
age: 39 (appears 23)
species: zombie
family: acer
position: general doctor & surgeon
origins: he was born a human and lived for 23 years until he was hit by a car walking home one night. the person who killed him dumped his body in an abandoned landfill, and apparently some type of virus was there because he woke up mindless and craving human flesh a week later. he was discovered by a group of gang members after eating one of them, and upon consuming their brain he regained his mental faculties. "oh, i'm sorry, was he one of yours?" instead of killing him the gang took him to the city and he was absorbed into the acer family. he started in the lower ranks but when they learned of his medical knowledge (as he was a medical student before he died) they promoted him to doctor's assistant. this position is where he learned most of what he knows now. when the previous head doctor died he took up the position and has been there ever since.

— as a zombie he eats all parts of other creatures (mostly humans), but the most delicious part is the brain
— he's a bit of a mad scientist type and likes to play with his food (ie. creating new recipes using brains such as brain spaghetti and dehydrated brain chips)
— at one point he was unable to eat flesh/brains and slipped back into mindless zombieism; when he was discovered he attacked immediately, leading to someone cutting off both his arms at the triceps. when he came too he had no arms, but this was not a huge issue since he was able to have them reattached. his arms are attached to his body via stitches made of a strong metal alloy, and sealed with special magic. he can detach his arms if he ever feels the need to, but it's a to reattach them so he usually doesn't. (as long as he eats flesh/brains regularly he retains full mental clarity (though others would argue that he's not sane, which... isn't wrong, but a lack of sanity does not necessarily = a lack of clarity).)
— his general appearance is white hair, dark sunken eyes w/ red & purple bruising around them, glasses, always seen in his doctor's coat, dress shoes, professional wear, canines are extra sharp, the smell of death hangs around him (barely noticeable by humans, but becomes more obvious to other creatures depending on their sense of smell)
— ever since becoming a zombie he has a lack of empathy(?). like, he feels little to no guilt for killing/eating someone or something; it's a symptom of the virus since it basically hardwired his body to crave flesh and also have the mental capabilities to do so on a regular basis.
— either it's the vampires he associates with or most vampires in general, but for some reason they're uncomfortable with his very public consumption of flesh/brains. like, he'll just bring "snacks" with him wherever in case he gets hungry - blood & cartilage gummies, dehydrated brain chips, bone meal "pretzels," etc. - and vampires tend to get grossed out by it. he thinks it's interesting since vampires require blood to survive, but apparently any other body parts beyond that gives them the squick. lmao
— it would have been normal for him to want to find out who ran him over, but for some reason, upon waking up as a zombie he just never really had the urge? he's curious, but not in a revenge- or obsession-driven way. (would LOVE to have a plot where whoever killed him (human or creature) meets him again now, but bc he never saw their face he doesn't know it's them; but they certainly know who HE is (how could they forget that cold, dead face they were forced to stare at when they drove his body to the abandoned complex and dumped it?))
— he's not self-conscious about his arm scars/the stitches holding them in place, so in the rare times that he's not wearing his doctor's coat he doesn't bother covering them up. (to be honest, in general he's not self-conscious or shy to share anything about himself)
— [ cw: ual themes ] since he is dead he has no blood flow or heartbeat (perfect for working in a vampire-led mafia), and this also affects his libido. ever since dying he's never really felt the urge to have , and even if he did it's not really possible anymore since he can't get it up or either (bc you know,,,, dead). sdkfjhds i'd like to explore this if he ever got into a physical or romantic+physical relationship with someone, because he's MORE than willing to please them with his hands and mouth, etc., not expecting anything in return (bc he doesn't need it); and honestly i think just the euphoria from getting off someone he's attracted to could affect him similarly (so a zombie version of an i suppose LMAO).