Personal Message
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the little details.
sora nakamura
march 13, '04
blood type.
真ん中にとどまる 少しあなたのように、なぞなぞはしたくない 言って、言い返して、ああ、同じように言って 朝まで待てないから言ってみろ あなたへの思い 私たちが共有する思い出のように こんなに大きくなって 夏はもう過ぎ去って秋 ずっと待ってた 誰か欲しい? 私は誰かが欲しいように? あなたは私に微笑んだけど あなたは今私のことを考えていますか?
a backstory.
Sora Nakamura was born on a rainy spring day in Kyoto, Japan, to a loving family. His father, Hiroshi Nakamura, is a traditional Japanese calligrapher, while his mother, Aiko Nakamura, is a florist. Their careers weren't just an end to a means for them, his parents genuiely enjoyed what they did. This led to a household that valued creativity and artistic expression, which greatly influenced his early years. He has an older sister, who is five years his senior. From a young age, Sora showed a keen interest in music and art. He would often spend hours drawing or singing along to his favorite songs. His parents nurtured his talents, enrolling him in piano and art classes. However, it was his grandmother, a former ballerina, who first introduced him to the world of dance. At the age of six, Sora began taking dance lessons, quickly showing a natural aptitude for movement and rhythm. His vocal talents emerged shortly after, when he joined a children's choir at eight years old. The combination of dance and singing became Sora's primary mode of emotional expression, especially crucial during his mother's illness when he was ten.

When Sora was ten years old, his mother began experiencing intense neuropathic pain and fatigue, which were initially misdiagnosed as general health issues. The correct diagnosis came after a series of hospital visits and tests. This period was marked by a significant emotional toll on the family, as they struggled to understand and manage the condition, leading to some close calls. To cope, Sora immersed himself in his artistic pursuits, finding solace in dance and music. His grandmother, a former ballerina, played a crucial role in supporting him during this time, encouraging him to express his emotions through movement.
As Sora entered his teenage years, his mother's condition fluctuated, with periods of relative stability and sudden downturns. The unpredictability of her health added to Sora's stress, but it also strengthened his resolve to succeed in his endeavors. It was also during this time that Sora's interest in K-pop grew, inspired by idols who were not just performers but also contributed to choreography and songwriting. He began to experiment with creating his own dance routines and writing simple melodies on the family piano. A turning point came when Sora was 15. He attended a dance workshop led by a famous choreographer that had worked with many K-Pop idols. The experience opened his eyes to the possibility of creating entire performances, not just executing them. This is where began to learn how to create and execute his very own choreography. He proceeded to throw himself into studying various dance styles and begun to seriously pursue vocal training.
At 17, Sora auditioned for a Japanese entertainment company, impressing them with both his dance skills and vocal abilities. However, the training system left little room for his creative input, leading to his departure after a year. During his time away from formal training, Sora discovered a passion for photography, using it as a way to capture moments of movement and emotion. This new skill complemented his choreography, allowing him to visualize performances in a new way. At 19, Sora successfully auditioned for a South Korean entertainment company, Nova Lux, where his multi-faceted talents were recognized and nurtured. Moving to Seoul was a significant change, but Sora embraced the opportunity to immerse himself in a new culture and language. Now, as a trainee in South Korea, Sora remains in close contact with his family, frequently checking in on his mother's health. The distance is challenging, but it also fuels his determination to debut and succeed as an idol. He hopes to be known for his innovative choreography ideas, emotive vocals, and his unique ability to conceptualize performances.
me myself and.
Sora Nakamura is a deeply introspective and creative individual. Sora is often seen as reserved and quiet, preferring to observe and absorb his surroundings rather than being the center of attention. However, when he is passionate about something, his enthusiasm and dedication shine through. In social settings, Sora is warm and empathetic, often forming deep connections with those he trusts. He values authenticity and is drawn to people who are genuine and sincere. He's highly attuned to his emotions, often experiencing intense feelings and a desire to be unique and understood. This can sometimes lead to moments of melancholy or self-doubt, but it also fuels his artistic drive and creativity. Sora's goals are centered around making meaningful art that resonates with others. His vices include a tendency to be overly critical of himself and occasional bouts of procrastination when he feels overwhelmed.
Art, music, nature, solitude, sincerity, creativity, cats, painting, songwriting, dancing, vintage fashion, tea
Dishonesty, loud noises, crowded places, superficiality, conflict, spicy food, insects, being rushed, criticism, insincerity, pollution
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum。
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo。
title here.
しかし、私はしたくありません 真ん中にとどまる 少しあなたのように、なぞなぞはしたくない 言って、言い返して、ああ、同じように言って 朝まで待てないから言ってみろ この迷路は歩きたくない すべてを知っているわけではありませんが、 好きなように言って 言い返して ああ、同じように言って 私はあなたが欲しいので、あなたが欲しいので。
それを言ってください 誰かだけじゃない 私はあなたを想像しました という気持ちで それはいつもそこにありました ずっと待ってる 失うものは何もない 私はあなたが好きです ラタタタ 心に響く (ラタタタ) しかし、私はしたくありません 真ん中にとどまる 少しあなたのように。
なぞなぞはしたくない 言って、言い返して、ああ、同じように言って 朝まで待てないから言ってみろ この迷路は歩きたくない すべてを知っているわけではありませんが、 好きなように言って 言い返して ああ、同じことを言う 私はあなたが欲しいので、あなたが欲しいので、それを言ってください。
lover's name.
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum

真ん中にとどまる 少しあなたのように、なぞなぞはしたくない 言って、言い返して、ああ、同じように言って 朝まで待てないから言ってみろ あなたへの思い 私たちが共有する思い出のように こんなに大きくなって 夏はもう過ぎ去って秋 ずっと待ってた 誰か欲しい? 私は誰かが欲しいように? あなたは私に微笑んだけど あなたは今私のことを考えていますか? いつも、そう、いつも 失う時間はありません 私は長い一日を過ごしました あなたが恋しい ラタタタ 心に響く (ラタタタ) 失うものは何もない 私はあなたが好きです ラタタタ 心に響く

なぞなぞはしたくない 言って、言い返して、ああ、同じように言って 朝まで待てないから言ってみろ この迷路は歩きたくない すべてを知っているわけではありませんが、 好きなように言って 言い返して ああ、同じことを言う 私はあなたが欲しいので、あなたが欲しいので、それを言ってください。
title here.
真ん中にとどまる 少しあなたのように、なぞなぞはしたくない 言って、言い返して、ああ、同じように言って 朝まで待てないから言ってみろ あなたへの思い 私たちが共有する思い出のように こんなに大きくなって 夏はもう過ぎ去って秋 ずっと待ってた 誰か欲しい? 私は誰かが欲しいように? あなたは私に微笑んだけど あなたは今私のことを考えていますか?
connection / plotline. detail about connection/plot
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connection / plotline. detail about connection/plot
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet。
connection / plotline. detail about connection/plot
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo。