
( it's not y yet i swear i'll fix this when i get home i just wanted to put basics out HEJDJSRK )

1. Name: The Perilous ( Call him Lou )

2. Actual & Physical Age: 368 years old ( 30 years physically )

3. Species: Beastman

4. Sub-species: Dragonier

5. Occupation: Blacksmith

6. Claims: speaks limited human speak and fluent primal tongue, has fire magic

7. Brief Backstory: Lou is a Dragonier who has had his fair share of wars. If one were to ask, he'd say that he was war's bastard son; that he was fated to always be tied to war and all its consequences. It started when he had lost his parents to one of the wars. Watching it happen right before his very eyes was enough to awaken the scorching hot flame that resided within him. The once gentle dragonier was instantly driven by the desire to have his revenge. With blood drenched hands, Lou would become an unstoppable force on the side of the supernaturals. It was only when being consumed by the need for revenge caused him to kill one of his very own kind that he ended up withdrawing from being a soldier. Not only did this specific event make him lose his place with his fellow Dragoniers, but it also made him lose half of his left arm which he has now replaced with a mechanical prosthetic of his own making. All that he earned from it was his current name which is "The Perilous".

Now a banished war veteran, he has decided to make weapons instead to help arm those who wish to fight for something— just like he once had. If a human were to visit, however, they'd find that he has banned them from purchasing anything from him.


Mun Portion 

1. Timezone: GMT+8

2. OOC Age: 24