Personal Message
peter BEN

BREAKING NEWS: Following investigation of OZ and the Ultimate Six in their domain Osborn Industries, Mary-Jane Watson, Spider-man's girlfriend, has announced he has died in the carnage. Mary-Jane Watson has confirmed Spider-man's identity as Peter Benjamin Parker, who lived with his aunt May Parker. Today's paper will be dedicated to celebrating the neighbourhood hero, Spider-man.

basic information

Any chance I'm dreaming all of this? Maybe when I got bit by that spider that gave me my powers I went into a coma and this is all just some big hallucination. How great would that be?
 — Spider-Man

  • Nickname(s): Spidey (by those who knew him), Pete, Bobo the Fool.
  • Date of Birth: August 10, 2001.
  • Zodiac Sign: ☀ Leo, ☾ Aries, ↑ Leo.
  • Place of Birth: Queens, New York, USA.
  • Current Residence: The Afterlife.
  • Occupation: Professional Birthday Clown, Janitor @ Local University, Part-Time Student.
  • Spoken Languages: English.
  • ual Orientation: Biual + Demiual.
  • Romantic Orientation: Biromantic + Greyromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
#about me!
#peter parker!
#not spider man!
history / persona

Paragraphs and stuff would go here. I'll add in a block quote because why not, and just in case you need one.

Here dat be. If you hit enter it should be properly spaced for you.

Just like this.

There. Blockquote added. I think that covers every fancy shmancy thing I do, so let me get on with finishing this code.

#tags go here!
#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!
their beloved
name here
martial status
00 month 2020

Message to your lover goes here. Type as much as you might want or need to. Hit enter for a new line.

#tags go here!
#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!
section title

If you need an extra section for like... OOC info or maybe plots, here is one. You can do just about anything you want here. This was intended to be a small layout though, that's why I'm not adding in a lot of sections. If you want or need more, you'll need to make more.

#tags go here!
#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!