPOV. My replies can vary in length from semi to para to novella. I do my best to mirror, but don't feel pressured to do the same as long as you give me something I can work with.
Note: Attempting to get back into using detailed 1stPOV, though 3rdPOV is still preferred.

Reply Speed: Just going to be upfront and say I'm a slow replier. Sometimes I can reply right away, but more often than not it might take me a few days. If you prefer a faster pace I may not be the best writing partner.

Plotting & Winging: I prefer plotting since it gives me more confidence in my threads, but I am open to winging as well (and sometimes prefer it when my brain is being finicky). Sometimes I post random starters, so if they haven't been claimed by someone else feel free to respond!

Location: Rooms > Walls & Private Messages. I typically reserve private messages for OOC discussions, and rarely roleplay on walls unless I feel the need for our thread to be a little more hidden.
part three : boundaries
Please do not "poke" me for a response. I don't make a habit of forgetting replies, and it's more likely that I'm busy or struggling with my muse. That being said, if it's been more than two (2) weeks you can reach out to me.

If you plan to include any rated M or potentially triggering content in our threads you must discuss it with me first. I don't appreciate being blindsided and I will make sure to speak with you about including any such topics as well.

Regarding and romance; I don't typically roleplay these genres outside of my friends or those I'm very comfortable with, but I'm trying to be a little more adventurous lately and branch out so let's just consider them tentatively on the table if we feel like such topics fit into our plot. I'm not likely to plot romance unless we feel like our characters connect, and I don't do threads that are just without plot.
part four : extra information
If at any point you wish to change something in our thread or drop it altogether, please notify me! I will endeavor to do the same.
yujin han
twenty three
prospective actor
demi + omni
single + busy