Personal Message
basic information
full name : Lee Heesung
date of birth : October 15, 2001 (23)
occupation : idol
orientation : homoual
❛ timezone : utc -4
love interest : nuthin and everything
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quirks; q&a.

― likes :  R&B/Indie music, rainbow sherbert ice cream (like a ing psychopath, winter & spring, romance movies, and mango bubble tea pearls. He likes strawberries and doggos, as well as baby lotion scents. His favorite clothing brand is dickies, and his hobbies are writing and composing music. 

― dislikes :  horror movies and mint chocolate chip flavored things.

― hobbies : Speaking conversational English, guitar and piano, as well as watching movies and listening to music. 

― talents :  Composing, dancing, and singing, as well as just having taken up the hobby of writing music.

― goals :  Heeseung's goals are to become a successful duo pair with Jaehyun and to be able to experience their love of music together for as long as they can. 

― extra : Heesung became interested in dancing when he was six years old. His mother put him in a variety of dance classes hoping that by giving him a hobby to release his energy he would stay out of trouble. Instead, Heeseung fell in love. His favorite dance genre was hip-hop and mainstream dance. At the age of 12 as he was going through puberty, he began to explore music more, having loved it through dance. He found that R&B as well as Indie music gave him a sense of peacefulness and contentment. It was a place to escape when he was feeling hurt or sad..

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Moving his body and singing were all he knew, he lived and breathed melody, movement, music. He was workaholic, underweight and extremely passionate about what he was doing. He found Bri-light Entertainment, a small company with only a few singers to their name, and none too famous to become much of anything. Heeseung lept at the chance, because even a shot, even just a small one was better than anything else he could ask for.

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full name : Lorem ipsum
date : Lorem ipsum
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Shysun: Full name: Lee Heesung
DOB: October 15th, 2001
Character role: Idol
Brief Background: Heesung grew up always listening to music and had a deep passion for it, he dreamed to become a singer who brought smile's to people and made them sing along with him since he was only six years old. He never had the opportunity to do so, but when he became a highschooler he was scouted into a small company to join a boy group. Upon training with that company for four years, Heesung didn't feel like it was the right fit for him, but then he met Stephanie and he was swayed to come to Diamond Soul Factory and be an idol with them.
Talents: XD Vocals, Dancing, Producing, Writing
Timezone: UTC -4
Password: Korean (6/6) and English (5/6)


Secret Santa 2024: "I do not know if you are like me, but one can
truly go wrong with some classic sound. I hope you will be able to truly
lose yourself in the textures of your favorite songs with this gift. Happy holidays!"