Personal Message

      ↷ ⁞ ❛ evangeline。❜
⤿ age :: 239 years old.
⤿ uality :: demiromantic, panual.
⤿ species :: nymph (dryad ; earth nymph). 
⤿ occupation :: tailor.
⤿ short bio :: 
— overwhelmed by the emotions evangeline "eve" feels from the world, he chose to live a solitary life in the forests, taking to animals and nature for companionship. 
— took a stroll in the forest, saw a carriage getting attacked by bandits.
— helped the passengers, who were a human family, and realized that the daughter was dead.
— the elderly couple would often visit him in the forest as thanks, but eve soon realized that they were growing too old to be venturing into the forests. he went into the city instead, with the guidance of nature. 
— eventually, he got adopted by them. grew to love clothes and designing them, which was how he eventually inherited the couple's tailoring business — facemaker boutique  — when the couple died of old age.

⤿ magical ability ::
— earth & plant-life manipulation.
— aura communication.
— zoolingualism (animmal empathy, animal telepathy).
— mild healing magic (mostly for plant-life).

⤿ possible connections ::
— on & off fling (male, preferably).
— a regular customer at the store.
— friends, from any race.
— a beastman he cannot stand.

⤿ important notes ::
— crossdresses, prefers female clothing more than male.
— has long hair he ties to the side into a braid often.
— has long antlers, which he decorates with jewelry and trinkets every now and then.
— people often mistake him for a lady.