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i'll let you break my heart again.
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belle's memories.
nickname: belle
age: 21
ori: heteroual 
rs: mono; may try poly
basics.the things to know.
Shim Hyewon
Jan 18th, 1759 + 265 years 
Friendship, , romantic relationships.
Nymph; can grow plants and trees. Nurture and restore.
background.the world as it stands.
shin hyewon, better known as her girlfriend name; belle— was made 265 years ago in the middle of the winter cold month— january. Belle was produced with the species persona and gifts of a nymph, known to be existing in greek mythology. Nymphs are known as a large class of inferior females, they're always known as the type of kind-hearted and warm women that are loving towards humans. However, truth be told, under the pretty disguise, there's still a bit of a temperamental monster lurking within...
some nymphs fall into the category of luring unsuspecting mortals to their demise. Belle never wanted to be that type of product, however, its apparently in whatever genes that got planted within her— it's her "nature." She has the powers of luring human men closer and possibly taking and taking what she wants from them, she would dare not deplete their lives, but she's a tad bit stingy and want them all to herself. So if they were to double cross her and find another plaything, they may want to repent because she may just hurt them for her twisted desire. She's a bit of a wild card but never fear— belle is usually docile, sweet and has that glowing sense of innocence that humans love to lap up.
belle gifts would be one of nurturing things and helping them grow. She's one with nature and tends to grow trees and plants around the garden out back in the mansion she resides in. Whenever someone buys her— she's eager to know if they have a garden available for her to spend time with flowers, plants and tress. If you have one, she would make it all pretty, if you treat her right, if you don't she shall ruin your garden and more. She has an extra soft spot for roses, pink in color, whenever you see belle buzzing around the mansion, you would most-definitely always see a bright pink rose in between slender fingers, cradling "her precious" close to her.
Due to belle's nature of being abundly selfish and wanting things for herself, it could be a person or an object — she tends to not do well with sharing. Hence she lables herself as monogamous, however, with that selfish and greedy nature of hers hidden deep, she wouldn't oppose to having two lovers at the same time. She loves the idea of having multiple lovers once they're loyal to her — but given human nature— maybe her dream of embracing more than one person at once would never be achieved...
personality.dive in deeper.
People often only see one side to someone's personality, but there are levels...
reading— she tends to go for the usual romantic/a novels but what piques her interest quite a lot would be crime, mystery, thriller and horror novels. Humans are quite innovative and talented about these, if you are interested in books of these genres, belle would adore you! Wine — she enjoys white wine a lot, once it's sweet and refreshing. Red wine is loved once it's sweet and smooth. Humans— she really loves interacting with them, she considers them peculiar and interesting creatures, wanting to know more and unravel more of who they are. Intimacy— her love language would definitely be physical touch, she's a very touchy-feely individual. Roses— she loves any types of plant and is one with nature but she adores blooming pink roses, anywhere, anytime. Night— she enjoys the glimmering shine of the moonlight cascading off her flesh, bathing her in an ethereal hue as she takes nightly walks when she sneaks out of the mansion and head into the city or the beach. Anything with water— she's closely affiliated with water and bask in the sea, beaches, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Wish to win her over, these are your go-to.
Sharing— she dislikes sharing her "toys", her playthings, her humans — she can handle sharing other boyfriends and girlfriends if she's feeling frisky to venture into something ually with a female — however, she can't handle sharing her humans. Animal abusers & upright, cold people.
Belle tends to bounce her foot up and down when nervous or concentrating on something, she sticks her tongue out a bit at the corner of when tending to her roses or garden in general (when in deep concentration). She's a bit of a clutz and tends to make messes easily and easily hurting herself in the process, not that she feels it much but marks bloom on her pretty, fair skin easily.
Cooking & baking — she'd say this is a skill of hers which she honed into, she can cook or bake anything once provided a recipe and method. Dancing— she started to learn how to perform different genres of dances over the years of existing, when she goes with a customer/client, she performs for him, bringing something new to the table.
Being alonefor the remainder of her existence...
connections.those you've known.
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plotlines.just a moment with you.
funsies [0/2]
potential friendship, fwb, , slice of life, hurt/comfort/ 20's / male but may open one slot to female.
you and belle are both the same, one a girlfriend, one a boyfriend (a girlfriend if your muse is one). You both have been through a lot together from your manufacture date umtil now. Belle is in existence for 265 years now and she has been terribly lonely, sometimes slipping into that dark headspace she dislikes. You're always there pulling her out becauae you understand the feeling all too well. Both of you come to an understanding of helping each other by comforting one another when needed and also helping dissipate some of the frustration you both may be feeling ually. It's a benefit to you both, a helping hand, that blossomed into a beautiful friendship. Even with you knowing of Belle's temperament, selfish and jealousy tendencies, you still stood by her side and be that one friend, her ride or die.
at your service [0/2]
potential acquaintance?, , slice of life, fluff, etc./ 20's/ male
You're always hanging around the mansion, which dreww your attwntion to the dancing nymph. Belle being the type to dance around the halls or just put a kick in her step wherever she's going. She's an attractive young woman, with a dainty rose always in hold. You're intrigued and belle isn't as clueless as she looks. She knows you're looking at her and she's infatuated with the attention and seeks you out more. Giving you little tempts here and there, maybe an innocent "come hither" look, or blatantly going up to you and settling down on your lap and asking you your name. This turns out to be a more of a daily getting to know each other thing — she shows you her little garden, her room among other things around the mansion she stays at and you're tempted to take her out for the day or maybe week (purchase or whatnot). So you do just that and explore who belle really is, in and out of bed.
forbidden fruit [0/2]
infatuation, lust, potential friendship, push or pull dynamics, hurt/comfort, etc./ 20's + / male [0/2]
You're one of the staffs and something about you being forbidden tends to tempt the female as she looks at you doing your chores around the mansion or working in the lab. You're attractive and Belle never wanted someone as bad as you. She couldn't help the excitement coursing through her veins at tasting the "forbidden fruit", you. She tries all how to get you to let your guard down. Sometimes you crack but to her displeasure you always come back in tact. It's annoying and she want you to give in! It's the hardest push or pull she ever experienced, always being used to getting whomever she sets her mind to...
lover.some day, one day.
lover's name.
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
ooc.important guidelines.
you can call me roza. i'm gmt-4, i'm a student so i'm busy most of the day, around night time while studying, i have time to hop on here. i'm 28 years of age, so no worries about me being a minor. that's about it to me personally.
3rd pov - para/detailed preferred. genres: angst, drama, enemies to friends/lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort, etc.
I do prefer plotting over winging, unless it's in the chatroom and we engage in a conversation, i don't mind going with the flow. however, plotting is loved, i do love throwing around ideas. I prefer rping in rooms over walls. i like keeping my wall clear if possible, unless Belle finds that special someone. Kinks and limits would be discussed in pms if we're going down that road. I'm a slow rper and i don't usially reply back to back unless it's very short to prevent burn out. Once you understand that, we'd get along just fine.
To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?