hwei !
played by visionary.
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lover, please stay
nothing but thieves

The sky isn't blue and the grass isn't green… Nature stirs in hues I can't name.

basic info
Lukai Hwei
Koyehn, Ionia
freelance artist
writing style
3rd, para/novella
my profile
pantone #728c69!
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original timeline

Born into a legacy, Hwei was destined to inherit the Temple of Koyehn. He spent his childhood immersed in the vibrant surroundings, translating his wild daydreams onto canvas. From a young age, it was evident that his visions were not mere reflections of reality; instead, they were fantastical interpretations that turned life itself into art.

Hwei's unique connection with the world manifested not only in his paintings but also in the shifting hues of his eyes, mirroring the ebb and flow of his mind and mood. The temple's art form, paint magic, became Hwei's chosen medium, a medium that influenced the emotions of its audience. However, strict control and discipline were necessary to prevent the art from overpowering mental perceptions and bodily sensations, as those who failed to control it were banished from Koyehn.

Despite the strict precepts, Hwei, driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the depths of his power, indulged his imagination. In a pivotal moment, during a demonstration for the temple masters, Hwei's control wavered as he painted Koyehn's sea. Emotions crashed over him, and he surrendered to the beauty of his creation. This awakening infuriated the temple masters who, while unwilling to exile the heir, stressed the weight of his responsibilities. Hwei, haunted yet fascinated by the depths of his power, continued to push the boundaries in secret at night.

The tranquil existence of Koyehn was disrupted when Khada Jhin visited the temple. A bond formed between Hwei and Jhin, as they exchanged creative perspectives. However, the night before Jhin departed, he challenged Hwei, sensing the façade in the pieces he presented to the world. Reluctantly, Hwei unleashed his true art, revealing decades of suppressed emotions and imagination. Jhin, witnessing the forbidden visions, departed with an ominous farewell, stating he would move on tomorrow "to watch the lotuses bloom."

At dawn, Hwei awoke to a series of tragedies. Four historic paintings lay destroyed, the four masters who berated Hwei in his youth lay dead, and the temple itself erupted in flames. In the chaos, Hwei recognized the dark potential of his art for destruction and torment, realizing the horror and fascination that had gripped him in his youth.

As the temple collapsed into ruins, Hwei emerged as the sole survivor, haunted by guilt and the overwhelming power of his own imagination. By day, he mourned with the villagers, but by night, he revisited the wreckage, using his paintbrush and palette to create scenes that captured the essence of Koyehn's crest—the same crest worn over his heart.

Discovering a lotus-shaped trap amid the rubble, Hwei pieced together the perpetrator was none other than the artist he grew so close to. The thought unleashed a cascade of emotions—fear, sorrow, betrayal, and awe. Faced with a choice between staying with his people or pursuing the answers to the tragedy, Hwei, bearing only his paintbrush and palette, left Koyehn behind.

In the time since, Hwei has embarked on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. He seeks answers by revealing the full extent of his art, tracking down nefarious individuals in the darkest corners of Ionia to punish them by his own hand. As he spirals deeper into the shadows, Hwei lights a path, his mind brimming with possibility.

after the fall

with the unexplainable occurence that threw everyone out of their original worlds, hwei realised that this was his second chance at redemption. while he prayed to be blessed with forgetting about his previous live, he found that he could still vividly recall every memory as fresh as always.

though his old life would never cease to stop haunting him, he decided that as a means of atoning for his self-righteous crimes, he would also act in blissful ignornace to leave it all behind him. no more would he seek to punish the evil and empathise with the innocent. Instead, he would return to the mundane path of light that his birthright had originally fated him to take, and hope to drown those dark days with the hope of new beginnings. today, he works simultaneously as a freelance artist and as the owner of an art therapy place that offers solace in the form of creativity for anyone to explore.

love interest
date here
status here


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cold weather, rainy days, small animals, dim lighting & enclosed spaces, sweets, pretty people, shiny things.


savoury foods, loud noises, strict schedules, violence, change.


traditional painting, collecting jewelry and other shiny objects.


well-versed in most artistic mediums and exceptional in magical spells.

out of character
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