he jiaxiang.

• • •
trivial information.

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): jayden, jay, jayd.
  • Date of Birth: february 24, 2002.
  • Zodiac Sign: pisces.
  • Place of Birth: chongqing, china.
  • Current Residence: seoul, south korea.
  • Occupation: x.mpire member.
  • Spoken Languages: mandarin, english, korean.
  • ual Orientation: bi.
  • Romantic Orientation: bi.
  • Relationship Status: single.

appearance notes.

  • Height: 180cm.
  • Hair Color: naturally black, usually dyed brown.
  • Eye Color: dark brown.
how far they've come.
their history.

In a sense, He Jiaxiang was a child born into the spotlight. This spotlight wasn’t one of fame, and certainly wasn’t one of cameras being shoved into his face. However, his upbringing did make it much easier for him to get where he is today. As the child of two well established actors in his hometown, he was given opportunity after opportunity to step on stage or help in the production of theater programs. His parents would take him to auditions with them, to rehearsals, and to every show. As a young child he didn’t understand all the work, but he did understand that he loved it.

He began taking acting and dancing lessons of his own starting when he was just three years old, and as he grew up he only got better and better. He began to audition for the same productions as his parents when he was only five and had his first leading role when he was only nine. The longer and more he acted, the more he realized how much he loved being on stage. He found himself auditioning for musicals more than anything else from the joy of learning a song and dance and began consuming more and more music content as he found himself falling more in love with this area.

As much as he knew he loved the music specifically, he still felt as though he wanted to only be an actor until he saw a performance from X.Mpire while watching videos on the internet. He was in awe and found himself watching more and more videos of the group until he realized he was almost late for his dance class for that day. It was a day engraved in his memory. Moving forward, anytime he was able to learn something of his own choice it was from that group. The kind of performing idols did was something that he realized was completely different from what he was used to. While he had known he loved the stage for a very long time, he was beginning to find a longing for the stage in a different way. He wanted to be under a different kind of spotlight. He longed to be like the idols he had begun watching every day in his very limited free time.

It was after a long conversation with his parents and close friends from years of acting that he finally decided to follow what he’d only realized were truly his dreams. He submitted audition after audition to various companies and while many accepted him, there was one that stood out to him. Seeing Lotus Entertainment as one of the companies that had accepted him it was as if he was brought back to the day that he was into this new dream. The decision was too easy for him.

He packed his bags and moved away from his home, dedicating each day almost entirely to training. Not wanting to lose out on this chance was a driving factor for his diligence, but more than that was knowing that there were idols within the company who he looked up to so much was most of it. He did whatever he could to improve upon himself up to the day that he found out he was being added as a new member to none other than X.Mpire. None of it felt real to him, and he would have thought he was dreaming had it not been for each passing day proving only that he really had done it. He’d actually managed to debut. This was only the beginning for him, he knew, and so he decided he should give it his absolute best in order to not disappoint anyone who believed in him.

who they are.
their personality.

basic summary.

he’s someone who can be very shy and timid when first meeting people. once he is more comfortable, he becomes a playful person and loves to crack jokes. he is also quite sensitive, however. if he is hurt or upset, he does his best not to show it. he tends to use the comfortable and playful persona when he is on stage or camera。

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 If you want to rp but don't necessarily have anything in mind, that is completely okay! I am a thousand percent okay with winging, and I am also okay with helping to come up with something that will work for both of our characters! If you reach out first, it would be preferable for you to start but I am completely okay with posting the starter if it makes more sense for the plot that way or if you don't have the time to post it while I do!

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。I tend to mirror writing style if I'm able to! I can rp in both 1st and 3rd pov, but tend to be just a little faster with 1st pov.

•.*★ plotting style。I am okay with both plotting and winging! If you want to rp a specific plot with a chara of mine, I will say yes at least 90% of the time, and if I say no I will still be open to rping in general! I'll simply, in that case, make suggestions or ask questions on how things can be altered to work better for both of our charas. 

•.*★ overall。 I'll say yes to rping 100% of the time! Please please please reach out to me to rp if you want to form a connection with any of my charas at all!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 I will never poke you, but please feel free to poke me if I haven't replied in a while! I have a reply tracker/worksheet that I keep updated since I have many plots for all my charas, but there is always the possibility of me thinking I replied when I didn't, or not seeing a reply at all. Because these are possibilities, I am completely okay being poked for a reply! Please, however, only poke me if I haven't replied in 3 days. Thank you!

I try to finish all my replies at least once a day. Sometimes I will only have muse for one or two characters, and during those times I will be a bit slower for certain replies compared to others. If you're really into a certain plot, please let me know and I can be sure to prioritize it a bit more when doing replies! I can be pretty active in the OOC room-- a lot of the time this is because I don't have the time to focus my energy into actual rping. I work from home, so I may appear active in the OOC chat but usually I'm only popping in to give myself an occasional breather from work.

Location Preferences

I prefer to keep plots in rooms and on walls! Plotting I prefer to leave in PMs, and I avoid doing plots in PMs but if there are no other locations available I am totally open to rping in PMs as well.