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GIVEN NAME )  CHO YUN-HO, is his actual birth name albeit seldom used this name until recently ( lived in the USA ) was named after his great grandfather whom he never met and finds this to be a little creepy seeing as everyone tells him he looks like said grandfather ( bad omen? )
        &&. alias : riley cho, the name hes been going by since five years of age and arguably the one hes more used to / associates with more. Does prefer people to call him ''Riley'' albeit understands if they'd rather use his birth name. 
        &&. nicknames: ley, ri, cho, dimples ( will add more if given any )

DATE OF BIRTH ) 18th of january ( the date of this journals creation apparently - was originally this in his old journal and i don't feel like changing it )

        &&. age : currently now as of 2024 is 24 years of age
        &&. zodiac: capricorn
PLACE OF BIRTH ) seocho-gu, seoul, south korea. riley lived in seoul until five years old whereby his fathers job caused the family to relocate to the USA, has been there ever since up until recently. doesn’t have many memories of korea but remembers his old school and friends fondly, would like to visit his old home which is currently being renovated / prepared for him to move in, plans to occupy all 4000 square foot of it solo.
RESIDENCE ) currently resides in gangnam, south korea ( yes i know, hes a trustfund baby! ) in a comfortable thirty story apartment building, has been living there the last year whilst working. this place is temporary albeit he’s found himself enjoying the view a little too much to let it go just yet. does also have the family homes in los angeles and new york that he returns to periodically when required to be in the states for work or downtime ( prefers NYC because his sister is there which = gaming buddy/ someone to talk to and she nags him a lot less about his lifestyle than his parents albeit, does make him socialise more, which in hindsight isn’t a bad thing. )
OCCUPATION ) riley’s passion in life is robotics and thankfully has been fortunate enough to land a job in his desired field though currently isn’t a full member of staff, just does interning and occasionally assists / gives seminars on robotics and its usage in the modern world ( how it can help us / further our society & how its already doing so. ) his true goal aligns with android technology and the program going on in that branch of the company which deals with AI production / android ( humanoid robot ) manufacture. NOTE: riley has already made his own ''robot'' - a small plant feeding robot named esme which he created at 17. esme is still functional & helps him keep up to date with his plant feeding ( she will sing a small song / say a line to alert to plant feeding ) 

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        &&. hair color - very dark brown bordering on black albeit not quite which is obvious when seen in certain lighting. currently a light platinum colour blonde!
        &&. eye color - also dark brown, appear darker than they are due to tiredness and long hours being forced open either playing games or tinkering.
        &&. skin tone - somewhat pallid in winter, tans a little in summer albeit not massively ( most likely will just burn instead )
        &&. visual - 0102
anything he feels confident / happy in will do albeit for work sticks to formal wear to fit the company standards. outside of work its more relaxed and comfortable though somehow still retains a sense of style especially because he’s been socialising more these days.
        &&. height: around 6'6'' ( i un-nerfed him ) quite a tall boy from a taller than average family.
        &&. weight: unsure seeing as he keeps fit / exercises so has muscle mass, maybe around 75kg due to his height & aforementioned factors.
MODIFICATIONS ) ear piercings, one on each lobe, potentially wants a tattoo in the future but cannot decide what he wants or where to place is ( has never made a decision in his life )
        &&. unique traits - dimples, a smile filled with sunshine and love.
        &&. scars - quite a few on the legs and arms from childhood silliness, none too noticeable save for one on his left leg. 

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        &&. occupation — astrologist, aerospace scientist, professor. 
        &&. occupation — forensic biochemist / lab technologist. 

        &&. CHO SUN-MI / LISA CHO —  jobless. has quite a good relationship with his sister albeit like a lot of sibling pairs, they do fight a lot. to keep it short, she gets on his nerves, he gets on hers — that’s just how things are. but despite the fact they bicker, he loves his sister and is the classic protective older brother.
         &&. ETHAN  KIM ( deceased )

(  RELATIONSHIPS )  rowan, cherry, angelina, seyeon, sera to be continued ...

       &&. likes — 
comic books, gaming, 3D design, recording stars & planets / stargazing, nap time, cherry pie, sci-fi, concept art, moms homemade meals ( comfort ) general knowledge, soccer/ football, graphic design, robotics, anatomy, pilates etc
        &&. dislikes — flip flops, crowded areas, soggy food, traffic, his sister sometimes ( annoying ) and quite a few other things like tofu when not fried and/ or wet socks or socks and sandals.

        &&. relationship status - taken ( 1/1 )  sees seraph ryu in everything orange  ( loves his bf a lot ) 
        &&. orientation -  homoromantic

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ADMIN )  alessia / legal. ( 22 : she/they ) 
        &&. this oc is not a new oc and has been in circulation ( in many different forms ) since 2015 albeit hasn't really been used since 2021/2022. i decided that i wanted to bring him back & revamp him at the start of 2024. obviously, this is just a fact journal and many points of info about riley, his life & background have been left out mostly for plotting purposes. if you'd like to plot with him feel free ti message me or interact with him whenever i'm online! thanks for taking the time to read about him 3