Personal Message

you didn't see that coming?  

+ Pietro Maximoff
+ 35 years old
+ biual
+ Single
roleplayed by parsley
+ about me

Pietro maximoff was a native of sokovia who grew up with his fraternal twin sister, wanda. the two had lost their parents due to a bombing from the united states airforce and starks weapons. the two formed a hatred for both the united state and tony stark. 

the twins have had experiments done on them that had helped the two gain there abilities, and they had teamed up with ultron. 

later though, the two of them found out ultron's true intentions and teamed up with the avengers to try and save their home and the people in it. it was during this last battle that pietro had seen a friend of his trying to save a kid, but hadn't realized the bullets headed their way, and so pietro, with his speed ability found himself blocking the path of the bullets to the friend and the child. 

it was then that pietro had found himself in the afterlife, confused as to why he was here when he thought he should have been gone. that was until he found out while it may seem like he was alive, his life was nothing like it was before. he didn't have his powers, or any of the others that he knew. though not liking it, after a while the man decided to not try and fight it and make his life here, getting a job at the nightclub as a bouncer. 

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+ quirks
+ personality
cocky, arrogant, impatient, tenacious and quick tempered. he can also be loud and playful with those he is close too.  
+ Likes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing. 
+ dislikes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing. 
#tag #tag #tag
+ playlist
The Lumineers
#tag #tag #tag
+ lover
+ full name 
+ date here
+ status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 

#tag #tag #tag
+ friend name
+ friend name
+ friend name
+ friend name

☆ ┈ ren honjo! [A] 1 minute ago Reply
it’s giving “the sign cant stop me cuz i cant read”

☆ ┈ peter parker! 2 minutes ago Reply
its ok ur hot thats all that matters