Personal Message


kiernan shipka 




percer auclair



interdimensional teleportation (of all universal particles, though she is known for using it offensively to redirect attacks.) 
+ timetravel through teleportation (though she's very weak at this.)

unable to perform her powers at all if her plasma levels are below 50 percent. Her blood cannot clot properly because of her von Willebrand disease, and she grows weaker due to sickle cell anemia; both being genetically inherited. Additionally, she has catatonia-inducing migraines when trying to bend time through teleportation. 


the mad hatter

antihero? likes to wreak havoc in the lives of those she determines deserves it. 95%, it's the bad guy, 5% it's the bad guy dressed as a good guy.

affluent artifacts trader


gmt -7


pw: code red + I would need to find a healer 'connection' for Pierce


percer auclair has been known as pierce since the government made her an orphan, at least that's what she's told herself to cope. family services were kind to the sick little girl, recently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia on top of her inherited von Willbrands disease. Her mom, a fiery-spirit yet to crumble under cancer's firm grasp, fought valiantly to keep her at home when the government deemed ms. auclair an unfit mother and threatened to take percer out of their home. Pierce just wanted the fighting to stop. Much like her father years ago, the little girl craved to disappear into the dark in that very moment; but when the butcher knife flew it was the knife that got swallowed by the dark and not her. Only, it reappeared a mere foot behind her mother and the force of her sick mother's initial throw delivered her own killing blow.

She asked her mother why she was named after the english word equivalent to 'stab,' and always said it was because she felt this deep pierce of 'love' enter her heart when Ms. Auclair first set eyes on her baby girl. Marie Auclair was always eccentric, but she was also always the best mom - especially after her dad left. only when the cancer took hold was she unable to provide, but by then Percer was 10 and she thought it was well within her own capacity to cook, clean, and take care of herself. Who cared she showed up to school with unbrushed hair, stained clothes and her dad's old pocketknife? Apparently, the administration.

Suffice to say after the dreadful encounter that left her mother dead, splayed on the parlor floor, led her down a confusingly dark and mutant-riddled path. Pierce did manage to teleport herself out of the house that day, but it was only after dragging an agent with her - a very kind one at that, who became Pierce's first interdimensional passenger during the protective tackle-hug that she received when the knife made contact with her mom. Both she and the female agent were taken to the dimension Percer calls 'nothingness,' an endless stretch of void with zero gravity. The agent was soon driven mad, and realizing that not all humans could comprehend what she could do, Pierce dumped the screaming agent into another blackhole and transported herself to the lush green isles of Scotland (the closest looking location to her 'safe place.') There she raised herself on a quaint farm from the age of ten to seventeen, stealing escaped cattle, sheep and horses to supply her needs alongside a rather impressive garden. 

What pushed Percer to jump from Laura Ingals Wilder to globetrotting villain-hunter were her own meddlesome neighbors. At 14, Pierce's domicile went aflame in a riot of villagers that accussed her of witchcraft as if it was the 1800s. Uneducated lumps of surrounding villages descended upon her threshold demanding to see the blue rings of light that occasionally appear in the sky when she pulled items of necessity out from personal portals. When she wouldn't comply, they proclaimed they would 'drag and quarter' her to the furthest willow tree in town. Bruised and blooded, she arrived to the breathtaking willow that framed a grimy, makeshift chopping block the bat crazy locals used on anyone they didn't quite like. All in the name of 'protecting the community,' yet these valiant knights were the same slimy bastards forcing themselves on their wives or stealing from the lowly market trader. When the axe was first swung, everyone got to see the infamous blue rings they so threateningly demanded, only they got seconds to view the sheen of blue before a shine of steel gray lopped off their melons. In one fail swoop and in a bloodier reenactment of her own mother's undoing, every single head rolled from one swing of the hangman's arm. 

Pierce escaped battered and bruised, but relatively unscathed. Leaving the backyard of reckoning, Pierce found herself scoffing at the 'neighborhood watch' sign that poked out of the front lawn's well-manicured hedge. It was modern times, but with such foul treatment only seen in the Dark Ages, Pierce was sent down a rabbit-hole of reckoning. Upon her return, she began weeding out all the criminals in this province; from drug dealers to traffickers. Slowly, she moved onto anti-mutant enthusiasts, to tracking down lethal mutants, monsters, and aliens who were giving the rest of supranatural folk a bad name.

Pierce could not fathom bad-guy hunting on the months she was severely afflicted with her genetic diseases. Sickle cell anemia sent her down a very fatigued, painful path of exhaustive rest and an overall downward trend of health. She was a powerful mutant afflicted with deadly disorders, and sought treatment elsewhere when the hospitals could no longer aid her. Eventually, Pierce had to go underground and find other mutants who possessed healing powers. Some were able to heal her fully, some were able to cleanse her blood; but the disease kept coming back as it was designed in her genetics. Every year until she was 20, Pierce made the ominous trek to some back alley hoodoo hutch with one unsavory mutant or witch after another just so she could live to fight villains for a year longer. On top of these annual trips, Pierce must be incredibly wary of her clotting-disease; for she cannot operate her powers if the plasma level in her blood is below fifty percent. If she were to - for example - suffer an unsuspecting stab wound, she would bleed out ten times faster than your average human /and/ would be unable to use her powers of interdimensional travel if the wound wasn't tended to immediately. 

Pierce still visits her homestead bi-annually as the director of Palais, a guardianship program for on-the-run mutants. Volunteers run the programs and upkeep the farm, and her visits are merely checks and balances to protect the mutants under her care and dissuade any murky business. In truth, Percer has travelled West for better opportunity and a more reliable source of healing. When she heard of a particular mutant-heavy population on the West coast of the Americas, you bet she made the jump. Her initial plan: find a talented healer to live another day of kickin' .