Personal Message
jang ilseong
Military, past lover
ya aecha
childhood friend
moon jaehoon
war buddies
seol riah
yoo hyunsik
House of the grizzly Bear
jungin clan 
basic information
01 : full name
yoo hyunsik.
02 : date of birth + age
feb 11, 1842. + 27 years.
03 : location
insert here trivia.
04 : occupation
guard / soldier
05 : orientation
biual. (male leaning. closeted.)
06 : love interest
error 404
Hyunsik was the first born, and only son of the yoo family. There had been plans for more children, but when his mother had given birth to a baby girl and had passed away shortly after giving birth due to an serious infection that went untreated the plans of having a large family had completely gone. 
Hyunsik's grandparents had urged his father, Yoo Hyungwon, to get married again however he refused and decided to dedicate his life to his work instead. this meant that he was barely home, and that they were under the care of their grandparents, or hyunsik would have to care for his sister until she was old enough to care for herself and help around the house. 
Hyunsik had began training for the military as soon as he stopped helping taking care of his sister. just like his father and previous ancestors he was a natural with the swrod, but more than that hyunsik had also had a talent for other skills. 
After having officially joined the military and hade come back home for a short period of time, he had been betrothed to a woman. He at first was against the marriage, as he didn't see any kind of significant value that it could bring him, his family or even their family. However, due to the circumstances he had stayed in the engagement.
That was until his fiancee had unfortunately passed away, leaving him a single and marriageable man once again. 
Hyunsik, now, just plans to focus on his work and keep things professional for the time being, not allowing himself to get too involved with anyone. 
01 : mbti
isfj - warm, considerate, gentle responsible, pragmatic, thorough. devouted caretakers who enjoy being helpful to others.
02 : enneagram
Type 8 - The powerful dominating type. 
03 : positive traits
self-confidant, strong, assertive, self-mastering, adaptive, disciplined
04 : negative Traits
confrontational, intimidating, abrasive, defensive, stubborn
05 : likes
Earl Black tea, sunsets, the smell of rain
06 : dislikes
Too broad of open spaces, Holidays, indecisiveness
07 : hobbies
Sparring, horseback riding, painting
08 : talents
Sword fighting, archery, painting
09 : family
Yoo - House of the Grizzly Bear
     A family that comes for the Jungin clan, originally from a lower rank, however, because of their excellent skill in fighting they have raised ranks and gound their new home in the jungin clan. The skills passed down through the sons of the family, holding on to their reputation and being hired for protecting the higher class families. They are a well trusted family as their has never been any faults in their works before.
Head of household: Yoo Hyungwon
Other members: Yoo Hyunsik, Youngest Daughter (open)
name here
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↣ jang ilseong - pms - plotting
↣ moon jaehoon - pms - plotting
↣ ya aecha - promenade - ongoing
↣ seol riah - pms - plotting
riah/ilseong - ryu estate(event) - done
↣ moon hyeongwon - moon estate - ongoing

↣ youngest sister。
⠀⠀↪︎ gender︙female
⠀⠀↪︎ age︙22-25
⠀⠀↪︎ rank︙jungin
⠀⠀↪︎ occupation︙can be discussed
⠀⠀↪︎ possible personality︙(can be changed on your preferences) strong-willed + responsible
⠀⠀↪︎ notes
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ please read hyunsik's background for a small idea of family history, some things can be discussed for further plotting!
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ hyunsik is protective over you, always has been. 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ the family had started you working on odd jobs and caring for yourself at around the age of ten(depends on current age of your chara), as hyunsik started training for the military at the latest age of 15(may be changed depending on current age of your chara)

↣ possible fiancee。
⠀⠀↪︎ gender︙female
⠀⠀↪︎ age︙(preferably) 24+
⠀⠀↪︎ rank︙preferably jungin
⠀⠀↪︎ occupation︙up to you
⠀⠀↪︎ possible personality︙possible nosiness, but not gossipy? most of this is up to you <3
⠀⠀↪︎ notes
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ pm hyunsik and read his profile to get some background information on him (reading his other connections will help with a small idea of him as well)
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you and hyunsik have known each other for a while, whether it be actually familiar with each other or have just known each others names. you're families were close at least once upon a time and the talks of betrothal between the two of you are being tossed around. when the two of you catch wind of this, you decide to reach out to each other (can be discussed who reaches out first.) the two of you are both against this betrothal for your own reasons, however, a bit of you knows that there is more behind the reason why hyunsik doesn't wish to marry you, and you're determined to figure out what for.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ i don't plan out end games with my characters unless it makes sense! depending on how writing and characters connect then decides whether i would want to discuss further plans.

↣ childhood friend。
⠀⠀↪︎ gender︙any
⠀⠀↪︎ age︙26+
⠀⠀↪︎ rank︙jungin (or former jungin)
⠀⠀↪︎ occupation︙up to you!
⠀⠀↪︎ possible personality︙up to you!
⠀⠀↪︎ notes
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ please read through hyunsik's profile to get idea of him, and possibly have a building of a character that could match his well.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you and hyunsik had grown up together, the both of you having been born and raised in the jungin clan. at one point the two of you were inseperable. that was until the both of you had gotten older and drifted apart as you both had your own duties to attend to. however the two of you stay in contact, via random meet ups, letters when you can't meet up and more. you are one of the few people that hyunsik feels that he can actually trust. 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ would be nice if the sister connection is claimed, then there is a connection between the two as well since their childhood hyunsik had his sister with him a lot.

↣ sparring partner。
⠀⠀↪︎ gender︙male
⠀⠀↪︎ age︙any
⠀⠀↪︎ rank︙any
⠀⠀↪︎ occupation︙soldier
⠀⠀↪︎ possible personality︙competetive (can be up to you though)
⠀⠀↪︎ notes
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you and hyunsik had recently gotten close, having met through the two of you both being soldiers. 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ if you are younger than hyunsik, he would probably look at you as a younger brother, and want to help you get stronger 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ if older he would then want to learn what he could from you, and help build his strength.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ if around the same age (+/-2 years) then he would find it a friendly competetive sparring competition between the two of you.

↣ confidant+。
⠀⠀↪︎ gender︙male
⠀⠀↪︎ age︙26+
⠀⠀↪︎ rank︙jungin (preferably)
⠀⠀↪︎ occupation︙up to you
⠀⠀↪︎ possible personality︙up to you
⠀⠀↪︎ notes
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ please read through hyunsik's profile to get to know this connection more. 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you were the brother of hyunsik's first fiancee. 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you and hyunsik had grown close when he had gotten engaged to your sister, in an unexpected way that most people would question. the betrothal of your sister was the reason the two of you had met, however there was a small click between the two of you. hyunsik soon found himself only agreeing to the betrothal just so he would have a reason to get closer to you. 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ how the sister passed can be discussed.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ hyunsik for sure had romantic feelings towards your character, they don't have to be reciprocated but i do want a good closeness between these two. 
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ this connection can have angst, and perhaps a falling out with/ or without closure. 

❀ yoo hyunjung12:37:57 PMReply
its bc ure gay brother