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Go Tamae || 22 || 9 August 2001 || Idol

Skills: 4 - Charisma, 3 - Dancing, 2 - Rapping, 1 - Vocals
While her vocals and rapping might not be the best, in her previous group she was known for having a fairly distinctive vocal tone

Tamae was born in Japan to two loving but determined parents who out her into every performance school they could. At the age of 12 she was scouted by a Korean company, SBE, looking to start a group in Japan, though by the time she was 13 those plans had fallen through and the company instead brought her to Korea and had her debut in a girl group two months later.
During that time Tamae had a hard time as a young teenager in a foreign country. SBE didn't give her language lessons and instead she had to rely on her members to help her learn Korean. Her phone was confiscated and never returned to her and she was only allowed to contact her family once per month by email though the company rarely allowed her to see any responses. Because of this her parents moved to South Korea to try and see Tamae in person but SBE kept it a secret and wouldn't let Tamae see her parents. On top of this the constant demand for extreme diets lead to constant fatigue and Tamae had noticeably lost an unhealthy amount of weight that people outside of the company would comment on, further breaking down Tamae's mental state.
Eventually at the age of 16 this lead to her breaking down during a live interview and revealing how the staff at SBE had starved her, prevented her from seeing her parents and refused to teach her the language necessary to survive in the country. As a result of this Tamae was kicked out of SBE and then they tried to blacklist her from the entertainment industry.
She spent the next six years recovering and experimenting with her style and what made her happy before finally deciding to audition for Citrus Entertainment.
