Personal Message

izel. the unique one.
fae - faerie. 
148cm. unknown weight.
wing shape of the giant leopard moth - blue to pale pink in color.
attuned to the water element 

  • hydromancy 
    • framing water into small constructs, including in the shape of live plants and animals
    • embedding messages into water 
    • other minor water manipulation 
    • only small amounts of water may be manipulated at once, and must be from an existing water source
    • weak to any ice magic or earth magic
  • dream magic 
    • dream capture and reading 
    • dream walking 
    • dream construction
    • successful only if the dreamer is either wholly unconscious or fully accepting 
    • unable to edit dreams unless they have been captured
  • enchanting
    • runic enchantments 
    • water enchanting 
    • blessing imbuement 
    • enchanted items have a use or time limit after which they expire
    • enchanted items must be exchanged for (with money, luck or other items) to work on any person except himself