Personal Message
권 민희.
  • Fullname: Kwon Minhee.
  • Nickname: n/a.
  • Stagename: Scarlet.
  • Date of Birth: 5th November.
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
  • Place of Birth: Jeju-Do, South Korea.
  • Nationality: Korean
  • Current Residence: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Spoken Languages: Korean, Japanese, English.
  • Orientation: Hetero.
  • Relationship Status: Single.

  • Height: 155cm / 5'1"
  • Weight: 43kg / 95lbs.
  • Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown.
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown.
  • Piercings: 10 altogether.
  • Tattoos: n/a

inhee cradled the phone, the news sinking in like a stone.

Her debut single, the result of years of grueling training, was overshadowed entirely by her baby sister's arrival. The emptiness in her heart mirrored the desolate practice room. Not a single family member could be there, their attention rightfully focused on the new life in the hospital.

That was just the beginning of the strange shift in her family dynamic.

As Minhee's career skyrocketed in Korea, a strange coldness settled in her own home. Family gatherings became awkward, conversation strained. The sting of their subtle negativity was worse than any harsh criticism from her trainer.

The first Japan debut flopped, and the mockery from relatives was a fresh wound. Even her once-supportive parents seemed distant. Humiliation fueled her drive.

Back in Korea, she trained harder, pushing herself to the limit. When her second attempt at Japan finally hit the jackpot, topping the Oricon chart overnight, a flicker of pride momentarily warmed the frosty home atmosphere.

Five years flew by in a whirlwind of promotions and appearances in Japan.

Returning home, Minhee was met with a reality check. Her childhood room was gone, sacrificed for her sister's expanding needs for a walk-in-closet. Gifts from fans, cherished memories, all gone to charity. She felt like a trespasser in her own home, relegated to a guest room.

The news that her sister would be joining the same agency, skipping the audition process thanks to Minhee's intervention, solidified the feeling of being replaced.

Minhee nurtured a flicker of hope when she fell in love, a talented young idol ten years her junior. But their relationship had to be a secret, a burden she carried alone.

When the chance to debut in the Western market arose, Minhee, pressured by her boyfriend's fear of separation, pushed her own dreams aside. Her life gradually transformed into that of an unwed housewife, supporting him silently from the shadows.

Years later, the love Minhee sacrificed everything for shattered. Her boyfriend, now her fiance, stood on TV with her sister, his arm around the younger woman. Tears streamed down her sister's face as she spun a tale of jealous Minhee trying to sabotage her relationship to steal her man.

Minhee left a note, a bittersweet goodbye.

Home offered no solace. Her father's slap was a physical manifestation of the emotional betrayal she felt. As her mother's harsh words echoed in her ears, a bombshell revelation dropped - Minhee was adopted. Years of sacrifice for a family that never truly saw her as their own.

Leaving the house, she was bombarded with hate, the cruelty of strangers mirroring the pain within. But amidst the rotten eggs and hurled insults, a spark ignited.

This wasn't the end.

She had a voice, a talent honed through years of dedication. It was time to reclaim her story, reputation be damned. Minhee, the discarded idol, was ready to rise again, this time for herself. The climb would be hard, but the music in her heart wouldn't be silenced anymore.



Peonies - Sunflowers - Cats - Japanese & Korean Cuisine。


Being alone。


Watching movies - Dancing - Cooking - Baking。


Not the real daughter of the Kwon family - Can't swim。


Going to public places without protection - Darkness。

bad habits.

Practicing till being on the verge of fainting when she is stressed。

00 month 2020

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