Personal Message

a general collection of memories, past display pics and docs from daydream. the bubbles below are hyperlinked to their respective google docs!

roleplayed by saorsa
+ things i'd like to remember

❦ Yeonjun [A]

i love kai's love languages already :shy: ​

⟢ Beomgyu

heart for each of you ily ❤︎︎ ❣︎ ♡︎ ♥︎


+ more to come!

#memes #cutethings
+ dp one
+ dp two
+ dp three
+ dp four
out of character

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. You don't need to do brackets because I don't normally write in personal PMs; however, if we decide to take a more mature thread in there, I am more than capable of discerning what is and isn't OOC talk. Still, if it would be easier for you, I'm happy to introduce brackets.

For Oasis, I intend to follow the main thread/storyline and then have low-key, slow-paced plots for wish fulfilment and character development on the side.

With these side threads, I love plotting and prefer a combination of winging and plotting when roleplaying. Having a rigid storyline can be a little restrictive but I also find completely winging things can be a little 'choice overload'. I prefer to have either an end goal or a series of plot points to work towards, however I will be as flexible as possible.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10, and I'm quite slow to reply. I'm being a hypocrite by joining this RP (how could I not?) when I am supposed to be on hiatus. I work six days a week, and there will be days when I'm completely braindead from work. If you're going to roleplay with me, you need to be aware that there will be times when I disappear on you thread-wise. Do not RP with me if that will be a problem.

As I expect some courtesy with pacing given my situation, you can be rest assured that you will be given the same! If there is a two-week break between replies and no OOC notice has been provided, I will send you a check-in. This message is not a poke! It's purely for me to make sure you're still interested in the plot regardless of when/if you intend to respond, and I will leave it at that. Please take your time, and never feel pressured to respond to me, as I am more than understanding of real life situations delaying things.

Real life is more important than RPR.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 25 and 21 respectively ) and I am very open to NSFW threads.

Violence(mild or graphic), death, and other similarly TW/CW-related content is ok with me for threads; the more realistic, the better, as long as it's not gratuitous.

WRITING STYLE. My main writing style is para to multipara, with the odd novella on occasion. Typically, my novella-style replies are starters because I enjoy using background context.

I'm more than comfortable doing script.

It has been a while since I've written, so I'm not quite where I used to be. My struggle is with telling rather than showing. I apologise in advance if my reply comes across as bland; if this is the case, or there's something else you're not happy with, you are more than welcome to ask for a re-write and give me (polite) guidance.

GENRE LIMITS. Everything goes except for three topics: CP, necrophilia, and . However, I'd be very surprised if any of these topics came up.
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Full Name: Kai Kamal Huening.
  • Alias(es): TBD (romantic pet names to be confirmed with other roleplayers).
  • Date of Birth: 14th August 2002 (Age 21).
  • Zodiac Sign: Mermaid (magix) — Leo (earth).
  • Place of Birth: Andros, Magix Realm.
  • Current Location: Alveria Academy, Alveria.
  • Known Languages: Common — Mermish.
  • Occupation: Student (full-time) — Socialite (full-time).

Character Trivia

  • Character Inspiration: Lae’Zel (BG3), Elsa (Frozen) & Mikasa Ackerman (SNK).
  • Race: Human.
  • Nationality: Androssian.
  • Rank: Nobility (upper).
  • Rank: Graduate Specialist — Soldier of the realm.
  • Goal: To become a paladin and join the Magix military, and climb the ranks until he either becomes Field Marshal or dies in battle; whichever comes first.
  • Education: Alveria Academy of Magic (current) — Red Fountain (former).
  • Weapon: Trident (primary) — Spear (secondary) — Longbow (ranged).
  • Dragon: Calliope (white version).

Romantic Trivia

  • Love Language (receiving): Words of affirmation —Quality time — Physical touch.
  • Love Language (giving): Physical touch — Acts of service.
  • Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Homoual.
  • Relationship Status: TBC.

    !!ual Content Warning!!
  • Position: Switch.
  • Dynamic: Verse (will vary depending on character dynamic between Kai and your mun).
  • Intimacy Style: Unsure, to be developed in RP however as a top, I think Kai prefers doing things slower/more passionate and consuming then rough. As a bottom, I get the feeling that he likes being manhandled, and is open to roughness, but just wants to experience as much skin-on-skin and verbal enthusiasm as he can.
  • Stamina: As of the official beginning of the roleplay- bad. Finishes quickly, so will likely prefer to start off bottoming unless doing non-penetrative .
  • Favoured Position(s): Riding — Missionary — Spooning.
  • Kinks (Loves): Kissing, tongues — Hands, fingers — Grinding, frottage — play — s, rimming, face-ing/sitting — Edging — Riding, thigh-grinding — Voyeurism and exhibitionism (romantic partners only) — Body worship — , prefers praise over degradation — Pet names — Wing kink — Light body retraints — Shower/bathtub  — Lingerie (on others) — Overstimulation — Possessiveness — Wet 'n' messy(saliva, sweat, etc., from the act) — Domesticity, sleepy morning /intimacy — Mirrors, reflection — Mutual ion — Tentacles, aphrodisiacs.
    **ok this is purely for my own satisfaction but i wouldn't be opposed to some verbal feminisation if Kai is in a submissive + bottoming role. it doesn't make sense for his character but like *bites fist* it's so good so imma just make it a non-canon kink lol plsdontjudgemetooharshly

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 183 cm (6’0″).
  • Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs).
  • Hair Colour: Dyed blonde with the tips dyed stone blue.
  • Eye Colour: Deep blue, almost black; reminiscent of the deepest depths of the ocean.
  • Skin Colour: Warm-tone, tans very easily; particularly on sun-drenched planets such as Andros or Solaria.
  • Piercings: Kai has the following piercings:
    • Lobe (both ears).
    • Upper lobe (both ears).
    • Rook (both ears).
    • Helix (left ear).
  • Tattoos:
    • Back piece.
      **the piece is a replicant of a mermaid poem, designed for him by one of his Mer friends when he was accepted into Red Fountain; the piece describes a tale of a brave Triton who alone fought a beast(exact monster has been lost to time) who threatened to destroy the Mer kingdom.
  • Scars: Most scars on Kai's body come from a mixture of combat practice and legitimate battle fought during his time at Red Fountain. He wears them proudly(excluding the scars on his thighs) as they represent his growth as a warrior and as an individual.
    • A poorly healed stab wound on his lower right pec.
    • Various scars from combat all over his body.
    • A permanent notch in his left eyebrow.
    • Healed self-harm scars on his thighs.
  • Personal Aesthetic:
    • Andros — Hailing from a mediterranean(minus winter) requires breathable fabrics, bright colours and a desire to stay as cool as possible. Kai follows fashion trends on Andros closely(although he'd never dare wear these outfits outside of his home planet), making him one of the more publically influential socialites(something he detests). bright whites, golden threads and greek-style sandals(if any shoes at all) make up the bulk of his wardrobe on Andros.
      example oneexample twoexample three.
    • Magix / Earth — Kai has a fondness towards Earth and mortal society because of it's fashion forward thinking. Where Andros and Magix cater towards specific aesthetics depending on your location, Kai has never felt more free to experiment and play around with his personal style. He tends towards edgy, almost punk inspired looks and loves to wear deep blacks, charcoal greys. Layers are a staple, as well as chunky shoes paired with gunmetal accessories.
      example oneexample twoexample three.
The Story

Part I


Rising from the crystal blue wave crests of the Thalassa Ocean lies the Nerine Archipelago, an impressive chain of islands of villas and coral reefs, and the home to Andros' oldest, most influential family- the Huening family.
The Huening's has long been recognised as one of the most magical bloodlines in all realms- having produced no non-magical descendants since the clan's inception over a thousand years ago.
As generations of Huening faeries, warlocks and witches passed, the family started dedicating themselves to preserving their exclusively magical lineage, treating this phenomenon like a badge of honour. Mortal blood would never be introduced into the family, as faeries, warlocks, and witches exclusively pursued marriages(whether political or romantic) with other magic-users to ensure their lineage remained 'pure'.
What began as a generic philosophy soon turned into an almost malicious obsession, with each generation looking at non-magical folk with more and more disdain, viewing them as a burden to the predominantly magical community of Magix.
These ideologies remained behind closed doors, but hushed conversations amongst other noble families hinted that it was less of a secret than the Huening's thought; it did not matter to them, though, as they were happy to carry on as they did.
Imagine the horror when their shining legacy appeared to come to an end—with the birth of Kai Kamal Huening, the firstborn son of the main Huening branch, who appeared to have no natural inclination towards magic of any kind.
He was a mortal.
family tree
Click here to explore Kai's immediate family.

Part II

Chapter I
It was challenging to have a happy childhood when considered a failure from the day of your birth.
Kai Kamal Huening, first-born son to the illustrious, all-magic Huening family of Andros, had made the tragic mistake of being born, by all appearances, a mortal, something that had never happened in the history of the Huening family. Ever.
And he was never allowed to forget it.
Kai's experience growing up was emotionally turbulent at best- he had a father who could barely look him in the eye, and a mother who was resolute in never acknowledging his existence, and the treatment from his extended family- while it never crossed into physical territory(outside of childish squabbles)- was positively abhorrent. Although he was never sequestered away like a prisoner, his very presence at any family gathering was clearly detested, and social events were only a fraction better; at least there, Kai wouldn't get outright treated like dirt.
His presence in society was severely disapproved by his parents, who either neglected to bring him along to family outings(of which he'd find out about hours later) or, when he came of age, chose to hire tutors to homeschool instead. Kai was rarely allowed to participate in group hobbies. Instead he was encouraged to pursue talents like music, horseback riding or swimming- things that didn't require anyone but himself and a teacher, who would be sworn to secrecy.
Kai's only saving grace was his sister, Lea(and eventually Bahiyyih), who couldn't have cared less about Kai's prescribed 'lacking'. Lea and Bahiyyih, alongside a few Mermaids who liked to hang around the rock pools outside of Kai's bedroom window, were Kai's only source of social interaction; but even they couldn't keep him company 24/7, not when they had their own lives.
Kai, for the majority of his childhood, was alone.
chapter II

✶ ⁞   trigger warning non-graphic implication of self-harm and suicide attempt.

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone in the family who had at least an ounce of sympathy for Kai's situation that he grew up from a lonely, depressed little boy to an even lonelier, depressed teenager.
Lea had begun attending Alfea, and Bahiyyih was growing into a bubbly, young faerie, so of course, their parents devoted as much time as they could to her development. In just a few short years, Kai had lost half of his social circle, now heavily relying on the kindness his Mermaid friends gave him. Still, even that couldn't give him enough of a reprieve- after all, they couldn't walk on land, and he couldn't spend all his time in the water, no matter how much he wished to.
Kai was desperate for attention, so he'd do whatever he could to get his parents' (usually Nabil's) attention. He learned that acting out was the simplest way to get somebody to talk to him, even if it was to punish him. Punishments were severe and only contributed to his horrid mental state; Kai started to feel like he was losing control, and he took out his grief in the only way he knew how without burdening Lea or Bahiyyih.
At least it gave him some semblance of control.
At least he felt something other than crushing isolation, the suffocating scrutinisation of everything he did.
One day, Kai had decided that he'd had enough.
Bahiyyih was too young to remember the events, but she remembered the fallout, much like the rest of the community.
It was kept hushed, but everybody knew something had happened when Lea returned home from Alfea before the term had ended. For the following two months, nobody on Andros saw the hide or hair of the Huening family, and the first public appearance sent shockwaves through the community; Lea Navvab Huening had lost her faerie spark and become a witch.
It was a torrid affair; rumours spiralled from the upper echelons of Andros society to the dregs. Everybody wanted to know: what happened? And where were Nabil and Yeonju? Bahiyyih? Their son?
Whatever questions people had, they knew they'd never have an answer. It seemed this was a secret the Huening family would keep under lock and key forever. Even a year later, when Nabil, Yeonju, Bahiyyih- wait, was that their son with them?- re-entered society, they pretended nothing had happened.
chapter III
They were wrong about him. He'd make sure they knew it.
He promised Lea, he promised Bahiyyih- never again. Even if he didn't believe it himself. Kai would prove it to them.
Whatever it took. He wasn't weak.
And nobody would be allowed to look down on him again.
Red Fountain was the first time that Kai felt like he could breathe.
Kai was the runt of his year level, he knew that, his classmates knew that- they all came from prominent military or royal families, they had experience that Kai didn't. From the beginning, he was picked apart for being shorter, uglier, weaker, but he did his best to pay them no heed. Kai didn't join Red Fountain to make friends, he joined to prove his worth.
It was slow, but marked, improvement over the years that he attended RF but despite experiencing pushback every step of the way, Kai proved himself to be a dark horse.
By the time he entered his second year, Kai Kamal Huening was the most anticipated graduate of Red Fountain; and he still had 4 years of his schooling to go. Everybody knew that he was the one to watch, and watch him they did.
If Kai had been anybody else, he may have taken a moment to step back and expand his horizons but he was entirely dedicated to his promise. And when he achieved that, he made himself a new promise- to become one of the few graduate specialists to attend Alveria and become a paladin; a highly competitive, graduate program that produced only the best soldiers in all the realms.
Nobody was surprised that he was accepted immediately upon graduation.
Kai wasn't either.
What he was surprised by, was the administrations choice to dorm him with four Faeries.
Whatever, like with Red Fountain, Kai wasn't there with the intention to make friends- regardless of how much they attempted to include him in his bonding. He was only there for one reason, and he'd be damned if he let anything- or anyones- distract him.
To be continued as the roleplay progresses.

The Vibes

Moral Alignment
A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organisation are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favour a strong, organised government.
Strengths: Rational — Empathetic — Independent — Driven — Selfless — Curious — Reliable — Down to earth — Kind — Honest — Witty.

Likes: Sea and water-based animals from earth, like penguins and otters — Mint chocolate chip ice cream — Graphic novels — Mermaids — Seafood, especially fresh fish — Movies and tv shows — Earth pizza — Climbing Ivy — Cuddles under lots of blankets, especially fuzzy ones — Fresh fruit, his favourite being mango or papaya — Waking up early — Sunshine — The beach, lakes, pools, etc., if he can swim in it, he likes it — Having his hair or fingers played with — Taking long showers or baths — Earth rock, alternative and punk rock music — Staying in rather then going out — Taking care of his dragon — The scent of chlorine — Egg tarts.
Weaknesses: Private — Introverted — Distrusting — Self-Critical — Perfectionist — Combative — Arrogant — Socially Clueless.

Dislikes: The cold, snow and ice, anything that isn't associated with spring/summer — Spicy foods and drinks — People who get too personal far too quick — Having his personal space invaded without permission — Absolutely abhors the idea of the boys meeting his family — Horror movies, although he watches them anyways — Failure, and not fulfilling his own standards — Seeing those he cares about hurt or in dangers way — Cleaning — Being forced into unknown or uncomfortable situations — Being touched by anyone who he isn't comfortable with, especially if they touch his thighs — Being (partially or full) because of how intimate it feels.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Reading — Exercising, likes to do calisthenics, martial arts or swimming — Watching movies and tv shows — Challenging himself physically—Visiting realms in Magix — Tanning — Horseback riding  — Combat training.

Bad Habits: Leaves his clothes on the floor, and won't pick them up unless somebody forces him too — Doesn't get angrily easily but reacts badly to having his buttons pushed(anxiety attacks, panic attacks, lashing out, etc.) — Picks at his cuticles when agitated — Forgets that others aren't mind readers, and that he needs to verbally express his wants/needs — He grinds his teeth in his sleep, it's worse when he stressed, frustrated or angry — Has an RBF(resting face) — Rips/shreds paper, tissues, leaves, etc., if holding them.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: None. Kai is an open book to the people he's allowed into his social circle and doesn't keep secrets. Outside of- you know- the ones he does keep.

Secrets Kept to Themself: Wouldn't you like to know?

Known Fears: Letting others too close to his heart and trusting the wrong people with it(has experienced this before).
misc info
aka stuff i couldn't fit into his profile.
Character Quirks: Is right-handed — Has a surprisingly intimate knowledge of magic, much to the surprise of his roommates(tbd if canon) — One of his most treasured possessions is a pearl and shell bracelet made by a Mermaid friend back on Andros. This is the same friend who gave him the tattoo on his back. —  Walks with a very stiff posture, and finds it hard to relax unless he's completely alone — Knows how to play the piano proficiently — Has never played a video game before in his life(his head would probably explode, after all- he's just gotten used to the idea of tv) — Wears boxer briefs daily, but jock straps when working out — Although his build leans wiry, Kai is quite muscular with the amount of training that he does and packs a strong punch — Prefers long-range weapons like his trident and spears, over swords or daggers  —  Kai is a habitual early-riser; the latest his body will let him sleep is 7:30am. His alarm is usually set for 5:30am. Because of this, he goes to bed quite early, and is usually asleep(unless doing something) by 9:30pm — Is a heavyweight when it comes to drinking — Is a flirtatious/sloppy drunk(not that he's ever gotten drunk before) — Will never ever wear shorts, Kai is a pants man through and through — Rarely gets sick but if he does, it's usually serious like a viral tummy bug or a legitimate, see a doctor-type ailment — Will complain constantly when cold and seek out whatever sources of heat that he can.

Additional info: Before arriving at Alveria, Kai has never had any experience with romance or intimacy.


choi soobin
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
choi yeonjun
Relationship Level
Romantic-Antagonistic Lea, Bahiyyih, you won't believe who I met again. The prince of Linphea, do you remember him? Choi Yeonjun? He's here at Alveria, and he's in my dorm. I don't understand why this has happened- I thought I'd be with the same guys as last year... At least then I could keep my distance, they're already used to it, and Yeonjun(the others too) isn't. I think I hate him. Truely. How can one person be so maddening? It’s even worse that we’re room mates.
We fight all the time because he won't leave me alone. I think he remembers from when we were kids. I don't want him to remember.
It makes this so much harder.
I blew up at him, on the first day, and I know you're both already rolling your eyes but it's too much.
He’s infuriating, rude and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer...
But he can be so funny sometimes, I don’t think I’ve laughed like this since Lea kissed that moon crab and her lips turned blue for a week, and I suppose he can be nice; he likes too... Check in, it's weird. so it’s not all bad. Sometimes he acts like I'm Leviathan-spawn which I'd prefer but then he flips right back to how he was. I’m not sure what to do, or how to feel. I can’t get him out of my head. Do I even want too?
Tell me what to do?

- excerpt from a personal letter sent to Andros.
kang taehyun
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
choi beomgyu
Relationship Level
to be determined ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
profile is done! Stay tuned for the inevitable re-writes because I can't help it :)