Personal Message
basic information
full name : christopher bang
date of birth : october 3rd (26)
❛ gender : omega
occupation : matron
❛ scent : peaches, pink pepper
wolf form : see
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quirks; q&a.

― likes :  star gazing/astronomy, long evening walks, hiking, camping, working with his hands, fancy cars, bbq meat, sweet jerky, sweets in general, working out, rock music, tummy rubs and head scratchies. 

― dislikes :   masters, the class system, caffeine, bitter tasting food, thunder or other unexpectedly loud noises, small enclosed spaces, nightmares, drugs and alcohol.

― hobbies : star gazing, hiking, gardening. 

― strengths :  Leadership.

― weaknesses :  low fertility. 

― goals : find love.

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chan was born to two activists who attempted to protest the caste system. they lived on the run, constantly dodging being assimilated and made to submit to their perceived betters. however, it didn't last. chan was six when they were captured and he was separated from his family. the rest of his childhood was spent in a group home for wayward omegas that focused on rehabilitating them into respectable consorts.

however, his matron ruled with a firm hand... none of the boys were strangers to corporal punishment when they didn't behave. over the years, the resistance was beaten out of many of them. chan became more docile himself, resigned to his fate, but he couldn't stand to see the others hurt. he became protective of them, taking them under his wing. soothing their wounds, letting them lean on him when they felt weak, and even taking responsibility for their mistakes to save them from punishment.

like all of them, though, chan was doomed to come of age eventually and be placed on the market as a breeder. he was purchased quickly and was ripped away from his newfound family, finding himself beholden to a master he'd never met. the person wasn't necessarily cruel, but chan was bought with one purpose in mind - to produce children - and when that was unsuccessful after multiple attempts, chan was placed back on the market.


two masters later and chan still hadn't conceived. there was a period of time where he went unpurchased because of this. until two years ago, when he was acquired as the fifth courtesan to an infertile alpha. he wasn't actually desired to produce an heir since the alpha had three children already. he was expected to be their nanny and care for the other consorts.
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bonded mate

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." - Marcus Aurelius

full name : Lorem ipsum
date : Lorem ipsum
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