Personal Message

from 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 ℳ𝒶𝒿𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓎

♤ julie han - plotting - replied.
♤ kim hoseok - plotting - replied.

name ;
na jaemin
date of birth ;
august 13 (23)
kingdom ;
rank ;
occupation ;
conman, thief, swindler
power ;
metal manipulation
orientation ;
relationship status ;
complicated :eyes:
at first glance...
♤ — Place of Birth: Pyrolith, Astralis
♤ — Current Residence: [tbd]
♤ — Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

♤ — Height: 5'10" (176.5cm)
♤ — Hair Color: Black
♤ — Eye Color: Brown
♤ — Body Modifications: Pierced Earlobes (1s), tattoo of a sword on his left bicep.
♤ — Notable Characteristics: His back is scarred from a whipping he received at the age of 17 by the knights of Pyrolith after he was caught stealing from a nobleman; when using his powers his eyes shimmer with a silver color; he has some permanent bruising/discoloration around his throat in the shape of hands.
♤ — Dress Style: Darker colors (browns, blacks, deep reds), well-fitted and easy to move in, boots and jackets, a flowy blouse if he's feeling fancy, lots of pockets for carrying stolen trinkets and money.
beneath the surface...
Na Jaemin was born to an unmarried couple in the slums of the Pyrolith kingdom. His father stuck around for a grand total of two months before ing off to who knows where. Jaemin's mother raised him by herself as best as she could, but her meager living as a barmaid could only afford them so much.

Local gangs would often harrass her on her way home, even when Jaemin was old enough to tag along wtih her to the tavern since she couldn't afford to have anyone watch him. The fact that she had a little boy holding onto her hand didn't matter. The guards stationed in the slums also did nothing to help, leading Jaemin to resent both the gangs and the kingdom's knights.

In an effort to try and help his mother Jaemin began to pickpocket on the streets at the age of 11. He was small back then, quick on his feet and able to hoodwink even the most shrewd of people. His mother scolded him for stealing from others, and while he knew it was wrong, Jaemin did not stop.

Despite his pickpocketing skills Jaemin ended up being truly caught at the age of 13 after attempting to steal a watch from a well-dressed gentleman. Perhaps a god or entity of luck was protecting Jaemin then, because this man turned out to be the member of a thieves guild. Instead of turning Jaemin over to the knights he brought the young boy to the guild. Jaemin was too young to join them, but the other thieves took a liking to him and taught him plenty of tricks and skills. He was eventually initiated into the guild at age 16.

For six years Jaemin did various assignments within the guild. These were much more than just pickpocketing, and involved breaking into homes and businesses, raids of caravans, and more. Jaemin was one of the best in the guild, and this unfortunately put a target on his back.

Due to an incident just last year Jaemin ended up leaving the thieves guild and made quite a few enemies in the process. He works alone now, but sometimes he still partners with past friends and new ones.

Recently, Jaemin may have bitten off more than he can chew. His own self confidence has led him to attempt swindling the royal family of [KINGDOM TBD] in order to make his biggest steal yet: a secret royal family treasure. There are only two, maybe three, possible outcomes to this. Jaemin will either pull it off and disappear with the treasure he's been searching for, or his true intentions will be discovered and he will be executed for his trickery of the royal family. He's hoping for the outcome where he gets to keep his head on his shoulders.
digging a little deeper...
coming soon....

— proficient in the use of swords and swordplay, both in the "normal" sense and by using his control of metal to wield a sword (or multiple swords at once)
— he can control metal in both its solid and liquid forms, so if his opponent believes they can melt his weapons to render him incapable of fighting back they are sorely mistaken
— to get a good approximation of his vibes think flynn rider from tangled - charming ! suave ! has a way with words ! but also a little clumsy ! willing to con & cheat & steal when needed (or even when it is not needed) ! handsome liar ! overall well-meaning / good guy but he won't admit it !
- though he's well and truly a thief jaemin prefers to call himself a conman (confidence man). it's just a nicer sounding way of calling him a swindler and a liar and a cheat
- [tw: choking/asphyxiation] in the past he was choked so severely he lost consciousness and genuinely thought he was going to die; he developed claustrophobia after this incident that is triggered by 1) hands on his throat and/or 2) extremely small/confined spaces (the first trigger is much more likely to cause him to panic than the second one).
friends & foes & others...
' charm ≠ love ;
false lover
detailed description coming soon...

a member of the royal family (kingdom tbd) that jaemin is in the process of conning to gain access to a priceless royal treasure and steal it. he has taken the guise of a wealthy and affluent noble that is head over heels in love. perhaps he has played his part too well as the royal family is now pushing for marriage, which jaemin is trying to avoid, but at the same time he needs to stay in the relationship long enough to get to the treasure.
♤ ♤ ♤
' piggy bank ;
victim of thievery
detailed description coming soon...

a wealthy member of society's upper crust and a frequent target of jaemin's. since this person is swimming in wealth jaemin will pilfer from their coffers often, sometimes even twice in the same week if he's feeling particularly daring. jaemin has yet to be caught and his victim is forced to deal with jaemin's thievery and teasing.
♤ ♤ ♤
sparring partner
detailed description coming soon...

a skilled swordsman that equals jaemin in terms of battle prowess. the two will often engage in sudden sparring by trying to take the other by surprise. for example, jaemin jumping from the roof of a nearby building and rolling to a stand already pointing a blade to their throat. the sparring is mostly fun and also part training, and may also involve other kinds of tension between the two.
♤ ♤ ♤
' name here ;
detailed description coming soon...
♤ ♤ ♤
' name here ;
detailed description coming soon...
♤ ♤ ♤
' name here ;
detailed description coming soon...
important events...
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
behind the muse...
♤ — PART ONE: Introduction.
Hi! My name is Melo; you can call me by that or by my character(s) names. I live in GMT-5/EST and you'll mostly see me at random times throughout the day. I do work part-time (hoping to get a full-time job soon), so I'm not always available.

If you're interested in plotting or making a connection between our characters, please read the rest of this section!
♤ — PART TWO: Preferences.
POV & Length: I only use 3rdPOV. My replies can vary in length from semi to para to novella. I do my best to mirror, but don't feel pressured to do the same as long as you give me something I can work with.

Reply Speed: Just going to be upfront and say I'm a slow replier. Sometimes I can reply right away, but more often than not it might take me a few days. If you prefer a faster pace I may not be the best writing partner.

Plotting & Winging: I prefer plotting since it gives me more confidence in my threads, but I am open to winging as well (and sometimes prefer it when my brain is being finicky). Sometimes I post random starters, so if they haven't been claimed by someone else feel free to respond!

Location: Rooms > Walls & Private Messages. I typically reserve private messages for OOC discussions, and rarely roleplay on walls unless I feel the need for our thread to be a little more hidden.
♤ — PART THREE: Boundaries.
Please do not "poke" me for a response. I don't make a habit of forgetting replies, and it's more likely that I'm busy or struggling with my muse. That being said, if it's been more than two (2) weeks you can reach out to me.

If you plan to include any rated M or potentially triggering content in our threads you must discuss it with me first. I don't appreciate being blindsided and I will make sure to speak with you about including any such topics as well.

Regarding and romance; I don't typically roleplay these genres outside of my friends or those I'm very comfortable with, but I'm trying to be a little more adventurous lately and branch out so let's just consider them tentatively on the table if we feel like such topics fit into our plot. I'm not likely to plot romance unless we feel like our characters connect, and I don't do threads that are just without plot.
♤ — PART FOUR: Extra Information.
If at any point you wish to change something in our thread or drop it altogether, please notify me! I will endeavor to do the same.