Personal Message

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✱ NAME    ⸺  jeff satur !

✱ DATE OF BIRTH    ⸺  ex: 6 march 1995 !

✱ CLAIM TO FAME    ⸺  soloist/actor !


✱ OC NAME    ⸺  kallan II !

✱ ACTUAL & PHYSICAL AGE   ⸺  205 & 29 !

✱ SPECIES    ⸺  beastman !

✱ SUB-SPECIES    ⸺  seaborn !

✱ OCCUPATION   ⸺  crown prince !

✱ CLAIMS    ⸺  speaks both primal tongue and standard human speak ; can use water magic but is weak to earth magic and harsh sunlight (but not fire magic—quite the opposite, in fact) ; has mermaid tails which are silver/platinum-ish in color !

✱ BRIEF BACKSTORY   ⸺  kallan II was born a little over two centuries ago into one of the oldest seaborn tribes—and by extension, the royal seaborn family—in aurum. his father, kallan I, is the current family patriarch, making kallan II crown prince as he is the firstborn son of the family. while indifferent to his status as the crown prince during his childhood years, he came to learn of the hidden nefarious acts his family is involved with, most of which involves harming or weaponizing other species. unable to remain complicit to such deeds, let alone continue them on his father’s behalf once he abides, he began to distance himself from the family, much to his parents’ dismay. he currently resides in sola city to establish his own life, but he still goes back to aurum to carry out his duties as the crown prince every now and then—albeit against his will. !