
***under con***
CONNECTION: someone who looks similar (regardless of species) to his empress or one of kiriya’s friends during his time in knighthood. he would be extremely protective of them and address them as either his empress or his friend’s title. if they try to tell him who they really are, he will quickly grow angry.

actual age: ???, physical age 27




gravity magic

standard human speak, primal tongue (possessing a canine beastman corpse), and aura

kiriya has been a ghoul for several centuries at least. he was originally a human knight devoted entirely to protecting his empress, coming from a modest kingdom that is now lost to time. however, the castle was besieged by beastmen. kiriya was fighting with the intention to locate his empress and escape, but he witnessed in the bloodbath a beastman raising his empress’ fur coat she wears during wartime, and kiriya assumed the worst. due to his immense anguish of failing to protect her, he slayed an incredible amount of the enemy so much so that to this day there exists a legend among beastmen about a human knight named kiriya. once he was finally killed as the final knight to fall, kiriya’s soul possessed a canine beastman’s corpse to which he still possesses currently. he still predominantly lives in the past, unable to process the immense grief he carries.