spreading her wings
narae of the sa family.
posted by

( 23.12.20 ) This profile is fully up to date! Feel free to reach out for plots and connections with Narae.
dear diary
( 1868 • 00 • 00 )
Text goes right here. This box stretches with the rest of the container. If you need another paragraph, just hit enter and one will be properly spaced for you.

Here is another paragraph just in case you happen to need one. Text goes right here. I hate having the hiccups man. So annoying and sometimes even painful. I have some water to drink though so it'll be okay.

Man, I'm getting real tired of these musty old, crusty old, dusty old fonts m8. Real tired. I use the same 3-5 each and every time and I'm honestly wondering why I didn't just make a tumblr theme at this point nksdnkfngk. Nevermind, I know why I didn't. I don't have that kind of time lmao. It's okay.

This is the last paragraph. I'm gonna shut up now and just copy and past things. I need more text so this is not ugly, but I also have to get ready for work soon rip. In a few minutes, I think I will. Maybe like 30 minutes since it's 11:28.
by queen min's mercy,
Narae — Former Sa, Current Head of the Yeo Family
dear diary
( 1868 • 00 • 00 )
Text goes right here. This box stretches with the rest of the container. If you need another paragraph, just hit enter and one will be properly spaced for you.

Here is another paragraph just in case you happen to need one. Text goes right here. I hate having the hiccups man. So annoying and sometimes even painful. I have some water to drink though so it'll be okay.
by queen min's mercy,
Narae — Former Sa, Current Head of the Yeo Family
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs (I use group PMs for threads), but you can if that is your preference. Also, I honestly don't like plotting a lot so please approach me with something in mind (even if it's totally random) that we can work with. It doesn't have to pertain to my muse and can just be something you want to write here in the rp, but do try to keep my muse in mind before suggesting anything plot-wise.

HOW I PLOT. Because the way I like to plot is admittedly time-consuming, I don't like to do it much, despite it being effective for me. If I am the one seeking people to write with, I usually read through everyone's (and I mean everyone's) profiles and study them/make notes about potential things that lead to scenarios. After reviewing, I select a few names and begin brainstorming usually two or three plot ideas minimum for the other person to consider if I don't have any questions as well. These ideas are specifically tailored to their muse and are loose enough to where they can always be open to tweaking. I will do this for 3 people minimum and 10 people maximum before beginning another round usually. As you can see, this process is very time-consuming, but I like to be thorough, efficient, considerate of our muses, and also present options for potential writing partners in case they struggle to generate ideas. This also helps save time later on because as I've previously said, I don't really like plotting. It takes way too long and kills my muse before I can even get threading, so the quicker we get through that phase, the better and easier it is for me. On the off chance someone approaches me to plot, I will still do the same study, note, and present tactic, just will also interview them to get a feel for what they want to do with my muse and why.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT-7 and I'm generally slow to reply most of the time. I am just getting back into the swing of RP after being away for a while, so I may be even slower. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem. Also, on the off chance that I respond in like an hour ( because that does happen sometimes ), don't feel pressured to respond as fast. I might just be inspired at that time.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 26+ ) and I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship and my muse has that kind of chemistry with the other muse in question.

WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multipara in 1st person for self-paras and 3rd person for threads with other people. I can do novella when prompted, but prefer not to because of how busy I am normally. I can also do script ( in 3rd person ), but I'm not as used to it anymore.

GENRE LIMITS. The main thing I won't really do is angst ( not really into it ), but I also prefer not to do pre-plotted romantic relationships unless they are not long-term and not official. Pre-plotted romantic relationships that are just for the sake of the plot or plot-relevant are fine with me. Kind of not into crack, but it really depends on my mood.

TAGGING. Please tag my muses in all public threads yours may have with them. Let me know if you have open starters or are planning some as well so I can potentially reply to those.

BIG NO-NOS. Do not poke me or remind me to reply. Like, at all. Please also refrain from mixing IC or OOC with me. I am not my muse and my muse is not me. Do not hold anything my muse does to yours against me personally.
basic profile
general trivia & information
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Narae.
  • Alias(es): Sa Narae (birth name); Narae (as a cheonmin citizen); the Raven of [insert gisaeng house thing here] (gisaeng name).
  • Date of Birth: 19 August (Age 28 for now).
  • Place of Birth: Hanseong, South Korea.
  • Current Location: [insert name of gisaeng house here].
  • Rank: Cheonmin (previously Yangban).
  • Occupation: Listed in order of most recent.
    • Gisaeng. (alibi occupation, current).
    • Orphanage Caretaker. (alibi occupation, current)
    • Warrior. (secret to everyone, current)
    • Yangban daughter of the Sa family. (former)
  • Known Languages: Korean (Tamna dialect).
  • Romantic Orientation: Greyromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Panual (because of her job); Heteroual or possibly greyual, personally.
  • Relationship Status: Complicated, but single as far as she knows.
  • Top Love Language: Quality Time.
✶ ⁞   Appearance Trivia Concerning Narae.
  • Face Claim: WJSN Kim Jiyeon (Bona).
  • Height: 163 cm (5'4").
  • Hair Color: Naturally black/dark brown.
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown.
  • Piercings: None.
  • Notable Scars: (not refelcted in her photos)
    • Coming soon . . .
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Here.
✶ ⁞   Narae's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • Sa Raewon (Father)†
    • Lady Eun (Mother)†
  • Sa Raejin (Uncle)
  • Siblings:
    • Marquess Sa Wonbin (Older Brother)†
    • Lord Sa Wonhee (Younger Brother)†
    • Lady Sa Mirae (Younger Sister)†
  • Children:
    • Bitna (Eldest Daughter).
    • Yisoo (Son).
    • Byeol (Youngest Daughter).
  • Lovers:
    • (Former Fiancé; open)
  • Clients:
    • (one that wants to help her regain her title/status; open)
    • (one that's greedy and just wants what they want/will just take what they want from her; open)
    • (one that fathers her son; open)
  • Friends:
    • DM to work out a dynamic!
  • Coworkers:
    • (person that helps her raise the children of the orphanage she works at; open)
    • (two gisaengs that she took with her to the islang; open)
  • Enemies:
    • DM to work out a dynamic!
  • Other:
    • here.
recalling history
What's something I need to know before I read her bio?
asked by

✶ NOTICE.     This is the sparknotes version of the bio basically. Will update as I can. Also, TW/CW because there is/are mentions of death in her bio.
What's her backstory?
asked by

As mentioned, I will be updating this bio at my convenience and for now I'm bullet listing.

✶ SUMMARY.     Narae works in an orphanage and is a gisaeng because she was forced down that path, but also because she wants to support the children/earn food and water for them. She was a noblewoman who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she ended up a gisaeng because of it. Currently trying to work her way up in status or class (to no avail) to better the lives of her children, but at the cost of her own body.

Her family was one of the few Yangban families to live on Tamna by choice. Because of this, their village home was to be raided and all of her family knew about. The only reason she didn't was because she was out with her fiancé at the time so they packed their and left without her but left her a note saying to leave as soon as possible. Her fiancé and his family were staying with her family during this time. And she couldn't take he and his family along with her, and he didn't want to leave his family anyway, so she decided to stay with him and help hide him and his family weather the oncoming storm. Before they could even start prepare, the raiders showed up early and did their raiding and pillaging thing, then they took her, her fiancé, and her fiancé's family as hostages. They said they'd kill/harm them one by one if she didn't give away her family's location. She wouldn't do that. Eventually, it got down to her fiancé and he gave her a look (one that said it was okay basically) and he told her that no matter what happened he'd still love her. She decided not to give up her family. They knocked him the out then dragged him off somewhere after. All the women were made into gisaengs and separated, and she doesn't know what they did with the remaining men, but she eventually was able to break away from the raiders and escape with her fiancé's sister. Somewhere down the line they split up for their own safety, and that's how she ended up here on the mainland again.
  • Her (former) fiancé is still alive, she just doesn't know it and she doesn't know what happened to him or what he went through after they took him away.
    • This is a playable role. If you're interested in claiming it, please PM me to let me know that. I have a right to say no if I feel your muse doesn't fit what I picture for her fiancé.
  • Her fiancé's sister is also still alive, but, again, she just doesn't know what happened to her after they split up.
    • This is a playable role. If you're interested in claiming it, please PM me to let me know that. I have a right to say no if I feel your muse doesn't fit what I picture for her fiancé's sister. You'll also have to get the okay from whoever is playing the fiancé.
  • She's been made pregnant three times, so three of the children at the orphanage are hers, but they all have different fathers, and she doesn't know who exactly they are. She feels bad about that, but she's hopeful that her children can soon find a better life if she's able to become a noble again. Even though she never will.
  • She ended up on the mainland by sheer luck. The people at the docks hadn't found out about her missing or becoming a gisaeng by the time she showed up there, so she used her noble status to sneak herself, a few women, and a few children on the mainland. She wants to go back to the island to find her fiancé's sister and maybe help a few more women and children find some kind of solace away from the raiders, but she knows if she leaves, she may not be able to come back.
  • She was sought after by someone's lover (PM if interested) and had to sleep with him (since he was her client) and now his wife/fiancée hates her.
Together since [ DATE HERE ], betrothed since [ DATE HERE ].
Again, the role for her fiancé is open! If interested, feel free to PM me about it. Please know that her fiancé was of higher status and is a Sangmin or Cheonmin ranked citizen now and keep that in mind when/if you're going to PM me concerning this connection.
How old are her kids? What are they like?
asked by

✶ GENERAL OVERVIEW.     So, as stated earlier, she has three children. The oldest is 8 and a girl, the middle is 7 and a boy, and the youngest is 5 and a girl as well. All are generally good and well behaved children. They don't talk much around adults and are typically on guard and/or out of sight until Narae says it's okay to come out and relax. The children's names are Bitna, Yisoo, and Byeol.
The Oldest Child (Daughter 1)
  • Name: Bitna (빛나).
  • Date of Birth: 10 November (Age 8).
  • Random Facts: Likes being responsible and being given tasks that help out her mom or just help people in general. Because she's one of the older kids at the orphanage, she helps look after the younger kids in her own way and treats everyone as her own little brother or sister. Likes to be told "Good job!" and will do things to earn that response. Very protective of her younger brother and sister to the point where she wrestled with a small dog that was trying to attack them. Has quiet footsteps. Likes helping with cooking.
The Middle Child (Son)
  • Name: Yisoo (이수 | 夷秀).
  • Date of Birth: 16 September (Age 7).
  • Random Facts: Shy, and very much so. Often near his mother. Can be bribed with food. Afraid of cats because he was scratched by one before and has a scar on his leg from it. Also has a scar from being burned on his arm and is slightly afraid of fire because of it. Likes to be taught things by adults and will mimic them. Likes to explore and collect things like rocks and other little trinkets he finds when doing so.
The Youngest Child (Daughter 2)
  • Name: Byeol (별).
  • Date of Birth: 26 January (Age 5).
  • Random Facts: Likes destroying and recreating. The loudest child when comfortable around you. Will try to "fight" you. The messiest child of the three (despite her age). Very ticklish. Likes to "catch fish" and likes chasing birds. Most likely to run around after or during bath time. Falls asleep while eating half the time she does so. Likes to dance and sing, and be sung to. Likes to pat people's faces and feed them.
personality notes
the inner workings of narae
✶ NOTICE.     Her personality is very slightly inconsistent due to her occupation and origins. While changes occur, they are infrequent and do not last long for she's committed to playing her part.
Often intellectual, INTJs enjoy logical reasoning and complex problem-solving. They approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are typically focused inward, on their own thoughtful study of the world around them. INTJs are drawn to logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions. They are typically independent and selective about their relationships, preferring to associate with people who they find intellectually stimulating.

INTJs have a hunger for knowledge and strive to constantly increase their competence; they are often perfectionists with extremely high standards of performance for themselves and others. They tend to have a keen interest in self-improvement and are lifelong learners, always looking to add to their base of information and awareness.

ESTPs are often natural athletes; they easily navigate their physical environment and are typically highly coordinated. They like to use this physical aptitude in the pursuit of excitement and adventure, and they often enjoy putting their skills to the test in risky or even dangerous activities.

The ESTP's focus is action in the moment. They are engaged with their environments and solve practical problems quickly. ESTPs are excellent in emergencies, when they can apply their logical reasoning to situations where immediate action is necessary. Long-term goals are less interesting to the ESTP, who prefers to see tangible results in the moment.

The first thing you notice about the ESTP is likely to be their energy. They’re often chatting, joking, and flirting with friends and strangers alike. They enjoy engaging playfully with others and amusing everyone around them with their irreverent sense of humor. They tend to keep people on their toes, never quite knowing what the ESTP will poke fun at next. ESTPs are unabashedly gregarious with people, but their interest in individuals may not last long; they are more likely to work a room, having a laugh with everyone, than they are to engage in depth with any one person.

ESTPs are comfortable in their physical environment and always looking for some action or activity. They tend to be the most naturally coordinated of all the types and are often found playing sports or engaging in various physical activities, especially ones with an element of danger. They are the stereotypical “adrenaline junkies” and may be found skydiving, motorcycle racing, or enjoying other extreme sports.
Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral
A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. However, chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.
Strengths: Can be charming, relaxed, warm, "live and let live" attitude, sensitive to others/empathetic, imaginative, passionate (to a degree), curious, artistic, a little spontaneous, principled and respectful, a bit individualistic.

Likes: Being creative — taking care of children — ginger, pears, and plums — singing (mostly to her children) — entertaining (when not forced to) — riding horses — walking along the beach and letting the waves hit her feet — reading and writing (in secret) — feeling strong (and being strong too when she can) — fending for herself and all the kids she cares for — archery and sword fighting (in secret) — stargazing — helping people.
Weaknesses: Can be independent to a fault (which often makes it hard for her to ask for help), a little unpredictable, easily stressed, can get overly competitive, (a little) sensitive, forgets to put herself and her needs first sometimes.

Dislikes: Being a gisaeng — how her life turned out (though she accepts it) — not knowing who the father(s) of her children are — shrimp — fishing — men (especially the sleezy, lazy, entitled, and incosiderate good-for-nothings) — the fact that she couldn't openly love her fiancé back when she was (the daughter of) a noble.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Caring for the children at the orphanage — cooking — cleaning — singing and dancing with the children — writing in a journal — writing letters to her fiancé (in secret, and they never get sent now) — getting all dolled up for the fun of it — gossiping with other gisaengs and spending time with them — fantasizing about true freedom and peace — making fires — gardening.

Good Habits: Positive self-talk, keeping her mind busy, putting in effort to stay relatively healthy, putting her 100% into everything she does, stretching, practicing her hobbies, self-grooming/care, taking "me time" as needed.

Bad Habits: Being guarded or holding up too many walls, getting ahead of herself, biting her lips when nervous, clenching her jaw in her sleep, putting her children first (to her own harm at times), doubting herself and her capabilities, hoarding/finding and keeping old junk for sentimental value (mild), stress eats, attacking people (or just squaring up) and things on instict when startled.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: Three of the kids she cares for at the orphanage are hers.

Secrets Kept to Themself: Her fiancé and she learned how to read and write so they could secretly share messages and have another thing to bond over — She has a feeling she knows who Yuna's father is, but she isn't entirely sure (she thinks it's either her fiancé or her first ever client as a gisaeng) — She knows in her heart that her fiancé is still alive, and she plans to venture alone back to the island soon so she can find him and confirm this — When escaping with her fiancé's sister, she hit a man in the head with a large rock, and he was bleeding a lot but she didn't know if he was dead or simply unconscious and that thought still tugs at her mind sometimes.

General/Personally Known Fears: Her family (aside from the sibling she keeps in contact with) rejecting her once they know what happened to her — Her family (mostly her fiancé) not accepting her children — The children at the orphanage being hurt and never finding a sense of stability — The gisaengs she snuck over betraying her and working with the raiders that raided her village — The raiders finding her, the other gisaengs, and the children of the orphanage — Claustrophobia (mild).

Unrecognized Fears: Her family intentionally leaving her behind during the raid or setting up the raid — Her fiancé also being somehow responsible for how things turned out.
Wants & Values
Wants & Values: Harmony — honesty — inner peace — a safer place for all gisaengs — stability for all the children she cares for — to be a noblewoman and take care of everyone she cares for — to find her fiancé and his family — freedom — respect — strength — happiness — her own meadow.

Goals: Become a noblewoman to create a safe place for gisaengs and children, and also to establish some sense of security and stability for herself and the people she wants to help (will never come to fruition) — Have a large garden she can pick from — Become "best mommy" in her kids eyes and make them proud to call her their mother — Reunite with her family and her fiancé and his family — Quit the gisaeng life.
Other Personality Information
Has a terrible sense of direction — clumsy — has terrible handwriting (especially now) — ambidextrous with a slight preference for her left side — knows how to juggle — taps her fingers together when shy (Yisoo also adopted this) — known to sneak up on people because she has rather quiet footsteps (tries to combat this by singing, talking, and humming so people know she's near; Yuna adopted this) — a little forgetful and absentminded when tired — she often seems very confident and like she knows what she's doing, but she gets really shy really easy and is socially clumsy — always wears a necklace that her fiancé's sister gave her — can talk with closed.
can also be used as a tracker
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.