Personal Message
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basic information
01 : full name
lee minho.
02 : date of birth
25 oct 98.
03 : location
04 : occupation
dance instructor / choreographer.
05 : scent
caramel + coffee Beans
06 : rank
07 : cycle day
05 : orientation
06 : love interest
error 404.
Minho was born as the youngest of two children, an older sister by the name of eunji had been born before him. as the youngest he had to follow through eunji's shoes and it was obvious that minho would not do that well. As a kid he was adventurous, outgoing and playful, and those traits had followed him through school. He was very adament and persistant about his dreams, that his parents hadn't been too proud of his choices, mainly his dad, as he had expected a more practical lifestyle for his son. "why couldn't you be a lawyer like your sister?" he would often hear anytime he was around his parents. 
Though she didn't show it often his mother often babied him and told him in private through multiple occasions that she would support her dreams no matter what, that's what he did behind the scenes. 
So when minho had went to college he got a scholarship to major in dance and choreography, a thing he had excelled in since he was a child. After graduating he had found himself his own apartment, moving off of campus, and pursuing his dream. 
01 : mbti
Caring, enthusiastic, idealistic, organized, diplomatic, responsible. skilled communicators who value connection with people.
02 : Enneagram
type 2 - The helper
Type 1 individuals are characterized by their empathy, warmth and desire to support and care for others. They often find fullfillment in assisting and uplifting those around them. Additionally tpye 2s can experience feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, especially if they perceive themselves as not meeting the nees of others or receiving enough appreciation in return. 
03 : Positive Traits
empathetic, passionate, creative, supportive + resilient 
04 : negative traits
self-doubt, perfectionishm, over-commitment impulsive, overbearing.
05 : likes
music, nature, crativity, traveling, literature, wildlife watching, volunteering, coffee, coffee cake
06 : dislikes
discrimination, negativity, conflict, dishonesty, arrogance.
07 : hobbies
drawing, painting, yoga, meditation, photography, cooking, baking, nature walks, gardening, poetry, pottery
08 : talents
adaptibility, theater, dance.
09 : family
Mother: Lee (Park) Jinah
Father: Lee Sungho
sister: Lee Eunji
@name here
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