Personal Message

(ambitious, sarcastic, perfectionist, jealous)

Henry Cavill is known to the media as the charming, handsome ceo of Helix, a multimillion dollar company that primarily focuses on pharmaceuticals. What the media hasn't uncovered yet is that they are dipping their toes into cloning. Henry has had his fair share of (fake) dating scandals after rising in ranks to ceo. He personally hasn't had the time to date, nor does he care to, but his secretary thought it would be a bad look for someone of his stature to always be single. Work has always been the most important thing in his life. He was a perfectionist and his underlings were absolutely terrified to make a mistake around him. When they would seem him approach, they'd scatter like ants who've had their home stomped on.

Henry's secretary was honestly sick of Henry always being at the office. Always being in a mood when things didn't go his way. He thought that maybe what Henry needed was a romantic partner. His secretary had made attempts at getting his coworkers to go on a date with Henry (unbeknownst to him). Although Henry was attractive, none of the people who worked at the office were willing to even give him a try. His secretary had one last ace in his sleeve and emailed Henry a link to the buildalover website. "Just try it! Just once and if it doesn't work you can just swear off dating forever." Henry agreed just to shut the man up. Maybe there might be someone out there that could get past Henry's cold, sarcastic demeanor. Someone out there that would perhaps cut into the workaholic's work life and teach him to relax a little.


replied ~