
- fc portion -

name: nicha yontararak (minnie)
date of birth: october 23, 1997
claim to fame: g-idle 

- muse portion -

name: moira
real name: brighid
actual and physical age: 26 years old
species: fae 
sub-species: faerie
occupation: bard - college of glamour

  • able to speak the fae varient of human speak, but also able to speak the common human language as well. needs to learn how to speak primal and to hone her ability to communicate with aura. 
  • born with the ability to manipulate light. however, an over use of her powers causes her to develop a migraine and extended use starts to affect and blind her vision. she needs to also soak up the light from the sun, as a result, often resulting in many finding her sunbathing on the roofs--wings spread--in the mornings into the afternoons. 

brief backstory: when she told her parents that she wanted to pursue her dream traveling from tavern to tavern to sing the songs of the people and of humans past, they were understandably upset. her strong family of honorable silversmiths and tailors to faeries held an honorable job, it paid well enough for the family to get by as they pleased, and yet- moira could not sit still. there were stories to be told. stories to be recorded. moira could not sit and wait for her fate to arrive and so- she left. heading towards her future. 

- mun information -

timezone: gmt -5(-6) 
ooc age: 22+ 
connections: someone who knows moira from when she was a tailor's and a silversmith's daughter, and was the one to help moira escape from her gilded cage and was most likely her childhood best friend.