Personal Message


This character is for huening kai, but is still open to platonic connections; especially other omegas and betas!

basic information
  • Date of Birth: 5th Feb '02.
  • Designation: Omega.
  • Hybrid: Chital.
  • Animal Features: as a male, Taehyun grows a set of antlers every winter and sheds them sometime during the summer; they are not as large as a beta or alpha male chital hybrid. He has his deer ears placed higher on his head; use this image as a reference. White spots cover his upper torso and lower back, as well as running down his legs; these spots are more obvious during spring/summer when he tans.
  • Scent: Caramel, sea salt and a touch of vanilla- viscuous and rich, like a warm pudding on a snowy winter day. Each note thickens or changes depending on his emotional state: caramel and vanilla for happy emotions, a burnt edge for negative and a saltier tinge for romance/lust.
  • Current Location: Italy.
  • Occupation: Head of the Huening Kai online fanclub and president of the Seoul branch.
  • Spoken Languages: Korean, English(minimal).
  • ual Orientation: Pan.
  • Romantic Orientation: Pan.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
persona brief

An introverted, shy mess of man(his words) with a heart of gold. Taehyun is every parents wet dream- he's quiet, intelligent and polite to the point of being a pushover; although underneath all that, lies a heart of fire. He was raised in a community with traditional beliefs, and struggles to reconcile his childhood with his own personal feelings. The only escape Taehyun had was in the form of the internet; where one day, he stumbled upon an up and coming musician whose music spoke to his heart.

character inspirations: Katara, Taranee from w.i.t.c.h, Hinata Hyuuga

Is to be married off to an alpha he doesn't know; somehow Taehyun convinced his parents to allow him one last taste of freedom to see the world before resigning himself to being a trophy husband to his future spouse.

their beloved
name here
martial status
00 month 2020

Message to your lover goes here. Type as much as you might want or need to. Hit enter for a new line.

#tags go here!
#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!
ooc section

Just because I've taken myself off of hiatus doesn't mean I'm going to be active 24/7; please be patient with me! Replies, unless kept short, will be every couple of days but I will do my best to keep you in the loop <3

For example, from the 24th of June to the 1st of July, I am going to be very busy so rping will be kept to a minimum. Plotting n ooc chat only!

No pokes please :)

#tags go here!
#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!