Personal Message

some connection ideas:

  • his partner in crime: someone he can stir up trouble with and do risky, daredevil things with.
  • dragonier childhood friend who survived the war and knows him and his twin brother (lucky), but hasn't seen them in so long.

some notes for later:

  • is one of the dragonier's chosen and is a drakenheim shrine guardian as a result, but had to become an adventurer recently because of something he was ordered to do. (gonna clarify when i can clear things up in my head LOL)


let the light lead
charming the dragonier
posted by

( 24.06.14 ) This profile is a WIP but feel free to reach out for plots and connections with Charming!
dear diary
( 5974 • 00 • 00 )
Text goes right here. This box stretches with the rest of the container. If you need another paragraph, just hit enter and one will be properly spaced for you.

Here is another paragraph just in case you happen to need one. Text goes right here. I hate having the hiccups man. So annoying and sometimes even painful. I have some water to drink though so it'll be okay.

Man, I'm getting real tired of these musty old, crusty old, dusty old fonts m8. Real tired. I use the same 3-5 each and every time and I'm honestly wondering why I didn't just make a tumblr theme at this point nksdnkfngk. Nevermind, I know why I didn't. I don't have that kind of time lmao. It's okay.

This is the last paragraph. I'm gonna shut up now and just copy and past things. I need more text so this is not ugly, but I also have to get ready for work soon rip. In a few minutes, I think I will. Maybe like 30 minutes since it's 3am.
with light & mercy,
Charming — Dragonier's Chosen
dear diary
( 5974 • 00 • 00 )
Text goes right here. This box stretches with the rest of the container. If you need another paragraph, just hit enter and one will be properly spaced for you.

Here is another paragraph just in case you happen to need one. Text goes right here. I hate having the hiccups man. So annoying and sometimes even painful. I have some water to drink though so it'll be okay.
with light & mercy,
Charming — Dragonier's Chosen
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs (I use group PMs for threads), but you can if that is your preference. Also, I honestly don't like plotting a lot so please approach me with something in mind (even if it's totally random) that we can work with. It doesn't have to pertain to my muse and can just be something you want to write here in the rp, but do try to keep my muse in mind before suggesting anything plot-wise.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT-7 and I'm generally slow to reply most of the time. I am just getting back into the swing of RP after being away for a while, so I may be even slower. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem. Also, on the off chance that I respond in like an hour ( because that does happen sometimes ), don't feel pressured to respond as fast. I might just be inspired at that time.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 26+ ) and I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship and my muse has that kind of chemistry with the other muse in question.

WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multipara in 1st person for self-paras and 3rd person for threads with other people. I can do novella when prompted, but prefer not to because of how busy I am normally. I can also do script ( in 3rd person ), but I'm not used to it anymore.

GENRE LIMITS. The main thing I won't really do is angst ( not really into it ), but I also prefer not to do pre-plotted romantic relationships unless they are not long-term and not official. Pre-plotted romantic relationships that are just for the sake of the plot or plot-relevant are fine with me. Kind of not into crack, but it really depends on my mood.

TAGGING. Please tag my muses in all public threads yours may have with them. Let me know if you have open starters or are planning some as well so I can potentially reply to those.

BIG NO-NOS. Do not poke me or remind me to reply. Like, at all. Please also refrain from mixing IC or OOC with me. I am not my muse and my muse is not me. Do not hold anything my muse does to yours against me personally.
basic profile
general trivia & information
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Aliases: Charming.
  • Date of Birth: here. (428 years old, physically 28 years old)
  • Place of Birth: Drakenheim Shrine, Sovengraad.
  • Current Location: Port of Ocerris, Thetyra, Lyren.
  • Species: Beastman.
  • Subspecies: Dragonier.
  • Magic Affinity: Light.
  • Occupation: Listed in order of most recent.
    • Adventurer (current)
    • Dragonier's Chosen (current)
    • Scholar (former)
    • Magic Instructor (former)
  • Known Languages: Primal Tongue (native), Aura (fluent), Standard Human Speak (semi-fluent).
  • Romantic Orientation: Greyromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Grayual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • Top Love Language: Quality Time.
✶ ⁞   Appearance Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Face Claim: NCT's Ten.
  • Height: 172cm (5'7").
  • Hair Color: Naturally black/dark brown; dyes it blond and other colors every so often so other people wouldn't confuse him for his brother.
  • Eye Color: Gold.
  • Piercings: Coming soon . . .
  • Tattoos: (not refelcted in his photos)
    • Coming soon . . .
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Here.
✶ ⁞   Muse's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • (Father) †
    • (Mother) †
  • Siblings:
    • Lucky (Twin Brother)
  • Children:
    • (Secret child; DM if interested in being their mom).
  • Lovers:
    • DM if interested in a former lover connection!
  • Friends:
    • DM to work out a dynamic!
  • Coworkers:
    • (adventurer's party; open)
    • (fellow dragonier's chosen; open)
  • Enemies:
    • DM to work out a dynamic!
  • Other:
    • here.
recalling history
What's something I need to know before I read his bio?
asked by

✶ NOTICE.     This is the sparknotes version of the bio basically. Will update as I can. Also, TW/CW because there is/are thingy things in his bio.
What's his backstory?
asked by

As mentioned, I will be updating this bio at my convenience and for now I'm bullet listing.

✶ SUMMARY.     Put that here.

Here's another paragraph if you need it.
  • Here.
    • Here.
  • Here.
    • Here.
  • Here.
  • Here.
  • Here.
Together since [ DATE HERE ], [ STATUS ] since [ DATE HERE ].
Message about lover and their dynamic goes here.
What are his powers and weaknesses?
asked by

Power one.
  • Item: Information.
  • Item: Information.
  • Item: Information.
Power two.
  • Item: Information.
  • Item: Information.
  • Item: Information.
Power three.
  • Item: Information.
  • Item: Information.
  • Item: Information.
personality notes
the inner workings of my muse
✶ NOTICE.     Here.
ISTPs are typically reserved and even aloof. Tolerant and nonjudgmental, the ISTP calmly takes in the details and facts of their surroundings, noticing sensory data and observing how things work. They often tune into what needs to be done, taking care of the immediate needs of the moment in a modest, inconspicuous way. They tend to prefer action to conversation, and are often private about their personal lives. ISTPs are unlikely to "open up" to new people in a conventional way, but may connect with others by sharing an activity or working together to solve a practical problem.

ISTPs are good with their hands and often mechanical. They are typically attracted to hands-on hobbies like woodworking or crafts, and may be found tinkering with bicycles, computers, cars, or household appliances. They often have an intuitive understanding of machines and a remarkable ability to fix things. ISTPs have an appreciation for risk and action, and often enjoy thrilling leisure activities like extreme sports, motorcycling, or weaponry.

ESTPs are often natural athletes; they easily navigate their physical environment and are typically highly coordinated. They like to use this physical aptitude in the pursuit of excitement and adventure, and they often enjoy putting their skills to the test in risky or even dangerous activities.

The ESTP's focus is action in the moment. They are engaged with their environments and solve practical problems quickly. ESTPs are excellent in emergencies, when they can apply their logical reasoning to situations where immediate action is necessary. Long-term goals are less interesting to the ESTP, who prefers to see tangible results in the moment.

The first thing you notice about the ESTP is likely to be their energy. They’re often chatting, joking, and flirting with friends and strangers alike. They enjoy engaging playfully with others and amusing everyone around them with their irreverent sense of humor. They tend to keep people on their toes, never quite knowing what the ESTP will poke fun at next. ESTPs are unabashedly gregarious with people, but their interest in individuals may not last long; they are more likely to work a room, having a laugh with everyone, than they are to engage in depth with any one person.

ESTPs are comfortable in their physical environment and always looking for some action or activity. They tend to be the most naturally coordinated of all the types and are often found playing sports or engaging in various physical activities, especially ones with an element of danger. They are the stereotypical “adrenaline junkies” and may be found skydiving, motorcycle racing, or enjoying other extreme sports.
Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral
A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. However, chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.
Strengths: Generally known to be friendly and easygoing, cordial — Practical , rational, and efficient — Somewhat spontaneous — Versatile, resilient, generally patient, and adaptable — Tolerant (to a degree) — Independent — Curious, creative, and imaginative — Direct and to the point — Can be charming (no pun intended) — A go-getter with a can-do attitude — Very self-assured — Processes information very rapidly and has a knack for improvising as he goes — Competitive — Relentless in pursuing what he's are after/Very determined and ambitious — Responds well to his physical environment and knows how to maneuver the physical world well, great in a crisis — Often told he can be pretty bold and fearless — Can get along well with just about anyone (if you're not an enemy) — Observant and perceptive, and usually reads people well — Quick to notice and respond to tangible needs.

Likes: Books and reading — Weapons, specifically ranged weapons — Alcohol — Getting done and over with — Sweets and desserts — Challenges and testing limits, sometimes no matter the consequences that come as a result — Being adaptable — Learning new things — Sports and working out — Zinnias and Torch gingers — Puzzles, board games, and card games — Freedom of expression — Excitement (very much a thrill-seeker) — Loose and adaptable plans — Creating — Focusing on the little things people like and do — Achieving things, even small things — Dancing (mostly as a hobby and for exercise) — Music that usually doesn't have words, namely classical — Researching and expanding his knowledge in any way he can — Giving more than receiving — "Me time" — People as bold and to the point as him (it's attractive to him) — Traveling — Combat sports and martial arts — The colors red, black, gold, brown, white, indigo, and sage.
Weaknesses: Stubborn — Can be insensitive — Private and reserved, also very guarded and untrusting — Often engages in risky behavior (known to push boundaries and escalate conflict or danger) — Can be a little too independent — Can be somewhat unpredictable — May not always pick up on or prioritize emotional cues — Doesn't mince words or want to spend a lot of time wasting time — Feels the emotional concerns of others may be an unnecessary drain on their energy — Reluctant to afford weight to feelings-based arguments — Takes on far more than he can handle and overworks himself because of it — Commitment phobic, usually about anything other than his primary goal — Hates to be bored and wants life to always be new, stimulating and interesting — Often lacks the patience and the drive to stick it out through low points in life, and gets frustrated at this frequently.

Dislikes: People who talk too much and can't keep things to themselves — Being vulnerable — Being forced into things — Wasting time if he has something to do — Stagnancy — Long, drawn-out stories and explanations — Clingy and high-maintenance people — Undesired lack of personal space — Being told no or that he can't do something — Feelings — Conflict stemming from emotions, and emotional outbursts — People who intentionally avoid directly asking him for things — Leaving things unfinished — Being lied to or deceived in any way — Sudden major changes in his home environment (ie: someone reorganizing something he personally organized) — Body odor (he will call you out on it) and bad smells in general.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Casual stalking and snooping — Working out and keeping active — Going out — Playing instruments (namely the flute, guitar, and violin) — Shopping — Hoverboarding and surfing — Record-keeping and organizing (sometimes) — Thrill-seeking (very much!!) — Digging things up (literally and figuratively) — People watching and sightseeing — Cleaning and keeping things clean — Reading — Crafting (like knitting, scrapbooking, and sculpting) — Fighting (or sparring) — Exploring — Playing puzzle and card games — Amateur astronomy/stargazing.

Good Habits: Makes all his own food and meal plans/preps — Makes people origami and uses origami as a stress reliever — Positive self-talk — Keeping his mind busy — Putting in effort to stay relatively healthy as well as limber — Meditating — Making extra effort to spend time with his loved ones — Taking plenty of "me time" as needed.

Bad Habits: Drinking to numb himself — Smoking — Clenching his fists or scratching things when mad — Too intense when you actually get to know him (because of all the obsession, mostly) — A little too hyperaware and alert — Overworking himself to the point he ends up getting hurt — Driving himself mad with how much he hyperfixates on certain things and not being able to see past it — Manspreading — Dedicated to his goals the point where it hinders his relationships with people — Too much of a risk taker he gets himself or others hurt — Talking to himself out loud (and it's usually either in the form of mumbling or sudden announcements) — Being very guarded or holding up too many walls — Bottling his emotions — Buying "cute" things and not using them — Forgetting people's names and often getting them upset because of it (resorting to calling people things like "you" and "what's-your-face" instead).
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: Sleep walks — Probably an alcoholic but very much in denial.

Secrets Kept to Themself: Has anger issues, but bottles his feelings until he snaps... idk what else rn.

General/Personally Known Fears: The dark — Being buried alive — Dying young or before he can achieve his major goal.

Unrecognized Fears: Losing important people in his life — Being abandoned by them — Disappointing them — Failing and falling prey to his weaknesses — Dying a slow and agonizing death.
Wants & Values
Wants & Values: Harmony — honesty — inner peace — a safer place for all dragoniers — freedom — respect — strength — happiness — his own meadow.

Goals: Create a safe place for dragoniers, and also to establish some sense of security and stability for himself — Have a large garden he can pick from — Reunite with long lost family and friends who got displaced during war.
Other Personality/Trivial Information
He's really good with guns and spears — Known to sneak up on people because he has rather quiet footsteps — Often seems very confident and like he knows what he's doing, but he is often winging it — Likes to paint his nails from time to time — Always carries a small notepad and pen with him — Keeps record of his day on a secret crystacom device — Frequently pops his knuckles/joints — Can talk with his mouth closed — Very, very flexible.
can also be used as a tracker
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.