Personal Message

 jeon jungkook (BTS, 26)
seo yejun
sep. 1, 1997; 26
artist by day, gamer by night (in all seriousness, i'm considering making him a photographer who just loves taking idle pictures and he gives classes to both tourists and locals wanting to learn how to capture those peaceful, simple, and happy moments that we miss every day. he's a bit of a softie, this one, but also he hates spending time with others. he'd rather stay at home, cracking a cold one with the boys (that he doesn't have yet) and letting off steam on... steam [pun intended]. he's a bit of a go-getter, though; like, a really goal-oriented type of guy? he LOVES getting into new hobbies and if given the chance he turns into a complete yapper on all sorts of random topics. his favorite past time is definitely watching docu-series and getting to learn about things that he'll never take advantage of... but at least he has funny conversation starters for parties: "is your name google? because you're everything i've been searching for").