Personal Message
○ Name: Ahn Taeyoung
○ Age: 20
○ Birth Date: August 30, '93
○ Orientation: Demirom
○ Status: basically taken :p
○ Occupation: Manager
Taeyoung likes to leave the complexities to the side and live a simple life. His mantra is essentially to work smarter, not harder. Not that he believes in working hard, but too many times he's seen people overwork themselves when simpler solutions are out there。
He's direct, curt at times, especially in professional settings, but he has a kinder side to him. Unfortunately, Taeyoung has a tough time differentiating what is and isn't business。

Though for those who do catch him not trying to work or scheme up things, he always going to be found outside. Whether at the club, the park, the Han River, or wherever. He doesn't like to be coup up and likes to experience new things。
+ likes +
— Coffee, Programming, Investing, Comedy, Taffy, Cookies, Grilling, Exercising, Skating, Trustworthiness
+ dislikes +
— Laziness, Soda, Popcorn, Melons, Beer, Cold, Losing, Indecisiveness, Bananas, Bugs
+ secrets +
— N/A
+ peculiarities +
— In the rare times he's anxious, he bites his fingernails or pretends to answer a "phone call"
+ desires +
— Assist or own a big entertainment company one day
Born in the deep rural land of South Korea, Taeyoung was one out of five children. From the time he was little to even now, he hated where he lived and the people who he lived with. With his parents amongst others in his small town being backward in their way of thinking, it resulted in Taeyoung closeting a lot of his feelings and harboring resentment. Being the oldest of the troupe,  he always tried to show his siblings there was an outside world with plenty to offer than the life here. This led to animosity between him and his parents, yet ultimately he decided to be the good elder son. He helped out on the farm, assisted his uncle's car business, and managed to take care of his younger siblings at the same time. But it was no surprise when Taeyoung graduated from high school, he was packing his bags and heading off to the prestigious Seoul University。

At uni, Tae would focus on computer sciences with a minor in business. He had hopes of introducing all the modern things Seoul had to his hometown. But as semesters pressed on, he strayed further from that goal and found himself making plans with two of his roommates to create a new social media app geared toward uni students. With Taeyoung primarily serving on the business side of the project, he helped spread the app to college students across the nation. Eventually, the small idea the three had turned into a start-up company that would offer more services and expands its craft. By the time the trio graduated, they were on their way to becoming millionaires. Over the course of the next three years, however, would bring trouble。

The business side of things was always a fickle matter. Of course, the more people you involved with your money and ideas, the more the true nature of people become twisted. Disagreement between the founders led to poor decisions and management, leading to losing various employees, growing dissatisfaction with their product, and disunity between the trio. Taeyoung disagreed with the other two trying to sell out to the big conglomerates. He knew if they stay on the right path, they could manage to establish themselves without a need to involve big money. Yet, money started to dwindle, and things started to get into a crunch. It led to Taeyoung making decisions that he regrettably shouldn't have. Ultimately, that gave more than enough reasons for the other co-founders to let a big conglomerate buy them out, but in turn one of the founders would have to give up their position. All eyes were on Taeyoung, and just like that, he was forced out of his own company with nothing but some stocks to his name. Years of friendship and hard work went down the drain like that。

However, Taeyoung was never known to sit around and mull on his failures. He got to work and started researching what else could he invest in or build a career in. He knew he had the right mindset to bring himself back to the top. And with plenty of spite in the tank, he was ready to use that as the fuel to get there. It took a couple of calls, weeks of searching and clicking, and days of interviewing, but he finally got the calling to be a manager in the Kpop industry. Sure, it meant starting from the bottom of the rung, but he knew with time as he learned the inner workings of the entertainment world, he could eventually become an integral piece of a company or even make his own company one day. After months of planning, he finally decided to pick up the phone and make the call to Nova Lux。
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out of character