Personal Message

ooc: please read before approaching



quick update!


Currently accepting | + FRIENDShip

timezone: gmt-?
writing style: 3rd script
writing length: will not mirror so don't expect you to mirror
plotting style: winging then plotting the rest; I love to adhoc-rp in chat
writing triggers: c*tting
reply speed: slow; you can poke but usually poking won't speed up replies, just reminds me

Warning: This character's background is very very controversial and allows for many different type of rps (name any trigger you can think of and it’ll be there somewhere). But all triggering material will not be expanded and/or revealed in detail unless requested. If you have anything you may be uncomfortable with, please inform us in advance. Trigger warnings for this character will be given

****This character originally comes from a very dear old rp of mine and does a ton of because of his background. I don't consider myself a mainly rper though but like to rp it to develop this chara so please just assume, even if my isn't good enough, that he's pretty much the best at ic. He's supposed to be- especially as an incubus who's forced to feed on others to keep his human vessel functional.

other than that, hi my name is bowrair, so you can call me that or "bruh." i'm usually down for all genres though can't plot romance. with this character, i do a lot of adhoc rps. most times i enjoy using chat to rp an actual plot rather than chatting. there are rare times i just like chatting too though.

that's all I can think of for now! Thanks for reading this!

WARNING he can come across as impulsive, triggering, etc [if you want to avoid him, just give the safe word "eggplant" and I'll find a way to make him move to another room smoothly] 

Faceclaim (if you changed their name): Jeon Jungkook

[For noncelebrities-event ]
Role: Not a celebrity but public image well-known enough 
Occupation: from a trust fund family; invests in business including ent industry to make money 
Age: 27 
Personality: rude, learned to hate the arts, has a private account where he can tank a person's reputation. celebrities fear being blackmailed by him since he can hold their career in his hand
Relationship status: single, not taken but on tinder 






| Dps |

plot tracker

full name
insert here
insert here
insert here
chae + ming
camgirl sujeong
jimin + jeon
privuni - the one that got away
(r) jimin
nonau jhope
dlb - hyung
soph yeol
privuni - favvictim
prof jeon
privuni - litsky
campus - fantasy
grklife - initiation
(r) jungkook
jk - office
jk - apt - gift
jk - apt


width must be 128; height can be 115 or more


style="height:128px;width:128px;float:left;border-radius:0px;" />



demon | incubus


nice guys finish last; ill be the bad boy of your dreams




now I won't live for anyone else but myself. I'll do whatever the I want whenever I want wherever and however I wanna.

Faceclaim: Jeon jungkook
OC name: Jeongguk
OC age: 20
date of birth: Sep 1 
supernatural: demon/incubus
occupation: college freshmen
ual orientation: straight(?)
love language: spending time, fighting/make-up , lots of it
relationship status: kind of but not really taken; contracted
nationality: korean

ch 1: innocence gone TW! r*pe word as victim


[Short version- detailed version in works]

Jeongguk wasn’t always just jeongguk, the frat boy demon/incubus. There was a time when jeongguk was the complete opposite of that and was just a human named jeon jungkook attending a private university after having been raised in a conservative, upper middle class family and skipping a grade in high school. In that university, he went through many life struggles with different types of people such as the first person he ever trusted and thought loved him from the top sorority, who he called “noona” to the frat brothers he joined to get her attention. Not to mention just the general university’s debauchery-filled greek life.

Unfortunately, his noona ended up impacting the way he viewed life and love. And through manipulation and gaslighting, eventually, she ended up successfully the other and making jungkook confuse being forced to have with being in love for the longest time. His frat brothers and the greek life itself wasn’t any better, only reinforcing what he learnt from noona. There were many women around him in the greek life that would be eager to date jungkook secretly just to sleep with him. It only made jungkook that more akin to the idea that the image everyone wanted him to be was the only image he should be. That bad boy image everyone fantasized him being. He eventually did become this and even embraced the lifestyle, never turning back..

more detailed one will be added when layout is completed.

ch 2: the one that got away tw! r*pe word as perpetrator, Su*cide


[Short version- detailed version in works]

Eventually, after the red roses glasses fell off and a terrible breakup when jungkook learned he would only be a side boy toy for noona, jungkook ended up being affected and affecting anyone else that came near him. That’s including his ual tension friendship with his roommate jimin, the other because of the anguish he felt towards noona then forgetting about it only to then join a dance team his other dormmate [redacted] and jimin were leading. When he joined that dance team, despite jimin and jungkook’s friendship mending itself, jungkook found more family in [redacted] their dormmate than jimin due to his new promiscuous nature that he couldn’t ever erase.

Being in a private christian university and from a conservative family, jimin was dangerous to jungkook’s ideals as well. It was only through alcohol that jungkook was able to excuse himself enough to keep sleeping with him. But that never stopped jungkook’s popularity from growing in the fraternity and from growing in the dance team, gaining more and more admirers but also a lot more hate and bullying. Some of it was warranted with the rebel image, some of it was not. But no one could tell that he had it all yet had nothing because of his bad boy persona. Nor would anyone believe someone in jungkook’s position would be secretly miserable since everyone looked at it with envy. That loneliness ended up really eating at his own mental health until he was indulging in more , drugs and alcohol to stave off his depressing suicidal thoughts. Additionally, the pressure from his own family didn’t help with it either.

When jungkook would’ve succeeded in taking his life, [redacted] ended up preventing jungkook’s death by dying in the process. Eagerly wanton his own true family member back, jungkook sacrificed his own soul with the help of a man named taehyung who was secretly a demon named v. The two were able to recover the other’s life in exchange for jungkook’s own and their contract terms would only continue to affect the younger to this day. At least it provided jungkook with a second chance at life on his own terms without his parents. But from then on all traces of jungkook disappeared like he never existed in the first place. There only ever was a human named jeongguk who was secretly a demon.

more detailed one will be added when layout is completed.

ch 3: just doin' my job babe - daddys little baby


[Short version- detailed version in works]

As a demon, jeongguk began living with his boss v and eventually became a full fledged incubus without a human vessel. In addition to other powers, he could tempt others in dreams to sin. And after [redacted] woke up and recruited v into the daddy little baby community for the hidden gay male population, v created a human vessel for jeongguk and recruited him into that community to fill a role both v and [redacted] could not fill: please the daddies as a baby.

Though, in work he was whatever the others wanted him to be, in his spare time he tried to top the daddies and babies he was actually interested in. Jeongguk was overall great at his job and flourished as a beginner incubus with all the feeding via in his switch role. Even after getting into a few unofficial relationships of his own, though, after finding out his nature as an incubus, jeongguk found out sooner than later none of them loved him enough to want him as he was. This only worsened his own self-worth. He wasn’t ever meant for love; just be a troublesome incubus meant to tempt others to sin. This, he never tried to get actually serious with anyone, sometimes even making them hate him just enough to only be seen as a casual fling than a lover.

still, that didn’t stop him from being envious of others to the point he made v's current lover at that time cheat on v with him. Even after v became furious, beat up and kicked jeongguk out of their apartment for good, jeongguk struggled to keep his human vessel, eventually dying in that world as jeongguk for good and meeting a new jungkook soul who would take his spot. That was when he felt true empathy and seen from someone other than himself. Ironically, it was himself. Yet jeongguk was still too insufferable to stay and let anyone in. Despite that jungkook’s kind soul, Jeongguk was proven right yet again when the other left for good.

Unfortunately, soon after that [redacted] had yet again died in a tragedy. V officially became a demon lord, aka lord v, the first order of business being for v and jeongguk to save and put [redacted] in a comatose state. After securing [redacted]’s life, the two demons started world hopping while working in all the new worlds lord v gained through his expansion of the new jurisdiction lord v was in charge of. Yet unlike his boss who had a human vessel, because of the details of the contract, jeongguk could never have his own body as jungkook in those alternate worlds where a version of himself once existed. Any jungkook with his specific soul was either dead or would soon be. The only thing jeongguk could do in those worlds was to possess that empty vessel to match that universe’s jungkook’s original story for the time he temporarily worked there. And whether he was a human, good man, robot, whatever that jungkook version of himself was, jeongguk did it all flawlessly no one would second guess they weren’t talking to their universe’s original jungkook.

doing this for so long that he only lived in dreams as himself and not any of the real worlds, jeongguk ended up messing with his own self-identity of himself until he wondered who he was. When he returned back to his original world and original body, though, he'd remember enough to not lose himself completely. Having this safe space to remember who he was, was important and even imperative for him. Unfortunately because of this regressive behavior, even if he experienced more, felt more wiser than he appeared, he never once grew out of his older vessel. Especially in a world where he was always alone but never lonely, this is how he got through every sad event in his future life for the longest time. By returning back to his original daddy baby world and venting his frustrations to the empty world where no one knew him as nothing other than a rambunctious university student named Jeongguk.

more detailed one will be added when layout is completed.

ch 4: multiverse 1.0 - lovin' for the 1st time w/ shawty


[Short version- detailed version in works]

For the most part, with all the world hopping yet keeping his self image the same in his original world, nothing changed in jeongguk's outward behavior as a demon. Jeongguk was still the cocky, flirty yet majorly impulsive and rude incubus many encountered him as. Not to mention, anyone who even tried to confess to him never really stuck around after knowing his incubus nature, so jeongguk found no reason to care for anyone else but [redacted].

Well- that’s until he did.

When the demon lord v discovered multiverse 1.0, a multiverse place with millions of versions of everyone including a still living and hopeful [redacted], the two demons eagerly decided to join there as well. What happened after was what the anarchical multiverse would expect but v, the multiverse [redacted], and jeongguk were unprepared for.

For Jeongguk, it was a lot of witnessing underhanded plays even for someone like him, clashing with a Taehyung, flirting with some women and even a jimin. Pretty much flirting with everyone but more honestly than the multiverse citizens in being transparent and not leading anyone on. In one of these multiverse's citizens' dreams, jeongguk met and, after clashing with many outside of the feeding, befriended a like-minded version of himself, a bts jungkook from a non au named jungkook who jeongguk liked to teasingly call "shawty" because of the other's height. The two gradually bonded and even had a friends with benefits relationship as human and incubus until eventually, jeongguk grew empathetic for that jungkook's struggles with the dishonesty and toxicity surrounding most of shawty’s actual boyfriends. They were all messy, and through wanting to be the better man to heal his best friend’s heart for good, Jeongguk fell head first for the other.

Shawty was jeongguk's first love and eventually, with time, the other confessed he liked jeongguk back. After that, things were smooth until they weren't. Jeongguk quickly learned the only thing holding their relationship together was the . Once one of them opened their mouth, though, it'd only lead into a big fight that could only be saved by taking it to the bed. However, even with Jeongguk being honest in this toxicity in their relationship, jeongguk was willing to deal with it since he finally had someone he truly loved for once in his long life.

Unfortunately, what did stop them at that time was that multiverse’s [redacted]'s own deteriorating mental state yet again due to the anarchy in this multiverse. [Redacted] needed to leave to stay sane, lord V vowed to find a more civilized multiverse in the long run, and jeongguk had to bid a heartfelt goodbye to his true first love.

With time, jeongguk thought he would get over his shawty. Yet no matter how many bodies he'd feed on, slept with and dated, nothing and no one could make the yearning for his shawty go away. Even after a couple of years, as lord v found another [redacted] in another universe, if he wasn’t playing around with others as a demon, jeongguk would constantly numb his feelings with , alcohol and drugs. For several years, Jeongguk remained depressed that he’d never be able to see his shawty again, wondering where the other was and if his once best friend found a healthier relationship eventually.

more detailed one will be added when layout is completed.

ch 5: path to happiness(?) - private university


[Short version- detailed version in works]

Even when his demon lord boss miraculously found a lover in a hoseok from an originally non au and jeongguk ended up bonding with that hoseok too, jeongguk's mental state in having a relationship had still not improved. Other than his work he was flawless at, he only ever numbed those feelings by indulging more and more in , drugs and alcohol on his free time. He did know know however that he would eventually meet a version of the one that got away, jimin, as well as the next person jeongguk would fall for.

Jeongguk's boss lord v and lord v's new lover hoseok met in another world where another of lord v's alternate versions still existed. The world was a human au but set in a similar private university to the one Jeongguk and lord V both attended. Similar because it was a more modernized form of that private university. Since the original plan was that Jeongguk would work under the confines of the dream yet not affect any human directly, like always, jeongguk had no vessel of his own here nor did Jeongguk ever want one after finding it way easier not to deal with relationships by not having a human vessel to interact with them constantly. Jeongguk could just ghost anyone who got attached or they’d forget when they woke up as usual.

Before the private university world was opened to new souls, though, jeongguk received a message from shawty stating that the other had arrived in another one of the worlds where lord v had jurisdiction in as a demon lord. Thinking they have both had time to mature, jeongguk was willing and eager to give it a chance and take shawty back, even usurping his usual work duties to do so. But jeongguk’s happiness didn’t last long.

When lord v caught wind of jeongguk slacking on his work duties, he began to actively undermine their relationship. Despite lord v and jeongguk's rocky relationship ever since jeongguk tried to sleep with lord v's baby in the daddy baby community, lord v was sceptical to believe his servant's renewed relationship with an ex would be anything jeongguk would thrive in. That is why when the inevitable time came for jeongguk to work in the private university that was about to open up to new souls and shawty wanting to not be an idol anymore, lord v pushed shawty to agree to a contract where the other's memories would be erased and jeongguk would have a temporary human vessel.

The two would be able to choose a new life in the new private university universe. This way lord V could truly test the two's relationship when shawty would learn who Jeongguk originally was before jeongguk had to inevitably die in that world and lose his temporary human vessel. Unfortunately, the test was too effective and shawty as a university student ended up, not only rejecting the idea of jeongguk as a boyfriend, but also rejecting the original rebel Jeongguk as a friend altogether, completely turning 360 degrees and renouncing any relationship with jeongguk as himself once those memories had been recovered. Jeongguk was devastated and, unlike before, the contract nullifaction only affected him this time. Shawty would forget the two were ever a thing, only looking back at those times as nothing but a strange dream.

As soon as shawty left, jeongguk had no time to mourn when shawty the student jungkook in the university was replaced with a new jungkook’s soul altogether. Jeongguk hated it. The new jungkook wasn't anything like his shawty nor was the other even a student. Instead this jungkook was an unusual professor who had a fascination with dreams. Impulsively in the new jungkook's dream, jeongguk tried to attack and yell at the unaware jungkook for replacing his shawty, thinking the other wouldn't remember him when he woke up anyways. Weirdly, the professor /did/ remember jeongguk. Not only that but actively sought out the other as both an incubus but also as just jeongguk himself. Jeongguk was reluctant at first to let the other in. But at least feeding on the other helped numb the pain of his broken heart. At that time it never could completely replace how he felt for his shawty.

Still, eventually jeongguk saw this new jungkook in himself and through pity, sympathy, and appreciation, professor jungkook shined a light on jeongguk’s sad life. The two grew close, jeongguk preferring to call the other teasing nicknames like "baby grandpa" because of the fact that jungkook was an old soul- similar to jeongguk.

Unfortunately, as the two grew more and more closer and their gestures more romantic than just the usual ual jeongguk was used to, jeongguk inevitably grew terrified about how much the other meant to him and was the first to run away. Yet through patience and understanding, something jeongguk's ex shawty never could truly have with jeongguk in their fights, the two would get through many of these fights. That professor jungkook eventually became the only reason jeongguk would still want to care for another human and the reason for the existence he had now in the new multiverse 2.0 lord V discovered the next year.

With the professor's huge amount of care and understanding for jeongguk's incubus nature that no one else gave him as well as with his new hyung hoseok's compassion and generosity, jeongguk was able to agree to lord v's conditions for being in the multiverse with not a temporary human vessel but a relatively permanent human vessel. Jeongguk still had to feed yet only would lose the function of the vessel rather than die and lose it altogether. It was all because of the fact that jeongguk had someone like jungkook that he could grow from his immature behavior internally as well as externally. Even to this day, the two fight and Jeongguk continues to run. Yet at the end of the day they eventually still are able to work with each other. It’s not perfect as the multiverse continuously offers many challenges. But it is one of the first times Jeongguk has felt safe and truly and mutually loved in a long time.

more detailed one will be added when layout is completed.

life in the multiverse 2.0


how to differentiate between fcs in multiverse: signature cocky smirk, short side parted hair, slightly taller than other fcs

human/demon height: taller than avg; 6.3ft or indeterminate
human/demon eye color: doe brown; red
human/demon hair color: golden brown but changeable; red
physique: tall, muscular and lean
tattoos: none
birth marks: trivia
beauty marks: trivia
jewelry: gages/small earrings

casual attire: punk style, wears red and black a lot, timberland boots  
fancy attire: button-down shirts, blazers, red and black  
demon attire: usually in cop uniform for work but can assimilate w/ any costume; check back on cheaters' day for more  

behind his smirks


❝ What are some of his quirks/powers? ❞

  • differentiate between
    -supernatural Vs human
    -supernatural type (i.e fallen angel or werewolf)
  • senses emotions to minute detail
  • only can read minds in dreams

❝ What are some of his likes and dislikes? ❞

  • likes: attention, his ego d, , flirting
  • dislikes: being ignored, being controlled, cheating

❝ What are some of his secrets and fears? ❞

  • secrets: uncomitted but wants to be loved
  • fears: being abandoned again/ alone

❝ What are some of his hobbies? ❞

  • video games
  • casual anime
  • tempting victims in dreams
  • flirting

❝ What are some of his habits? ❞

  • making victims cheat on their partners (need ooc permit)
  • acting cocky and confident flawlessly most times
  • Being more talk than action unless it's
  • trivia

#frat/ boi



love ain't for me but i don't mind keepin' this goin'


status: kind of but not really taken; contracted instead
since: MArch 17th, 2024
with: jeon jungkook - private university

kook hyung,
will you stay with me to death will we part, in sickness and in health? , this is so weird hah.
but you know what they say, people settle down with their 2nd choice, the one they know will actually treasure them. 
i'm just thankful you're someone i really ing trust. even after all i did to  your life up, i know you would say you're glad i did it.
i don't get it that part of you. i don't get you. never did.
but i guess that's another thing i love about my human. getting to know you and falling deeper and deeper each time (, the cheese!).
I ain't banking on lasting forever. Let's just ride this out like I love the way you ride.

connection #1

jimin - ? | JIMIN - Privat Uni

1st victim | ex-roommate

connection #2


hope | savior | family 

connection #3

lord v

boss | ex-roommate

connection #4

chanyeol - private uni

long-term victim

connection #5

taehyung - private uni

young boss | roommate 

connection #6

jungkook - private uni

litsky | contractee