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out of character notes
general overview
please do not poke or rush me, i always save replies on a tracker not long after i get them. my reply speed as it very much relies upon if i'm busy or not. 
writing style
i tend to mirror replies sometimes but tend to write between semi-para and novella though it depends on how i am feeling but please no one-liners at all. i can write in either pov but prefer third. 
plotting preferences
i prefer plotting in roleplay rooms so we both can keep our threads active. i am also okay with using walls or pms if desired. 
muse + inspiration
reply speed
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full name
kim chaewon
straight & single
elementary education
5'2 or 158cm
Like a flower, allow yourself to grow, even in the toughest conditions.  — chaewon
animals specifially ones that can be kept as pets, makeup, desserts, traveling, roses.
Loud arguements from childhood,thunderstorms, spiders. 
creative writing, watching movies and playing music.
thunderstorms, not really a fear but she could be jumpy towards physical touch. (even if it's positive.) but she 'love language' is physical touch so she loves affection. 
beautiful and delicate, like a pretty flower, is what she'd been reminded of. like flowers, they'd seem to lean toward being strong and flexible but also delicate and fragile. Fragile.. that's more like it; she can't help it.. blame her trauma. 
chaewon tends to be more on the curious side of things, always a big thinker and would like to travel more. she's hoping that it may be a big part of her future, visiting more parts of the world and writing about it. when you first meet her, she is shy but very understanding, kind of like an empath a little bit. 
Chapter I.
kim chaewon, born and raised in seoul, south korea to what one could call it as a middle-class family. her mom doing fairly decent as a retired actress meanwhile her dad had barely been apart of her life and it heavily worried chaewon and miss kim. occasionally, he'd come back, but neither of the women understood why after they'd stopped caring about whatever he does, the same way he did the same. 
Chapter II. (finish it)
chaewon's mother was in dread for awhile, she didn't know what to do after the divorce. chaewon hated seeing her mother like that, all broken down after a mere failed relationship. you'd think that it would probably take the mom a lot more to ruin her, but you'd be mistaken. the mother had stopped leaving the house, chaewon had to 'step up' and take care of the both of them. at first, chae had been completely lost, how would she handle herself growing up /and/ her mom?
Chapter III. (update it)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
partner: name here
date: 00.00.00
status: here
write a lil something cute here! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
friends / tracker
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fc name here
connection | location
fc name here
connection |  location
fc name here
connection |  location
fc name here
connection |  location


kim chaewon




elementary education major

  • she only recently became a chaebol as over the summertime, she gained a stepfather who'd been with her mom for awhile now but married during then who had been filthy rich so she completely dropped the nerd act and changed. 
  • thanks to being rich she owns many cats in her family home now.