duan haNjun.

• • •
trivial information.

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): milo.
  • Date of Birth: 16 august 2004.
  • Zodiac Sign: leo.
  • Place of Birth: chicago.
  • Current Residence: seoul.
  • Occupation: trainee.
  • Spoken Languages: english, chinese, korean.
  • ual Orientation: bi.
  • Romantic Orientation: bi.
  • Relationship Status: single.
how far they've come.
their history.

Milo Duan was born on August 16, 2004 in Chicago, Illinois, USA to a younger Duan Jianhong and Kwon Eunjeong. The two had met in university while participating in an exchange program together, and their worlds seemed to flip upside down. The two fell in love and were essentially inseparable. It was their love for each other, and an attachment to the city of Chicago that came with it, that caused them to uproot everything they’d built prior to their exchange programs and fully immigrate to the states. There was nothing they wouldn’t do to be together is what it seemed like.

Jianhong got a job as a chef after graduating, working at a five star establishment while Eunjeong spent longer in school, then going through a residency before finally getting a full position as a neurosurgeon. Even with the long hours, or conflicting hours that they worked, love prevailed. They welcomed their first child into the world, and Milo came second.

Milo was a rambunctious child, and incredibly clingy. He adored his older sibling and his parents, making them his entire world. After all, he had food allergies and a cat allergy which caused a major shift in the family’s lives. Many foods were no longer allowed in the house, and as sad as it made them, they had to give up their family cat for the wellbeing of their youngest child. With this love and the sacrifice that seemed to come with it, came an immense guilt and desire to impress them all.

While making good grades was nice, he wanted to do something more to show his family just how much he loved and appreciated them. While searching for this, he found a love for music. He came to the realization of how many emotions could be conveyed as he listened to music on the radio or television, and by the time he was only 7 years old he wrote his first ever song. One that, while it wasn’t necessarily the best piece of art, pulled him in for the long run.

That one step seemed to be all it took to pull him in completely. He would continue writing songs, learning about music theory and different programs that could be used to create pieces, while also trying his best to become a better rapper and singer. He didn’t realize just how obvious or deep this love was until Euphonic Records opened and, without him asking first, his parents did so for him. “Would you like to move overseas? You can live with your grandparents,” they’d told him.

That’s how a 14 year old Hanjun moved to Seoul, South Korea, and into a dorm at Euphonic Records where he’d somehow managed to land a spot. The following years seemed to fly. He learned more about himself than he’d ever imagined, outside of just his love for his family but more so about his own interests and dreams. His talents only grew, as did his ambitions. Because while he had found out more about himself, he also felt even more indebted to his parents for how lucky his life had been thanks to them. He wanted nothing more than to prove to them that everything they’d done for him was worth it.

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 If you want to rp but don't necessarily have anything in mind, that is completely okay! I am a thousand percent okay with winging, and I am also okay with helping to come up with something that will work for both of our characters! If you reach out first, it would be preferable for you to start but I am completely okay with posting the starter if it makes more sense for the plot that way or if you don't have the time to post it while I do!

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。I tend to mirror writing style if I'm able to! I can rp in both 1st and 3rd pov, but tend to be just a little faster with 1st pov.

•.*★ plotting style。I am okay with both plotting and winging! If you want to rp a specific plot with a chara of mine, I will say yes at least 90% of the time, and if I say no I will still be open to rping in general! I'll simply, in that case, make suggestions or ask questions on how things can be altered to work better for both of our charas. 

•.*★ overall。 I'll say yes to rping 100% of the time! Please please please reach out to me to rp if you want to form a connection with any of my charas at all!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 I will never poke you, but please feel free to poke me if I haven't replied in a while! I have a reply tracker/worksheet that I keep updated since I have many plots for all my charas, but there is always the possibility of me thinking I replied when I didn't, or not seeing a reply at all. Because these are possibilities, I am completely okay being poked for a reply! Please, however, only poke me if I haven't replied in 3 days. Thank you!

I try to finish all my replies at least once a day. Sometimes I will only have muse for one or two characters, and during those times I will be a bit slower for certain replies compared to others. If you're really into a certain plot, please let me know and I can be sure to prioritize it a bit more when doing replies! I can be pretty active in the OOC room-- a lot of the time this is because I don't have the time to focus my energy into actual rping. I work from home, so I may appear active in the OOC chat but usually I'm only popping in to give myself an occasional breather from work.

Location Preferences

I prefer to keep plots in rooms and on walls! Plotting I prefer to leave in PMs, and I avoid doing plots in PMs but if there are no other locations available I am totally open to rping in PMs as well.