played by
played by
Choi San
Choi San
My salvation found
at the end of despair.
⭒ Birth Name — Choi San | Omori Keita
⭒ Other Names — Keishi, Sen
⭒ Birth Date — 1999 July 10
⭒ Pronouns — He/Him/His
⭒ S. orientation — Homoual
⭒ R. orientaiton — Homoromantic
⭒ Zodiac sign — Cancer
⭒ Occupation —  star, Host
San knew he was different from a very young age, and not simply becuase he was rich. Being rich was rather normal in his world, everyone he went to school with was from money, everyone he interacted with thanks to his parents were from money. He understood that his family had more than others, but he rarely saw those with less than himself (in a grand scale anyway). He knew he was different becuase it was never girls that got his attention, nor was it cars, or sport, or anything of the sort. San struggled with this during his youth, keeping all his confusing thoughts and feelings to himself, deciding to do taekwondo for a while to try and 'correct' his thoughts. He did come to enjoy to structure of martial arts and chose to continue it even though it wasn't helping him in any way.

Once San entered highschool things changed more distratically for him. As more of his peers began to act out and discover themselves, San finally learnt what his thoughts meant. During one stupid game San shared his first kiss with another boy and finally understood that he liked men. He knew that his family wouldn't accept this, nor would his friends so he kept it to himself. He continue to look into his new understanding and eventually found people that he could meet up with to experiment more. He always made sure there were no connections between himself and the people that he would go and see, but somehow people still began talking and whispers picked up around the school of his preferences. As San had expected his father hadn't taken well to rumours and San was forced to explain that it was simply teenagers being troublesome and there was no truth in the words. He promises that he will fix it.
"I will be the one you look for when you're tired and want to take a rest, just come to me. I will be waiting." — Choi San
To try and quell the rumours San gets himself a girlfriend, one of the few people he trusted and had told the truth to over the years. She agreed to help him for now but they both knew it was only a temporary thing. Once things quieted a little more San went back to meeting up with guys, getting his first boyfriend. He was quick to spoil the man, enjoying giving people things to show his affection. They date for a while before San is once more called in to see his father who has a video of him and his partner having . San has no idea how that happened but is told that his father has paid off the man before giving San some money and telling him to leave and not come back until he's 'fixed'.

San decided to first go and see his boyfriend to find out what had happened and ended up being laughed at and being told 'I'm not gay' from the man. From there he returned home getting together a few things and booking himself a flight for the next night to Japan, still wanting to be close to his friends and his culture. He spends the entire night debating telling his friends about what happened but decides against it, simply leaving the following day and trying to make things work in a new country with a little money and really no idea how to live alone. It takes a while of him ignoring his messages before he finally explains that he's living in Japan for now, still not giving any details to his friends not wanting them to worry about him at all.

At first things are fine in Japan, but eventually the money starts to run out, and there is little that San can really do without any working status in Japan giving him one rather unfortunate path to take, falling into the industry when he felt there was no other option. Thankfully he had little trouble getting work, or getting used to what he needed to do, how to perform for the camera and how to find a way to enjoy the whole situation. While it was enough working where he did, there were times where he didn't have a shoot, so a co-worker helped him out getting him a job at Seiza as a host, another role he quickly took to, and quickly became a favourite at.
San has many personalities for every aspect of his life, making him a little unsure how he really is now. Even with each of his friends he acts differently. On a whole, San is a very loving person who is always seeking affection but never feeling deserving of it. He's a little shy unless he's with his friends where he tends to come out of his shell and can become a little childish in his actions. He always holds back a little, afraid that his friends will leave him for being too over the top. Sen is very adaptable to any situation that he finds himself in for work. He can be anything from sweet to cold, but he is always focused on work and takes it seriously. He's not a fan of people playing around on set.
"There is a reason for struggle now, and that is the light that is going to change the world." — Park Seonghwa
Keishi is also very focused on his work and adaptable to what his clients want, though things are a lot more relaxed than he is as Sen. He's entire purpose is to make people happy and bring them back in again to spend more money. He's sweet and kind to his co-workers and is always polite to other customers that he is not currently serving. Keita is cold and detached from most things. He's taken on a tougher persona to protect himself from pretty much everything and everyone. He can be quick to speak up for what he believes is right, and makes sure to convince people that he doesn't want companions, which in a way he doesnt. He's quiet, stand-offish, and avoidant.
"Hello" Taken by Keita.
"Before the world crumbled" Taken by Choi San.
"💋" Taken by Keita.
San tries to hide everything in his life from everyone, even his friends. He doesn't like to tell people about whats happening, how he's doing or anything of the sort. This partially stems from fear of a negative reaction, and partially from feeling the need to solve his problems and do everything alone without bothering people.
Best Friend
Best Friend
Best Friend
Loves // His friends, Dancing, Walking.

Likes // Seeing people smile, Dogs, Cats, Animals, Kids, Rainy nights with a good book.

Dislikes // His father, memories, rude people, ignorant people, close minded people.
Piercings // Right Eyebrow

Tattoos // ((x)) "Moon" - Behind his left ear
Secrets // Pretty much his whole identity. He hides his mental state from his friends as best he can, he struggles with this when they are able to see him.