&* ۟ FACTUAL !
GIVEN NAME )   JO DAN-HA ( DANA ) – jo dan-ha, pronounced dana, neglect the ‘h’ when saying his name in gi-eon ( language, similar to Korean – will expand on this further down ) is a name passed from his great-grandfather to him as it’s tradition in the jo clan to take the forename of an elder. every few generations the same names recirculate within the family, a way of keeping those ithlae alive in their hearts. dan-ha respects this tradition albeit has said if he has his own children that he will not continue it – thinks some traditions are a modicum archaic ( and are, considering ithlae life spans. ) and his parents respect this.
        &&. aliases : JUNG DAE-HA,  jung dae-ha is just the human name he’s chosen, it’s the closest to his birth name.
        &&. nicknames : dae, dan, streetlight, mini-building, angel, danny etc

DATE OF BIRTH )  5th of april 1999 ( date is written differently back home in giwon albeit this is the gregorian equivalent. ) 
        &&. age : currently twenty-four, will turn twenty-five this upcoming year. and is pretty much stuck in his twenties for the next couple of thousand years. the ithlae are very long lived and extremely durable creatures being that their average lifespan goes to over four thousand with many more ( or less ) fortunate ithlae living into the tens of thousands – their longevity is determined mostly by genetics albeit living peacefully with no injury or ailment can further natural lives. they are an almost immortal species, a timeless people who don’t age past faded hair and smile lines.
        &&. zodiac: ariesthe ithlae equivalent is something nicknamed ‘the vine’ – a collection of stars that seemingly dangle down in the shape of a hanging vine.
PLACE OF BIRTH )  dae-ha was born in a place called so-eon, in the country of giwon ( means origin in korean but to the ithlae its simply the name of a country ) the country of giwon acts as an adjacent to korea itself so the languages and cultures are very similar – this is why learning korean was easy for him but can still mistake words at times. so-eon itself lies just outside of the main city in giwon and is surrounded by grass and flower fields – very different to our world where most big cities are surrounded by other big cities, the ithlae care for their home and would rather leave it as natural as possible. dae-ha sometimes finds earthean cities to be too suffocating for this very reason, has no place to spread aching wings. also misses the wide open spaces and nostalgic views, hopes to visit once he's achieved freedom. 
RESIDENCE )  place tbc, a comfy apartment just big enough for him to feel free enough to spread his wings ( literal & metaphorical. ) it’s adorned with an abundance of well cared for plants and flowers, gentle toned décor and art — wants this home to be his own tailored space, a comfort from the outside world. 
OCCUPATION )   just finished a two year apprenticeship to become a florist and is currently working as one, at a place nicknamed ‘’la belle’’ – the beauty ( undecided location, friend needs to pick where her ocs flower shop is. ) dae-ha likes this job a lot and it fullfils him for now and knows if he goes home, he’d have to find another role – parents won’t let him continue working with flowers as it’s not an important job and doesn’t tie in with either side of his family roles.
FACECLAIM )  TXT'S choi soobin 
        &&. hair color - naturally a very dark almost raven colour, looks a few shades lighter in certain settings albeit is just very dark overall. 
        &&. eye color - the natural eyes of the ithlae generally mirror some part of their wings be it a colour or iris pattern ( speckled etc ) and seeing as dae’s wings have a somewhat pink sheen, so do his eyes – a darker sort of pink, almost too dark to tell unless you get close. also wears contacts to hide the unnatural pink rimmed brown colour albeit these do nothing to conceal the abundance of forever starlight in his eyes. 
        &&. skin tone -  somewhat pallid, has a permanent otherworldly aura in the eyes of humans and a sheen to their skin in both moonlight and sunlight that makes it seem like they’re dusted with small flecks of crystal. ( in the least cringe way, they may appear human but are almost too perfect to seem real — uncanny valley but in the angelic sense. )
        &&. visual - O1 / O2  ( he is just :D always )
ATTIRE ) usually anything flies, ithlae don’t tend to have strict clothing adherence aside from special/ formal events and work — will wear anything so long as he thinks he looks good in it, must also be comfortable and accommodating of his wings when they’re out. most ithlae upper body clothing have specialised slits made specifically for wings that can be fastened/ tightened after the clothing is put on and some are to be put on before wings are out. a lot of it also just has open back too, these are more commonly seen in the summer times so dae-ha does have some open back clothing etc — knows that here things like that are seen as more typically ‘feminine’ albeit doesn’t care so much about it — thinks labelling things like clothing as masculine and feminine is ridiculous. 
        &&. height: currently 6’8’’ ( yes i know, i’m apologising. ) ithlae bodies don’t stop growing in height/ size until their wings stop which at times can take centuries. natural ithlae height is 6-8ft ( the tallest are almost always elders which are thousands of years old. ) dae-ha is still young albeit will grow a further few inches before his twenty-fifth birthday and then won’t grow for a few centuries whereby his wings will rapidly grow and so will he. ( they evolved to grow in stages to lessen the physical & mental blow on their bodies. )
        &&. weight: who knows? he's tall, well-built and has wings? he’s probably quite heavy. ( i cant do math. ) 
MODIFICATIONS )  currently none, albeit wants to get tattoos on his back where his wing slits are – most ithlae get tattoos to adorn where the wings come from either being in unique patterns, their birth constellations or the constellations of their coming of age ceremony. dae-ha wants to get a more human style tattoo with small stars next to the slits, potentially in the shape of his vine birth constellation. 
        &&. unique traits - eyes seemingly filled with starlight and a tender dimpled smile filled with the light of seven suns. ( lips also twist more at one corner than the other sometimes. ) 
        &&. scars - none save childhood ones and the slits on his back where wings regrow from — these are permanent and all ithlae have them, even those without functional wings. 
FATHER )  YOO KANG-HA ( 337 ) 
        &&. book keeper  —  humble man, does his best to try and bond with his son despite their age gap ( were not planning on more children ) and cares for dae-ha very much. feels somewhat bad that he’s isolated from his siblings so has been actively encouraging him to meet his cousins which are younger. 
MOTHER ) JO KI-NA ( 340 ) 
        &&. training sergeant  — mildly terrifying but cares for her children beyond belief. ki-na struggles sometimes with modern parenting seeing as she wasn’t planning on being a modern parent and doesn’t understand dae-ha sometimes but loves him a lot. 
        &&. JO SO-MI ( 156 ) — strained relationship, struggles to find any common ground due to the age difference between himself and his older sisters — so-mi is the eldest and therefore it feels more awkward for him to socialise with her than the twins. 
       &&. JO HA-RA ( 140 ) — good relationship, gets along with her the most seeing as she doesn’t actively baby him unlike the other two siblings. would have liked to known her when she was closer to his age, feels as though they could have bonded better. 
       &&. JO SO-RA ( 140 ) — again, strained – she does things that make him feel like a child which in turn makes him feel awkward. though it’s expected, when their age gap is more than a hundred years and she was excited to have a ‘baby’ brother. 
        &&. JUNG KI-KI, dehru, ( 24 ) — mirrors dae-ha’s personality, is a lovely and caring dehru ( a species that closely resemble a mixture of a cat and an owl, somewhat like an owlbear albeit softer looking, derpy & less sharp beaked with fuzzy paws instead of claws. ) has had her since his first year ceremony whereby he was presented with her as a fledgling and they have been inseparable ever since. ( dehru can live as long as their ithlae companions and are more seen as companions than pets. ) 
FRIENDS ) apollonia, esme, andy, saerom tbc ( doesn’t have many friends but loves people & likes to socialise so is always open ) 
PERSONALITY ) ENFJ ( i accidentally deleted the box so it looks silly now )

persona wise, kind and gentle — extraverted and very patient, knows that others need time and space to blossom. unfortunately also quite emotional as most young ithlae are, will shed tears for a stranger he’ll never see again. albeit is also a modicum stubborn, with strong opinions is very unafraid of making himself heard. still it’d be in the most gentle way ever — doubt that he’d be able to raise his voice without becoming sad.

generally quite a soft/ low voice when speaking to others, wants to make himself seem as friendly as possible – as if that smile on his face doesn’t exist. is also very sociable, wants to make lasting bonds with people — not only because he’s lonely here but because he loves learning new things and can pick up a lot that way. 

very interested in humanity and how people live, is somewhat obsessed with the idea of mortality seeing as he’s almost / practically immortal — thinks every moment should be cherished in this world because the lives here are so short. ( can get a little bit philosophical and make no sense sometimes ) 

— wanted to keep this a short summary as i’d like his persona to be explored through interaction instead :D

HOBBIES )   baking, gardening, painting ( not so good ) and open to trying new stuff. dae-ha is interested in a lot and juggles doing multiple things at the same time to sate an every growing appetite to learn and try things out. be it baking which has been a lifelong hobby or gardening — something most ithlae have an affinity for ( preserving natural flora in their ecosystems is wholly important ) to things like callisthenics which he took up when he came here, has been doing that for almost six years now.
        &&. likes - the sunshine, flowers, plants, early morning walks, flights, the clouds, the sky, people, learning new things, new foods, making fond memories, poetry, baking, travelling, comfy sweaters & knit hoodies ( basically he’s just a man written by a woman. ) 
        &&. dislikes - not much really, rudeness, the mistreatment of this planet, meat ( won’t touch it ) etc 
ORIENTATION )  has no set uaIity, ithlae are fluid creatures that tend to bond with the same partner for most of their lives be it the same or other. 
        &&. relationship status - single, ( 0/1 ) very open to a relationship ( goes on frequent first dates that never really go anywhere more than a first meeting ) but wants to bond before jumping head first into something solid/concrete, needs that connection. dae-ha has an ideal about meeting his partner young, just like his parents so they can spend the rest of their lives together be they human or other — is extremely romantic, albeit not overly flirtatious. 

ADMIN )  alessia / she/they / 22 / PRIVATE RP ACC & MINORS DNF 
        &&. this oc is not new! he recently went though a revamp and was finally given an account. this journal is mostly factual, leaving out his background and story as i’d like him to reveal / speak about that via interactions or plotting. if you would like to plot don’t hesitate to message, he’s quite an open character!