Personal Message

26. hetero. dom leaning. detailed 1st & 3rd.

genres i'm comfortable with but not limited to: , romance, drama, angst, and light fluff.
note: no endgame romances. usually don't have a preference where we write - can be gpm, pm, walls, or rooms. rated stuff on walls/pms. detailed first and third pov preferred. no one-liners unless we're vibing and being dumb.

kinks to be discussed in pm + only if you ask. limits: bodily fluids (, vomit, pee), pegging, and hardcore  
love language: sharing music
1. character a was practicing for archery at isac and shot an arrow right into character b's lunch. no harm done, but now character b has nothing to eat.
2. character a and b both go to the amusement park on the same day and accidentally bump into each other but decide to make the best of it and just enjoy their day together.
3. character a and b both sneak out of their dorm late at night. they run into each other. cue spiderman meme.
4. character a is super clumsy, and when in the waiting room manages to burn their hand on a curling iron/straightener. character b rushes to help.
5. character a and b dated in school together predebut. they broke up when they went off to become idols. however, character b is realizing just how much they miss character a now that they're both idols.
6. oh no! character b might've had a little too much to drink and had a fling with character a. next morning, they wake up in some hotel god knows where, , and oh my god their notifs are blowing up.
7. character a and b go on vacation, get drunk, and oh my god, is that a wedding ring? yup! they got married in vegas and have no idea how that happened. a little bit of a stretch for non aus but i think it could work, honestly. it'd be hilarious.
8. character a and b are big gamers (be it overwatch, fortnite, whatever). they both turn their mics on and instantly recognize each other, and everyone else on the server goes nuts.
9. character a just went through a pretty bad break up/let down, so character b brings them out on the town for street food, some sightseeing, and more. maybe they even end the night with something fun e u e
10. character b accidentally walked in on character a when they were . thinking that was the end of it, they tried to erase the image from their mind. however, next thing they know, they're told they're doing a collab together, and they have to meet with the knowledge that character b knows what character a looks like without clothes on... and they kinda like it.
11. character a invited character b over for some netflix and chill. putting on what they thought was one movie, they go off and let character b in... only to walk in to going on in the background. character a has to stumble through an explanation.
12. friends with benefits
13. after a difficult day at work, muse a invites muse b over to stay the night so they can comfort them. 
14. couple on the verge of being outed by the media
15. we got married or running man couple type show
16. love interests in a kdrama, mcing gig, or modeling together for a cover
17. fake lovers (publicity/cover up)

we hate each other but the is too good (version a)
after their horribly failed relationship, the pair swore to never contact the other no matter what. days turned into weeks and after a year, they planned on getting together to be adults about the whole thing and leave the past behind. some could say it was rushed decision but they didn’t care. they were single and in the best shape of their lives. what could go wrong? after a couple drinks and honest words thrown around, a shockingly civil conversation ensued until the end of their outing. the second muse a stepped into muse b’s home, it surely was a different outcome than they’d imagine. they ed, neither wanting to submit to the other and give them the satisfaction of getting to their high because it meant when they were over, they would go back to hating each other yet again.
we hate each other but the is too good (version b)
eunwoo and muse a are casted as the lead characters in a highly anticipated romance drama. the general public and fans alike are excited for the explosive visuals these two will bring. while the duo easily give the illusion of a match made in heaven on-camera with their natural chemistry, they are quite the opposite off-camera. they can’t stand each other, oftentimes arguing about anything and everything and even as far as eunwoo asking the producer to replace her with another actress for a reading. the producer and director forced the pair in a trailer to let out all their problems. as they exchanged heated words and vented their issues in the close proximity, things escalated to levels that were deemed impossible.
date @ 8
despite not being romantically involved, eunwoo and her have a connection that is seemingly different than anything they’ve experienced with others. he doesn’t mind spending money generously on her because she’s worth it. she keeps coming back to him no matter who she links up with and he loves it.
spin you round
thanks to the entertainment industry being small with all sorts of chances to interact, these two had little to no trouble finding their way to each other. messages flowed back and forth until they decided to arrange a date, aligning their busy schedules. what began as a mutual attraction evolved into a casual connection, with neither feeling the need to label their relationship. things go south fast when a few weeks of meeting up and spending time together in-person pass by. after spending the night at her place, they wake up to their phones being blown up by friends, co-workers, and their company staff texting about a so called dating scandal with their names plastered all over the headlines.

credits for plots 1-11