Personal Message
Kwak Hajoon • 곽하준


• Name: Kwak Hajoon (곽하준)
• Faceclaim: Cho Seungyoun / Woodz
• Age: 27 years old
• Orientation: Heteroual
• Nation: Earth Nation
• Occupation: Inventor, merchant
• Former occupation: Bandit
• Status: Single
• Earthbending Skill Sets - Terraformation (Level 5)

Character Inspirations

• Peter Quill / Starlord - Guardians of the Galaxy (MCU)
• Baby / Miles Prower - Baby Driver
• Hiccup Haddock - How To Train Your Dragon (Movies)
• Mechanist - Avatar the Last Airbender  

Background, Personality & Headcanons

A work in progress for now!
 But here are some little headcanons:

• Was/is morally confusing in the past because he was a bandit. He was an orphan before he met his group of 10+ middle aged fathers. 
• He was adopted like Peter Quill by Ravagers style and acted as their getaway person like Baby once they discovered his little talent in earthbending.
• An agent of chaos in his personal life but uses his skills for good.
• His father figure within the group of traveling bandits passed away, which triggered his bending skills skills at around age 10.
• He changes the color of his hair every 3 weeks, switching from red, blue-black, blue, orange, green, and sometimes multicolored.
• Discovered his talent for inventing and creating things, and he eventually distanced himself from the criminal activities of the bandits who adopted him. They're all still in contact but Hajoon is basically on his own and earning his own money.

Possible Connections

• TBA!