weapon of the sun.
solis velle.
••• new alert!
240618. Profile semi-completed.
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OOC information.
FOR PLOTTING. Please reach out to me in my character's PMs or if you already have my Discord, we can also discuss there! I prefer PMs to keep it organised per character since Discord can get distracting and conversations can stray from the main topic.

TIME ZONE & PACE. GMT+8, mostly active late afternoons and nights on weekdays and generally free on weekends. Medium pace and reply speed depends on mood but I try not to take too long between replies!

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. 25+ and will only do NSFW threads in private (group PMs) and with writers over the age of 21 and if it makes sense between our characters to do anything frisky. All about consent with the writing too, let me know if you have any triggers in relation to NSFW matters. For non-ual mature threads like violence, open to that as well.

WRITING STYLE. 3rd POV, detailed and descriptive. Multi-para and may reach novella if muse is extremely high or the thread calls for it (for example, setting up a situation with context will warrant a longer starter or reply).

GENRE LIMITS. None really, pretty flexible with this but I am more comfortable with comedy but I also enjoy writing angst! Any genre is fine as long as the writers communicate.

TAGGING. Please avoid tagging me too many times in the OOC chatrooms. Any tagging IC should be planned ahead or if it's within our characters to mention each other, like tagging for a random text if they're super close.

BIG NO-NOS. Please do not push immediate romance if there's no planning or literally no threads and writing building up to their relationships. I may plan endgames but it's usually so far ahead that an early thread won't guarantee a romance unless it's been planned way in advance and earned through buildup. Do not poke aggressively but double texting to gush over our characters is fine, just don't rush me for replies. And basic respect for my character and how I write them, and communication always.
✶ ⁞   Velle's Basic Information.
  • Alias(es): Velle, Vell, Livelle.
  • Date of Birth: 10 October 5748 (Age 224).
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
  • Place of Birth: Delmida Lush, Luschia.
  • Species: Elf.
  • Sub-species: Wood Elf.
  • Current Location: None, nomadic.
  • Known Languages: Standard Human Speak, Primal Tongue, Mixed Elven and Human Speak.
  • Occupation: Airship pilot, travelling Medic.
  • Romatic Orientation: Panromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Panual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
✶ ⁞   Velle's Appearance.
  • Height: 165 cm (0’0″).
  • Weight: Undisclosed.
  • Body Type: Lean, healthy, toned arms and core.
  • Hair Color: Black or dark brown, changes depending on the amount of sunlight exposure she gets over the week.
  • Eye Color: Medium brown.
  • Piercings: Normal lobe piercings.
  • Tattoos: A crescent moon on the nape of her neck.
  • Scars: A few small scars on her hands from handling wood, fire and metal throughout her life. No notable scars.
  • Personal Aesthetic: Practical, flowy, gives her body room to move. When at rest (relaxing, lounging around, meditating) it's very relaxed and has loose pants, comfortable fabrics and flowy skirts. When at work (fixing her airship, building weapons and tools, gathering resources, etc) it's more stiff, with stronger fabrics like denim, and close to her body for safety, with heavy footwear for stability while climbing.
✶ ⁞   Velle's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • Father - Ambitio Vell (deceased)
    • Mother - Tristia Velle (deceased)
  • Sibling:
    • Brother - Lunus Vell (deceased)
  • Extended Family:
    • All deceased.
    • Note: Her entire family all died within a span of 6 months from an epidemic that wiped out Velle's family and extended family. Her brother was the last one to die.
✶ ⁞   Velle's Skillset.
  • Earth Magic. She can manipulate plants, soil, rocks, and trees into whatever shape or form she chooses. This is very helpful when she needs tools and resources to keep her airship in top-top shape. The magic also basically keeps her airship flying, the natural items radiating energy as fuel. Because of her upbringing and growing up with a spiritual clan of Wood Elves, she is close to master level at her age. Still technically in her prime youthful age within the Elf species (300 being the typical lifespan) she has more energy to do magical tasks. Her spiritual and seemingly untethered life and mindset keep this magic side of her strong.
    • Limits. She cannot move extremely large plants like thicker and taller trees without almost collapsing. It may work if she's full of food aka at full energy. She generally has a harder time changing the form of rocks than plants, since rocks are more dense. She can use reformed rocks as blades and weapons but they take a bit longer to form compared to wood-based weapons and tools.
  • Airship Pilotry & Maintenance. TBA.
  • Vehicle Maintenance. TBA.
  • General Survival. TBA.
⸺ chapter 01 of 03
❛ ✶   TW/CW。 Death, widespread disease.
Quote goes here.
Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

So far, so good. Looks okayish, but I don't know if I wanna stick with the circular look. Might change it to squarish. We'll see.
⸺ chapter 02 of 03
❛ ✶   TW/CW。 Grief, sibling death.
Quote goes here.
Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

So far, so good. Looks okayish, but I don't know if I wanna stick with the circular look. Might change it to squarish. We'll see.
⸺ chapter 03 of 03
❛ ✶   TW/CW。 Suicidal ideation, depression.
Quote goes here.
Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

So far, so good. Looks okayish, but I don't know if I wanna stick with the circular look. Might change it to squarish. We'll see.


ISFP. The Composer.

This combination of personality preferences produces people who rarely demand attention, are observant problem-solvers who see possibilities others miss, base their decisions on their instincts and values, and focus on enjoying the present. With a deep aesthetic streak and a natural talent for the arts, ISFPs appreciate and create beauty in their surroundings. Though ISFPs tend to be bold and spontaneous, seeking new experiences and ways to help others, they tend to become bored easily and can struggle with decision-making and planning for the future.

Moral Alignment

Chaotic Good.

The living embodiment of Screw the Rules and I'm Doing What's Right!, Chaotic Good characters are rebels and free spirits who believe in doing good, by their own standards. Some don't have a problem with greater systems such as laws as long as they leave them alone; others are anarchists who believe that the betterment of all can only be achieved by actively rejecting any higher instances of power. Likely to take an intuitive approach to The Golden Rule, caring about other people's feelings and needs without having to calcify it into specific rules.


Strengths: here.

Likes: here.


Weaknesses: here.

Dislikes: here.

Hobbies & Habits

Hobbies: here.

Good Habits: here.

Bad Habits: here.

Secrets & Fears

Secrets They'll Share: here.

Secrets Kept to Themself: here.

Known Fears: here.

Unrecognized Fears: here.

Other Info

This information is pending as of now. Enjoy some nice filler text though.
updated 240618.
pilot's file S02D01C.
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❛ Keep this short. Like two lines maximum or it will be oogly.

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❛ Keep this short. Like two lines maximum or it will be oogly.

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❛ Keep this short. Like two lines maximum or it will be oogly.

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❛ Keep this short. Like two lines maximum or it will be oogly.

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❛ Keep this short. Like two lines maximum or it will be oogly.

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❛ Keep this short. Like two lines maximum or it will be oogly.

name here

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❛ Keep this short. Like two lines maximum or it will be oogly.

updated 240618.