Personal Message

#go youn jung from kie

younjung / 28 / het / single / a dreamer / detailed 1st & 3rd / dm to plot

profile under co. 


Basic Information

  • Full Name): Go Younjung.
  • Date of Birth: 220496.
  • Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
  • Age: 27.
  • Mun Age: Of Age.
  • ual Orientation: Heteroual.
  • Romantic Orientation: Grayromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
100 notes

Title Here

•.*★ important。 Text stuff goes here.

This is filler text. A paragraph for you to type with. If you need another, just hit enter. Proper spacing will be given when you do.

  • This is a bullet list.
  • Use it if you need it.
  • Delete it if not.

Here is more text. Another paragraph would go here I guess. I don't know.

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148 notes

paper love

allie x

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Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 if you want to drop a lil message on my wall for a quick connection, feel free to do so ♡

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I do both detailed 1st and multi to para 3rd depending on the plot and writing muse. I prefer writing in 3rd as its easier for me to write things in detail. I usually mirror but depends on certain circumstances, I will skip to certain scenes/ to fasten the pacing a little bit.

•.*★ plotting style。 I prefer spontaneous or winging more compared to following a plot exactly. Plots for me is just a general idea on what our dynamics would be or decisions will be but if either of us want to spice things up a little, I am willing to do so.

Starters depends on the person that asks. If I ask to plot, I will give you the starter as I can give you the general jist of what the thread might be like but if you were the one that ask to plot, I hope that you would be the one to start as well.

•.*★ overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. Like, I can do one lining script all the way to novella, in both 1st and 3rd pov. I'm really chill with whatever you wanna do!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 communication is very important for me. please inform me whether you want to drop the thread/ go on hiatus/ can't reply due to any reason via pms and i will be doing that as well. poking is a big no no for me as i remember all of my threads but it might take me awhile to reply depending on length and plot but i will try to reply as soon as i can.

Depending on the length and my availability, I will reply late but usually I would try on replying as soon as I can as I am the type to forget to reply if I take too long to reply someone back. Though despite this, I do not want to pressure you on replying as fast. I am usually patient and don't mind late replies but I do care about communication so do inform if you are taking awhile to reply due to any reason or you might want me to redo my reply. Take your time it is fine.

Location Preferences

I am a rather private person so anything regarding relationships that could lead to potential mature plots, I rather do them in gpm but in general, I do prefer rooms. If you just want to have a quick chat with me, you may drop a little message on my wall cuties ♡

57 notes


jennifer chung

45 notes
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name here
trivia thingy here
trivia thingy here
trivia thingy here
trivia thingy here
trivia thingy here
trivia thingy here

Short quote of sorts goes right here. You should end it right about here if you want the layout to look right.

— Quote Source