Personal Message
updated on 06 2024
basic information
full name
bae jihyun
date of birth
july 12th
korean standard time
love interest
kang sihyun
updated on 06 2024

jihyun's childhood had been drawn by modern-day romantics and future philosophers, skies colored in with sepia crayons until they burst under the weight of his ocean-blue adolescence, sea-salty and wrought with a heartache that buried his lungs in an aching need for purpose; to perhaps be more than the pages of his father's philosophy textbooks or a mere pomegranate stain upon the earth's pure-white fabric of time. see, jihyun knows what it is to grieve every fraying stitch of a man falling apart at the seams. knows what it is to curse nostalgia — the silver-tongued liar that it is — and live in a home with seven other people, rooms cramped and floorboards rotting before the pads of their feet. knows that he had lost the glittery, mortal gems of boyhood as soon as his mother told him he would be a great older brother. his aching hope, then, to find answers that lay not in the sun-bleached words of historians or stuffy classrooms, would drown under hazelnut skies and a responsibility that crushes him with its familiar melancholy.
        sepia crayons, worn down to their very ends. jihyun's maritime hues may as well have been crushed to dust by the time he hit fifteen. realization bruises his ambition with a kindness only his family can afford him: he must search for truth in the confines of mediocrity. nietzsche and paul-satre and kim jaegwon would never see bae jihyun leave the city that pollutes his blood and begs him to settle.
        he has sacrificed everything to this place. to the boy he met in eighth grade, with lighter fluid running through his veins and fruit-punch stained knuckles. jung daeseong had been freedom personified and held his hands with a conviction that only poets knew. the outspoken sort, whose flaws had grown out of his pores like poisonous fungi. the type of man who likes to devour others whole, and jihyun had been willing to serve his heart upon copper platters.
        like most poisons, jihyun did not feel his heart collapse until it is too late and his arteries coil around themselves twice over. the agony is a prison: one that threads the seam of his mouth shut and tears his voice to shreds.
        daeseong is gone; a phantom from the past that will not leave. he will not remember jihyun, but jihyun will carry around the ghost of his fingerprints on his body. memories of him are like teeth sinking into his organs: painful, violent, knee-jerking, sickening.
        he tries to wash the hurt away, tonight, when the trauma is all that surfaces when he searches for truth and tries to forget, forget, forget. the sky is gunmetal black and jihyun's hands search desperately for a bullet beneath his skin. scrubs harder, harder, harder, until his blood boils and his bones ache.
        he did not want to sacrifice that one shred of childhood warmth. did not want those prying hands to take.
        this is grief. this is mourning a self he can never take back.
        this is his fifth shower of the day and yet he feels the filth of the past cling onto him, rusting him from the inside out.
        the past is a silver-tongued liar, and it grows teeth to chew on jihyun's soul. 
he is fighting to forget.
        he is fighting to erase.
        he is fighting today, today, today, and knows that tomorrow has to be better.

updated on 06 2024
his words are spoken heedlessly: paraphrased philosophy and pieces of a soul that have not yet fallen into place. he is a lover of the unimaginable: of the vast, limitless, terrifying space that wraps the planet in its breathing contradiction. an abyss and skin-tight prison all at once. intangible, soul-shredding, a scent he cannot rub into the fabric of his clothing and a taste to never be placed upon his tongue. a truth not yet found, jihyun had always dreamed of chasing indigo planets and sulfur-tinted stars until those stygian stretches of the universe were his own. to share that truth with others, to finally fathom the unfathomable.
        his curiosity is a double-edged sword, then, quick to show his proclivity for speaking for hours on end if one were to so let him. there is so much in this world to love as much as there is to hate, and jihyun would like to be that foolish scholar that pursues the throes of the human mind. of the clumsy, teeth-achingly beautiful way people tangle their lives together and the cruel violence of one's heart. of the way nostalgia is nothing but a pimped-out film placed upon memories so distant. often lethargic, jihyun is the beginnings of autumn bottled and decorated. gentle, warm, a little outspoken, introspective in every way that leaves him prone to zoning out, daydreaming of different worlds and the way summer feels like sihyun's embrace in the midst of rush hour on a tuesday.
        he pins his emotions to his sleeve and wears them on his face, selfishly selfless when he spends hours choosing birthday gifts for ones that matter and sparing not a single glance to passerbys that try to choke him with their judgement. jihyun searches for his truth, unapologetic as he searches for answers in dimly lit dining halls and kang sihyun's tactful matchstick fingertips.
        and yet jihyun is unapologetic to a fault; can come across as flippant and thoughtless when all he ever does is think. there is no man without his mind, and sometimes, there is no way to rid jihyun of the brutal honesty and the way his words can make skin crawl. he is emotional, he is tactless, he is human. bled all over, a man who broke his heart to make room for others that truly, truly cared for his kindness.
        still, bae jihyun is sun-sent. venus-born, with autumn-warm hands and a strength that shatters the skies. and he has found truth in a life that erodes his soul with a crushing softness, with flaxen tresses and a smile that grows with each passing day.
        he is still unlearning a love that demanded sacrifice. this one gives him the world and asks if it should be gift-wrapped.
updated on 06 2024

  where sihyun comes from, the skies are cough-syrup red and his mouth constantly tastes of blood. he is selfless in every way jihyun is not: had been starved of everything but a childhood, while jihyun tries to chew the beginnings of a new life void of misery. and though sihyun may have grown numb in the wake of a guardian who does everything but protect and a mind that seeks to stifle every cry for help, jihyun reaches towards him with a suffocating warmth. sees him not as the timid dishwasher whose name the manager can't seem to remember, but as the soft-spoken lily-petal boy who stares longingly at stray cats and looks a little too long at the curve of jihyun's shoulder. he is moonlight: shining brightest when night falls and swallows the air in jihyun's lungs until they ache. he is truth: kind, teeth ground to powder, gentle with his hands that tremble like the earth after rain. he is truth, and he is an answer. jihyun's love who was a catastrophe waiting to happen waits for him with dandelions in his hair and stars in between his teeth. kang sihyun tells him that he is the sun but jihyun does not tell him that it is him who is the center of the universe.
        this is the truth: bae jihyun will find kang sihyun in every stretch of time and space. will bend the world to his will, and find home in his arms. in burning oak and vanilla, in the one that has helped him through the hurt. in the moon, whose smile has never shone brighter. he's so proud.

full name
updated on 06 2024
"food is meant to be shared," his mother had told him, one hand pressed against the scalding hot pan, the other holding a spoonful of tofu stew for jihyun to taste. she'd bought a new perfume, then: something floral, a mix of rosewater and sage. at five, jihyun had adopted his parents' sense of wonder for the world, and marvels at the way his mother takes what the earth gives her and makes a meal for three. a superhero to him, dressed in corduroy and bleach stains from yesterday's wash.
        like all beginnings, his boyhood had been painless: static and hazy, sepia-tinted blue neighborhoods and trips to his parents' offices in yonsei university. a romance written in the stars despite the modesty of their apartment.
        food is meant to be shared, he'd echoed to himself, five years later as he split a pizza twenty-four ways for a family of eight, trying so hard to fit into shoes that stripped him of his childhood too soon. at ten, bae jihyun had taken on too many titles. (resident babysitter, novice cook, winner of his elementary school's poetry contest, world's worst kickball player on wednesdays, to name a few.)
        and with five siblings (two biological, three adopted), jihyun decided that to live is to sacrifice. to come home to people that change with the seasons that you cannot replace, cannot hope to care for more despite seeing them become a different stranger with every visit. life is sacrifice: for jihyun starved himself of childhood to be the brother he knows he can be. knows he should be.
        fifteen sees him at the hospital. the doctor gives him an answer to the butterfly-shaped rashes and constant fatigue, and it is everything jihyun can do to not let a sigh howl through his aching body.
        happiness is a fleeting emotion; jihyun feels it subside along with the agony and grief of daeseong. this, too, shall pass, he thinks, and keeps his hatred for him hot like a brand. you, i cannot forgive.
        he figures life is lived through other people: that humanity is a collection of each other, melding into one. so cruel, and so beautiful.
        at twenty-three and all the wiser, jihyun decides that he can take on one more title, now. kang sihyun's promised is something that makes his heart swell. something that is so, so, impossible to take out of his marrow.
        he plates dinner for two, pulse ringing in his ears. food is meant to be shared with sihyun.