Personal Message
‘ white wings sprout on the useless things i love. ’
i am aeri.
the basics
full name.
aeri uchinaga aka giselle
appears to be 23 but is 225 yo
first-born princess
the history & background
➼ as the first-born princess, giselle has a lot of responsibilities, after all she does follow the crown prince, next in lineage, posed with intelligence and grace that rivals that of her older brother. renowned for their ruthlessness and cunning minds, the uchinaga family navigates the treacherous waters of politics and power with unwavering resolve. they are adept at wielding both the sword and the pen, securing alliances through diplomacy and crushing their enemies with ruthless efficiency. despite their fearsome reputation the tanaka family is fiercely protective of their kingdom and its people. they rule with an iron fist, yet they also possess a deep sense of duty and honor, rooted in their ancient lineage and deotion to the dragon gods. as the kingdom's rulers the tanaka family commands respect and fear in equal measure, their legacy destined to be written in the annals of history as one of power, ambition and unwavering determination.
➼ upon a first glance at giselle, anyone can tell the young woman is full of strength, wit, grace, a classy sense of style and intelligence that beats the eye. over the years giselle made sure to study hard, getting into readings of histories of all the kingdoms, getting to know their tactics and methods, learning far quicker about the way things are handled while wielding a pen rather than a sword. it's one of her downfalls actually, giselle isn't skilled in combat compared to using her mind and brain, with a sharpness to create great plots and ploys on arranging attacks and schemes in winning wars, giselle shows her skills with those aspects. fighting? not so much.draciris is more than just a land of legends and warriors—it is a kingdom of vibrant culture and innovation, where artisans craft intricate jewelry, scholars delve into ancient texts, and musicians fill the air with melodies that stir the soul. it is a realm where honor and tradition are revered, where loyalty and courage are celebrated, and where the spirit of the dragon guides the hearts of its people. 
it is how giselle is who she is today, crafting unique jewelry pieces and crafting them with her talent and remarkable skills. she has more than brains, she's good with her hands and artistic with a passion. something she was gifted with naturally. she was always known to craft things from a child growing up and here she is now, at this age, for quite a while, the princess has been making her own jewelry, going out on her little adventures and rallying up unique stones and amulets, things that would make a flashy masterpiece and crafting it into her own. she also adds a bit of her healing properties into the jewelry being made so when she goes off into the marketplace in daciris, selling the jewelry she single-handedly made, selling it to the elderly women trying to make a quick penny, it gives them a profit in the end. it's little to nothing that she charge the commoners, her people, wanting to show them they have nothing to be afraid of. her family is known to be ruthless and while natsumi is very much ruthless in the face of her enemies and those who threaten her and her kin - she's also a gentle and loving soul, more down to earth and quite kind-hearted. she's pure and sweet where she goes out of her way to do good by her people.
➼ grace and elegance is followed by the footsteps she take, dancing her way through the palace's walls. the cello following suit as her delicate fingers strum the strings with an uncanny sense of musical divinity that showcases in the notes  she plays. her mastery is known throughout the kingdom and whereas natsumi loves admiring the commoners and her people do their thing, she loves partaking in playing the cello or dancing as entertainment for events at the palace once the king allows it. sometimes he's gracious, sometimes not. "a princess shouldn't be seen doing common-folk things," would be his scolding remark but see - even if she's the second born, first born princess - natsumi has always been a bit of a rebel. and she doesn't like taking 'no' for an answer. she stands her ground and express her feelings, if she thinks something is unjust and she wishes for it to be a certain way, she's eloquent in the way she speaks so it's firm but doesn't come off as being snide or rude. 

[more to come as the rp grows etc and I get the basic of the dragonbornes better]
now playing
quote source

I knew very well that there’s no turning back time, but if I can remain unchanged, then I hope the buttercup flowers were still in all their glory, even during those days I spent in tears.

powers + abilities & personality
➼ superhuman strength, flame breath, frost breath - while it's rare, she experiences frost breath when she has a lot of emotional turmoil or feels emotionally unstable, which is some rare cases, rather than her fire blowing out of proportion, natsumi emits frost breath in these instances. flight, invulnerability, superhuman speed & stamina, high-immortality, mind-control, communication - when in dragon form she can still communicate with humans and animals. 

night walks, cats, teas, anything with chocolate, anything sweet [she has a major sweet tooth], poems, art [looking and doing], her cello [she named it dani], dancing,  crafting jewelry, collecting rare jewels and pieces, going on adventures and finding rare artifacts, fire, sunlight, heat, roses and anything to do with water [streams, lakes, waterfalls, etc.]


pompous and over privileged individuals, inconsistency (whether it's friendships or more)


hurting herself by trusting too much


anything to do with flowers and art, crafting jewelry, roaming around the marketplace and interacting with civilians, going on spontaneous adventures and trips, playing dani, dancing and occasional singing, trying different foods and wines, socializing and gossiping with the townfolks, assisting anyone in need and helping people in general.


biting her lips, nails, carving crescent nail marks into her skin when she's agitated, nervous or angry, sometimes losing control of her powers when her spirit shifts and her aura is imbalanced by anyone's negativity.

lover's name.
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

➼ intro: hello visitor, you may call me roza or by my muse's name, giselle if you wish. i am online at sporadic times, my timezone is gmt-4 but truthfully, i don't really sleep at nights. so you would mostly see me as a fake plussie at this point. you can hit me up anytime and i would get back to you as soon as possible. mun is of age and gives full consent for nsfw themes or rated content, depending, at this moment, may not be looking for that fully, however, my mind may change according to how the plot flow or characters chemistry coincide with one another. i am okay with heavy theme stuff, such as angst, drama, gore and toxic themes in the sake of plotting. do not take that ooc and ruin our dynamic as plotting partners whatsoever, it is strictly ic and consensual. do not do something out of pocket that we did not discuss, it is not appreciated as i would have the same respect and not do the same. i ask that you take your time and read her very detailed profile, i know it's a lot but take your time, no rush, no pressure. before coming to me and asking questions that are already presented in her profile. there are a lot of things possibly missing since this is just a mere "base profile" as her character would grow throughout the rp when she's making connections and character growth shall be apparent then. i would do the same as well. it helps us both from wasting time.
➼ plotting: all plotting must take place in pms. i rather have the privacy in pms to discuss plots, i don't usually plot big in ooc rooms where everyone's talking, i tend to limit ooc interaction in rooms unless i really must partake. just a personal preference, since i am mostly around for rp connections and to thread.
➼ rp location preference: i would like to keep my wall clear, until jie finds her special someone. for all plots, i would rather it be done in rooms, because generally, i enjoy rping in rooms, brings a rp to life, if there's not a room provided for the plot, gpms it is. if the thread is a bit too nsfw or rated with triggering topics, gpms are there for those too. pms are for strictly ooc talk on plotting threads
➼ writing style & speed: i am most comfortable writing in 3rd pov but that is my personal preference, i don't expect my writing partner to follow the same. they can do whatever makes them comfortable, once i am allowed to do the same. with this understanding there shouldn't be any problem. length wise, i would say multi paras are more my thing, i don't go to the extent of novella writing anymore due to ooc life and brain burnout. i tend to write according to how my mood deems fit for the occurrence in the rp at that given moment, so my length would vary. i prefer beige prose over purple prose when writing, sometimes you may see me using laplslock over the proper capitalization, if that is a pet-peeve of yours, please let me know. genuinely, i am a very slow rper in general, depending on time and then level of muse, my replies speed would vary. i tend to take some time replying pms too, however, how this is a fresh rp, i would do my best in replying pms to plot as quickly as possible. i would say that i might take a week to get a reply or two in? depending on the length, if you are impatient and cannot handle that, this is your forewarning and we might not click right and that's okay. if you are tired of waiting after giving it a try and wish to drop the plot, i just ask for a simple heads up, that would highly be appreciated.
➼ genres for plots: i am an open-minded person, you can literally hit me up with anything and i'd be down to probably try it, if i am uncomfortable, i shall let you know. i am an open person and we can discuss comfortably what we like, and agree on from what we don't. it's all about communication, just talk it out with me. i am open and consenting to nsfw themes and rated themes that may come off as brutal or may have trigger warnings as well, and if so these can go into gpms of course. however, i am possibly not fully going to plot any ty plots unless our characters actually have that vibe and chemistry. i don't plot any endgames in rps, i'm okay with her having a fling, exes, fwbs, but anything romantic of sorts, i rather those happen naturally, or if i know someone ooc and we plotted xyz beforehand and joined the rp together.
➼ any questions or suggestions: simply pm me, i don't bite, i am quite pleasant to talk to and i'm very open-minded. i look forward to plotting with everyone.