
name: lee donghyuck | haechan
d.o.b + age: june 8, 2000 (23)
occupation: idol (soloist)
privasea room: 105
reason for boarding privasea: haechan is sick of his life being micromanaged and nitpicked by everyone around him; so he decided to run away and take a loooong vacation without telling a soul. the entertainment company that manages him is scrambling to find him, and his fans have been told that he's taking a sudden hiatus due to health. meanwhile haechan is trying to relax and let loose on the seven seas.

— right now his sunglasses are perpetually glued to his face so he can try to avoid being recognized
— he's very popular among young women for his idol persona; although older people probably wouldn't know him by his face, some of his ballads have gotten so popular among that demographic that many know his songs when the leaves fall and hold my hand
— due to being an idol for almost 8 years he almost always uses his stage name, and his real name has started to feel like something personal (something that only his family and people he's close to should get to use)
— despite his love of summer, going to the beach and being in the sun he cannot swim; he'll dip his toes into the water but that's it
— since he's letting loose he isn't trying to maintain his strict idol diet and you can often find him indulging in tasty foods and sweet desserts (especially mango-flavored treats which are his favorite)

plots / connections
red alerthumor, potential friendship(?)
you're well aware of who haechan is. after all, you've been a fan of his for years now! you never expected to see him on the privasea cruise since the last news you heard was him taking a hiatus due to health three weeks ago. haechan thought he was doing a good job of laying low, but you'd recognize those long legs and that pretty face anywhere. what will it take for him to make sure you don't give away his location?

poolside crushhumor, potential something more(?) son youngjae ⚓︎
haechan has always been a romantic. he dreams of a romance like the movies and yearns for someone to call his. unfortunately, he happens to be an idol locked into parasocial fan culture and also gay which is a death sentence to his career if it ever got out. but with his shades on and sitting strategically on the other side of the pool he feels comfortable enough to admire you, his poolside crush, from afar. what's he to do when you notice him?

hack it upnear drowning, hurt/comfort, potential friendship(?) son youngjae ⚓︎
how haechan ended up in the water (pool or ocean) doesn't matter right now. what matters is the fact that he can't swim and he's having trouble keeping his head above the water. you, a good samaritan, notice his struggles and dive in to pull him out. once he's no longer drowning haechan needs to be taken to emergency services to make a full recovery, which you seem more than welcome to assist him with.