
Basic Information

  • Name: Kim Hongjoong
  • Nickname(s): Joong, HJ
  • Date of Birth: November the 7th 1998
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
  • Place of Birth: Anyang
  • Occupation: Heir of JSE and JSM | Designer under the name Minion
  • Spoken Languages: Korean, Japanese, English, Chinese
  • ual Orientation: Homoual
  • Romantic Orientation: Aromantic (currently)
  • Relationship Status: Single (fake dating Seonghwa)


  • Height: 172cm | 5'8"
  • Hair Color: Half Black, Half White. Naturally Black
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Piercings: Middle Lip Piercings, Left Anti-brow, Right ear [lobe, Anti-Helix, 2 top of ear], Left ear [2 lobe, Helix], Tongue, Prince Albert
  • Tattoos: Many different tattoos. Important ones: Angel wing on his left shoulder blade, fallen angel wing on his right shoulder blade. Clover with bottom right leaf coloured on the inside of his left wrist. Cross on the middle of his bottom lip
  • Scars: Various scars over the tops of his thighs
  • Clothing Style: Versatile

The Past

Hongjoong has always grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, but unlike many others who are blessed with such a thing he was rarely spoilt. Hongjoong grew up in the shadow of his older brother, always trying to compete for any affection from his family who were constantly focused on Bumjoong and his accomplishments. Hongjoong spent his young studying and working hard to make them proud, only for each achievement to be out shadowed by Bumjoong. His birthday was often forgotten while Bumjoong celebrated with lavish parties and vacations around the world, his grades were never quite as good as Bumjoongs, this appearance was never as good as Bumjoongs. Nothing about him was good enough to beat Bumjoong. For years Hongjoong tried, and for years he fell further into a pit of despair feeling isolated and hated, but still he tried.

His days were spent at school, and then home to study more. He learnt about the business, about how to act, how to talk, how to dress, and who to avoid. He had entire afternoons memorising the names of people and the correct way to speak to them. At 12 he knew how to navigate high society flawlessly, with just enough sass against their enemies and enough compassion with their friends. Once he entered highschool he became less concerned with doing well. Bumjoong was still flawless in everything he did so there was no reason for Hongjoong to try any more. He began skipping school, smoking, drinking and going out to parties that he knew his parents wouldn't approve of. It brought him some level of joy until he returned home and faced his parents rage.

They never hurt him in a way that would leave physical marks, favouring social manipulation, but Hongjoong managed his own physical pain. At first he took to self mutilation, cutting into his thighs so that he could feel something to go along with the mental and emotional turmoil, eventually shifting to piercings and tattoos, which were a perfect way to get back at his parents. While most of them are hidden away he has not made them a secret either. It was around this time he met Wooyoung on a trip to Japan and found a real passion for drinking. This was also when he learnt (or accepted) that he was gay, slowly trusting Wooyoung with all of him.

The Present

Hongjoong spends most of his time focused on his growing clothing line, No1LikeMe, under a pseudonym of Minion. This is his greatest passion and he has yet to tell anyone about it, some what frightened of recieving a negative reaction like he has in every other aspect of his life. Outwardly he spends his time going to clubs and getting drunk, or attending events hosted by his parents which he normally just abuses for the free food, booze and drama to tell his friends.

Hongjoong is currently grappling with the sudden information that he is the heir to JSE and JSM rather than his bother Bumjoong, and that he will have to marry Park Seonghwa of LEEA and LEC, despite both families hating one another up until this point.

23 notes。

If you make a mistake, you can do better next time. If you get scolded unfairly, you can get your revenge. Do well and be successful



Hongjoong comes across as cold and uncaring, but is actually a rather fragile person with a lot of inner turmoil. Once he knows and trusts you he's very kind and caring and will do anything to prove that he cares for you.


Clolthes, Music, Friends, Freedom


Family, Rules


Music, Fashion, Photography, Partying, Drinking


That he has a Prince Albert, Probably most of his tattoos, How soft he actually is, and how far he would go for his friends. That he is the designer known as Minion


Commitment, Love, Being trapped.

Bad Habits

Drinking, Getting angry and argumentative, pushing people away.

Current Song

A Walker


My Life

Park Seonghwa

We're in this together. We might hate the things that are happening around us but, together we will make it through... or some sappy like that. I don't ing know.

  • Dating Since 25 October 2024
  • Engaged Since 00 month 0000.
  • Married Since 00 month 0000.



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