Personal Message
문 나리.
  • Fullname: Moon Nari.
  • Nickname: n/a.
  • Date of Birth: 5th November.
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
  • Place of Birth: Jeju-Do, South Korea.
  • Nationality: Korean
  • Current Residence: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Spoken Languages: Korean, English, French.
  • Orientation: Hetero.
  • Relationship Status: Married.

  • Height: 174cm / 5'1"
  • Weight: 52kg / 114lbs.
  • Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown.
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown.
  • Piercings: 6 altogether.
  • Tattoos: n/a

en years of marriage, once a vibrant melody, had become monotonous. Nari, trapped in a gilded cage of luxury, craved escape.

The high-paying resort job, secured by her in-laws, initially felt like something she archieved with her own ability but in the end she learned it was all thanks to connections. However she thrived on making the resort guests feel relaxed and refreshed.

But then came the bombshell - "You don't need to work anymore," her hussband had announced. Nari, yearning for a promised delayed honeymoon and a taste of adventure, had readily agreed.

Except the honeymoon never came. Alex, conveniently "swamped with work," had deposited her at a luxurious resort in Bali, leaving her with a fridge full of wine and a heart full of emptiness.

Nari, ever resourceful, had turned it into a solo adventure.

From the bustling markets of Marrakech, where the scent of exotic spices filled the air, to the serene beauty of the Swiss Alps, where snow-capped peaks scraped the sky, she ticked off every destination on her list, a bittersweet victory dance before returning home.

Home, however, had been subtly reshaped. The one guestroom, where she once stored all her working equipment and portfolios, was now a baby blue nursery, overflowing with a rocking chair and an army of plush toys.

The pressure, once a distant rumble, became a constant barrage.Her husband's voice, laced with entitlement, morphed into a constant, "Isn't it time we started a family?" Her parents, blinded by the financial benefits of her marriage to her husband's wealthy family, echoed the sentiment with a desperate, "Just do your duty as wife well, Nari." The in-laws, their smiles strained, chimed in with, "We want a grandchild."

Nari felt like a prized mare, expected to deliver the ultimate trophy. Resentment gnawed at her, twisting the love for her husband into a tangled knot of frustration.

Ten years.

A decade of dreams deferred, her voice muted, her ambitions relegated to the dusty corners of their sprawling penthouse. Memories of her university days, when she dreamt of a career in make up and fashion, flickered like dying embers.

One day, a spark ignited within her. Fueled by a desperate need for escape and a flicker of self-discovery, Nari marched into the headquarters of Nova Lux Corp.

The five-year gap in her resume loomed large, but her determination was unwavering. When they offered her a stylist position, a wave of relief and exhilaration washed over her. It wasn't the career she'd envisioned, but it was a crack in the gilded cage, a chance to rediscover herself.

The first day back at work was a balm to her soul. Surrounded by the creative buzz of the music industry, Nari felt a forgotten part of herself awaken. Here, she wasn't just her husbands wife or a potential incubator.

Here, she was Nari. She reveled in the challenge of transforming raw talent into polished stars, her keen eye for make-up and fashion and her understanding of the industry proving invaluable.

The late nights spent strategizing with stylists and scouting for upcoming trends were a welcome distraction from the suffocating silence of her loveless marriage.



Red Roses - Beach Sunsets - Red Wine - Spicy food - Cajun & Italian Cuisine。


An empty home - Pressure - Horror Movies。


Cooking - Reading - Watching Romance Dramas。


Keeps her marital status a secret - doesn't wear her wedding band at work。


Being not good enough or not lovable - Ghosts。

bad habits.

Can't say no - Trusts too easily - Falls in love fast。

00 month 2020

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