Personal Message
정동민 ; jeong dongmin
open to plot. (pls) 
// connections
jeong hamin — younger brother

// threads
cheon sunmi — palace ballroom
kwon bora — palace ballroom
yang hakkun — marketplace
ooc tings

Read Before You Approach Me

ೃ★︎ ⟶ FOR PLOTTING. i would prefer if you came to me with a plot in mind, and i will try and do the same. plotting is usually not too hard for me to do, but sometimes i can get quite stumped. winging is fine, but i am still quite new to it so it can blind-side me a bit ghjfd.

ೃ★︎ ⟶ TIME ZONE & PACE. my timezone is gmt8. know that i am very not active with replies lol. i have bouts of intense writer’s block and low muse, so i might “ghost” our thread for some time, but i will try and let you know when that happens. please just poke me politely and respectfully if it has been over a week since you responded, and i will let you know how i am doing (this poke won’t make me reply, just remind me that i have to let you know how i am doing).

know that i might be active in the chat or responding to other threads does not mean i am ignoring our thread or you. sometimes it’s just how it is, and i will not be mad at you for doing the same.

ೃ★︎ ⟶ & DATING. i am 22 years old ooc. however, i am uncomfortable to with people i have never done a plot before with or someone i don’t know well. if we have ted before or our characters are dating, i will be okay with it.

i do not rp large age gaps between faceclaims (not ic age, faceclaim age). generally, my characters do not have romantic connections characters that are over 4 years younger and 4 years older, unless they are over 25 then it will be 6 years older. for this character (minho, 32), i will not create romantic connections with anyone under the age of 27 and over the age of 38. we can certainly still do platonic or familial plots (or enemies/rivals etc), or do one-sided romances/puppy love on the younger muses' part, but it will not be endgame and the older muse will not reciprocate. please respect this.

ೃ★︎ ⟶ WRITING STYLE. i tend to get a little carried away with writing so my replies might be a little long. i like to reply in 3rd pov paragraph style and only do script in chat. i might write a lot but you don’t have to mirror the length, but some effort should be applied to the reply, of course. i am more than happy to do starters, especially if i have a good idea on how to start, but please don’t expect me to do it every time, especially if it doesn’t make sense for me to start.

ೃ★︎ ⟶ GENRE LIMITS. with genres, i’m very flexible, i don’t mind plotting out fluff, angst, even romance, but i will not plot out a pwp plot with you. if our non-pwp plot has in it, i will ask you to skip over the scene or speak about it in passing. please refer to above as to why.

ೃ★︎ ⟶ LOCATION. i don’t really mind where our threads are, walls, pms, or rooms. i would prefer rooms just to keep the rp active and getting us both some points, but i really don’t mind wherever.

ೃ★︎ ⟶ BIG NO-NOS. i don't rp things like , , ia, non-con/dub-con, and other taboo subjects of the like. i prefer to stay out of infidelity plots (unless we are close and talk it out a lot beforehand).
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Alias(es): N/A.
  • Date of Birth: 09 December 1836 (Age 32).
  • Zodiac Sign: ☀️ Sagittarius, ☾ Capricorn, ↑ Capricorn & Monkey .
  • Place of Birth: Hanseong, Joseon.
  • Nationality: Korean.
  • Current Location: Hanseong, Joseon.
  • Known Languages: Korean.
  • Occupation: Blacksmith.
  • Romatic Orientation: Biromantic & Greyromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Biual & Demiual.
  • Relationship Status: Unmarried.
  • House: Jeong, House of the Black-Throated Loon.
  • Inspiration: Greek mythology, with Dongmin inspired by Hephaestus.

Appearance Trivia

  • Faceclaim: Choi Minho of SHINee
  • Height: 181 cm (5’11″).
  • Hair: Long and black, with a little bit of curls and waves to them. Likes to keep it out of his face due to how much he works. Often wishes he could cut it off since it bothers him a lot.
  • Eyes: Dark brown, with 20/20 vision.
  • Scars: TBA.
  • Personal Aesthetic: Typically wears work clothes or clothes that are airy and comfortable (since he often runs warm). Rarely seen without some kind of coal or grime on him due to his work schedule.
The Story

Part I

jeong, the black-throated loon

✶ ⁞   important if you are interested in joining the jeong family, please read this section and any skeletons that may be available in the skeleton room. pm dongmin or ask for any assistance from me, themis, in the roleplay comments. 

✦ a family of blacksmiths, their legacy going back generations. while not comparable to the yangban, the jeong family is rich for their sangmin name, having a large smithery that works with the government and smaller clans for weapon armoury. while their specialty is in functional weapons for battle, they also make decorative weapons for high class yangbans and some tools. due to their patriarchal structure, many of the women are married off for economical purposes with primarily jungin families. the jeong's are known for being choosy with marrying off their women.

✦ the generation before the current, the grandmother of jeong dongmin, had run into bouts of infertility, resulting in only one child, dongmin's father, jeong yoonmin, being born. while raseon, dongmin's grandfather, had divorced her after many years of trying, but had been unable to birth anymore children. it would be suspected that raseon was truly the reason behind the infertility.

✦ the jeong family had struggled for many years after that. while they kept their status of being renowned blacksmiths, their riches were depleting due to the lack of children born in the previous generation. luckily, yoonmin worked his hardest to get the family name back up. unluckily, his first-born child with his wife, soona, had been a woman. while not typically a bad omen to the family, had only shown that the family would struggle further. 

✦ jeong raseon and jeong yoonmin, while not incredibly abusive, are not good husbands nor fathers. with the rigid expectations placed upon the family, this had been passed down from male son to male son, and so, had been placed upon yoonmin as his rigid expectations had affected his marriage. soona, while a "good" wife and one not usually to rebel against her husband, had a night where she had rebelled against him and faced the consequences, for a night out with a man had led to the birth of the jeong family's next heir, dongmin.
a loon's egg
✦ soona had kept the birth of her first son a well-kept secret to everyone who had known. yoonmin, fully convinced that dongmin was his son, rejoiced at his birth and favoured him. however, as dongmin grew older, he started experiencing troubles with his knees. while they had the money to go to a healer, there was only so much he could do. from that point on, it would be a constant struggle for dongmin as it would lead to swelling in his hands and constant pain across his body. another well-kept secret.

✦ dongmin had a close relationship with his siblings, though his relationship with his mother was particularly strained. she would constantly treat him poorly and sometimes, would refuse to acknowledge his existance. this had gotten to a point where even yoonmin had to tell her to back off. she didn't.

✦ when dongmin was around 15, most of his features had grown in. from this point, yoonmin had grown suspicious of his wife. and one night, in a drunken rage, had made her spill her greatest secret. this resulted in dongmin being kicked out of the house. 

✦ dongmin had only one place to go, and so he went. a friend's house of around the same age, where he would stay and work on their homestead for the next 5 years. while the family may not have been the most welcoming at first, dongmin had proved his worth there and so they kept him for as long as he needed. 

Part II

a loon in flight
✦ when dongmin was 20 years old, his mother had found him in his new household and had begged him to come back home. dongmin refused. she had told dongmin that his father had been angry since that day and had forced her to go looking for him. dongmin refused. even after his siblings had come to see him as well, as much as he missed them and wished to go back for them, he couldn't go back.

✦ it was when his friend had taken him out one night to get drunk, and had gotten dongmin so drunk that he passed out. dongmin woke up in front of his old home, with his sister staring down at him. dongmin had no choice but to return. he and his old friend no longer speak to one another.

✦ no one, even raseon, had known about soona's infidelity or dongmin being an illegitimate child. instead, the secret had been kept between yoonmin, soona, and dongmin, as well as the eldest daughter. 

✦ dongmin had continued his training and work at his father's blacksmith, though a shift had happened in the family. dongmin did not feel close to any of them anymore, even if they tried to get closer with him. he would, from then on, feel like an outsider in his own house. 

✦ although his mother had loosened on her hatred towards him, she had now been occupied in marrying him to a capable bride and headstarting the new generation of jeong. this was when dongmin was set up in an arranged marriage with aphrodite.

✦ the two of them did not get along, nor did either of them seem to want to... at least, dongmin didn't. he hated how much his parents had controlled his life, and in this time, he hated how much he felt like they were trying too hard to make him part of the family. he would not make aphrodite feel welcome as his wife, and she would not appreciate his behaviour.

✦ however, before their marriage, dongmin had found aphrodite doing the exact same thing his mother had done to his "father", infidelity. while neither of them loved each other, dongmin could not help the feeling that bubbled up in his stomach. and so, he had made it known to everyone that aphrodite was not the woman she was chalked up to be. everyone knew of her infidelity. and so, the marriage was off.

✦ while dongmin would go on to regret his actions, especially after his sister had told him off, he had no desire to get married after that, despite his parents urging him to do so. he had no expectations on love, and what love for him could look like. he knew that if he ever got married, it would not be for love, but only for the happiness of his ancestors. the same pitfall his own father, and his father's father, had fallen into.

The Vibes

ISTP, or Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving, is a personality type known as the "Virtuoso" or "Craftsman." These individuals are pragmatic, action-oriented, and excel in hands-on problem-solving. As introverts, they value independence and prefer to work alone or in small groups. ISTPs are observant and detail-oriented, relying on their strong sense of practicality.

Known for their logical and analytical thinking, ISTPs are often skilled at troubleshooting and adapting to the demands of the moment. They thrive in dynamic environments and enjoy taking risks. Their keen senses make them adept at handling tools and machinery, often excelling in technical or mechanical fields.

ISTPs can appear reserved and prefer to express themselves through actions rather than words. They value freedom and may resist overly structured environments. While their spontaneity can lead to a relaxed and adaptable demeanor, ISTPs may also struggle with long-term planning. In summary, ISTPs embody a blend of practicality, adaptability, and a hands-on approach to addressing challenges.
Moral Alignment
Description of that goes here. Typing more because this one needs to be particularly longer.
Strengths: Put those here.

Likes: Put those here.
Weaknesses: Put those here.

Dislikes: Put those here.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Put those here.

Good Habits: Put those here.

Bad Habits: Put those here.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: here.

Secrets Kept to Themself: here.

Known Fears: here.

Unrecognized Fears: here.
Other Personality Info
This information is pending as of now. Enjoy some nice filler text though. Just typing more so it's long enough for the other side.


JEONG SOONA | Alive | Strained
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo arcu odio, eget convallis odio maximus lobortis. Aliquam vel posuere nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum neque sed dui suscipit scelerisque.
JEONG YOONMIN | Alive | Strained
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo arcu odio, eget convallis odio maximus lobortis. Aliquam vel posuere nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum neque sed dui suscipit scelerisque.
JEONG RASEON | Alive | Distant
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo arcu odio, eget convallis odio maximus lobortis. Aliquam vel posuere nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum neque sed dui suscipit scelerisque.


name here
Relationship Level
Platonic ✦ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo arcu odio, eget convallis odio maximus lobortis. Aliquam vel posuere nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum neque sed dui suscipit scelerisque.
age requirement ✦ here.
gender requirement ✦ here.
other requirements ✦ Donec commodo arcu odio, eget convallis odio maximus lobortis. Aliquam vel posuere nisl. 
name here
Relationship Level
familial ✦ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo arcu odio, eget convallis odio maximus lobortis. Aliquam vel posuere nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras interdum neque sed dui suscipit scelerisque.
age requirement ✦ here.
gender requirement ✦ here.
other requirements ✦ Donec commodo arcu odio, eget convallis odio maximus lobortis. Aliquam vel posuere nisl.
name here
Relationship Level
Romantic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Professional ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Familial ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
When I hear your name,
it feels like there are thorns on it
My heart feels electrified and numb
as if I swallowed rose thorns

ー Symptoms by SHINee
#rp title
currently busy with school. getting to pms asap but will take time.