Personal Message
✱ NAME    ⸺  cypher
✱ OFFICIAL TITLE    ⸺  TEST MODEL A-0000; aka prototype 0.0001 (however, only those familiar with the make and model/those who worked on it would know of these names)
✱ ACTUAL & PHYSICAL AGE   ⸺  ???; 25
✱ GENDER & PRONOUNS    ⸺  agender; they/them, it/its
✱ UALITY    ⸺  greyual; greyromantic
✱ HOMETOWN    ⸺  unknown
✱ SPECIES    ⸺  spirit
✱ SUB-SPECIES    ⸺  neosynth
✱ OCCUPATION   ⸺  wanderer, researcher, engineer (former)
✱ CLAIMS    ⸺  fluent in aura, broken in primal tongue (busted voice box), incomprehensible in human speak (corrupt algorithm + busted voice box)
✱ BRIEF BACKSTORY   ⸺  vision that blurred and fuzzed around the edges took in the haphazard sights of broken walls, cut wiring that could no longer singe skin, and what could only be presumed the former makings of a laboratory. however, other than their left and rights, they could not tell the north and south of their surroundings. who were they? where were they? they faced their palms upward into view, detailing the lines that defined joints and squeaked when jolted. a memory attempted to ring to mind but that was all it did. as they sifted the ruble, they found broken shards and took in the cracked vision of their appearance: stiff, sterile, synthetic. even when lacking the awareness, it was clear to them they were no human - if ever one. but how did they end up in such a state? and why? with no burden to bear but ignorance, they wander in search of the reason behind their current predicament and a way to untether their soul from their earthly binds.
( ✱ ) the soul shelled into the android is hundreds of years old and one of the mechanism's creators
( ✱ ) the android itself is the earliest variation of its kind, the godmother and progenitor of all human-appearing machines that came after it. it was the only piece of equipment that remained intact following the destruction of the manufacturing space, thus becoming the only and nearest place a wandering soul could exist
( ✱ ) considering the machinery's age, it lacks several of the functions attributed to more modern androids. it is simply a husk, a blueprint of what they would become. it had no purpose other than to exist and prove that machines could harbor sentience. as a result, "cypher" cannot take a lot of wear and tear before modifications and tune-ups are needed. with time, this prototype's model is being upgraded with newer technology (some that fit and others that the outdated programming rejects entirely).
✱ TIME ZONE    ⸺  gmt -4
✱ OOC AGE    ⸺  21+
✱ PASSWORD    ⸺  someone familiar with the android cypher now possesses (perhaps one of its creators/originators?) to where they can either pursue cypher and question how or why technology that was known to be obsolete is within their grasp, or attempt to actively avoid the neosynth. regardless, cypher will confront the connection on their own in search of answers regarding their newfound form, in hopes that it sparks more than just a buzz in the back of their mind.